home-Digital technology-Gaming consoles-Overview of game consoles XBOX ONE and XBOX 360, similarities and differences

Overview of game consoles XBOX ONE and XBOX 360, similarities and differences

Question choice XBOX ONE or model Xbox 360 is mainly based on economic considerations. Prefixes of the previous generation always cost less, but rely only on the price of the console is not worth it. The opportunities provided by a new generation of consoles often more than cover the costs. You can significantly save on the acquisition of a library of games.


Having appeared on the game console market relatively recently, at the beginning of the 2000s, the XBOX brand was able to occupy its niche in the confrontation with such giants of the gaming industry as SONY and NINTENDO.

The evolution of Microsoft consoles

XBOX 360 - the second generation of consoles from Microsoft. The innovative live service allows you to purchase and download games over the Internet, play online with other users. Sales of the set-top box started in 2005, and production was discontinued in 2016. During this time, worldwide shipments totaled more than 40 million units.

XBOX ONE is an evolutionary version of the previous model. The increased power allows you to run games with the best graphics, in high resolution. The design of the gamepad has changed, it has become more convenient for shooters and online versions. Added support for virtual reality helmets for a more complete immersion in the gameplay.

Microsoft's console concept offers an emphasis on sports, racing, and action games, the most popular genres in the American region.

Similar specifications

XBOX on the big screen

The concept of the two models does not imply significant differences between themselves. Both have the following characteristics:

  1. Library of games. For XBOX 360, the number of games has more than 900 titles for a wide variety of user categories. For XBOX ONE, the number of titles released exceeds 1300. A significant role in this was played by the feature of the console architecture, which makes it easy to port games to it from a personal computer;
  2. Exclusive game series. Franchises such as Halo, Forza Motorsport, Gears of wars are available only on Microsoft consoles and are not ported to other platforms to maintain exclusivity;
  3. The ability to purchase games online in XBOX Live and receive them by subscription. The game store regularly holds sales. In addition, a good way to replenish the collection is to buy a Gold subscription, which opens a list of games for free download every month.

When buying the first set-top box, the difference in the picture is not so striking. As the gaming experience grows, the lack of polygons already causes discomfort, so it is better for experienced gamers to immediately get the latest version.

XBOX controllers


For the user, the important differences between the xbox 360 and the version and xbox one can be divided into two categories.

  1. The cost of games is significantly different. For version 360, a more gentle pricing policy applies, and many projects are sold at significant discounts. The price range is from 400 rubles for indie, up to 2000 for AAA class. The latest version cannot boast of such a democratic approach to pricing. New, well-known projects are sold at prices of about 4,000 rubles, and this price can hold for a long time after the release of new items;
  2. Backward compatibility is one of the important features. XBOX ONE allows you to download a user profile created on the ancestor of the ancestor. All games of previous generations are also supported. For obvious reasons, representatives of the second generation of consoles are distinguished by the lack of the ability to run games of the next generation, since their power is much more modest.

The new generation provides more options for using the console.

XBOX ONE can be used as a multimedia center for games, Internet surfing, watching cable channels.

Associated costs

Game consoles in general and from Microsoft, in particular, at first glance are a more successful acquisition than a personal computer. The fact is that the manufacturer’s policy involves the sale of the set-top box itself at the cost of components, and the main income is formed from the mark-up when selling games and accessories. The purchaser of the set-top box is subsequently expected to receive related expense items.

A basic set that includes both the console itself and a number of games and accessories. Prices for the 360 ​​model start at 7 thousand rubles for the basic package, which includes a joystick and a set of cables. For a complete set with a kinekt sensor and a couple of games you will have to pay 15 thousand rubles to choose from.

Variations of the XBOX ONE

Prices for XBOX ONE start from 15 thousand rubles for the basic package. The cost of the prefix with the maximum content reaches 39 thousand rubles. The kit may include an additional joystick, discs with games. The price is also affected by the amount of RAM and processor power, which provide the best level of graphics and performance.

The price of additional equipment

Additional accessories - various types of joysticks, sensors, hard drives. For XBOX ONE, you can purchase a virtual reality helmet at a price of 30 thousand rubles to 60 thousand rubles. Branded original joysticks cost from 3 to 4 thousand rubles each, regardless of the generation of the console.

Cost of games

Buying games is a sore point for any console owner.

XBOX ONE Exclusives

  1. The most famous titles cost from 2 to 4 thousand rubles each;
  2. It’s more profitable to purchase XBOX Live Gold subscription games. By paying once a year 2.5 thousand, you can get more than 40 thousand rubles of new games;
  3. Many projects, such as Call of Duty, Battlefield or World of tanks have an online component and essentially endless replay value. By purchasing such a game once, you can play it for a long time, while online is at a high level.

In addition to the above, it is advisable to purchase or have a utility or plasma TV with a large diagonal, as well as a comfortable armchair or sofa to fully enjoy the process.

Forming a collection of even 50 games using a regular retail purchase will significantly exceed the price of the console.

What is better to choose, conclusions

When choosing an XBOX, you should consider for which games and who will use it, as well as the following points.

  1. Despite the attractive price, the 360 ​​model is outdated, discontinued, and developer support is limited. Modern online projects and virtual reality technology are not available for it;
  2. XBOX ONE makes it possible to use the console for online projects. Backward compatibility with the previous generation allows you to purchase iconic exclusives for passing on the new console. There are also ways to save with Gold sales and service;
  3. Separately, it should be said about the possibility of hardware firmware version 360. Such firmware costs about 1 thousand rubles and makes it possible to use games downloaded from the network or use unlicensed discs, the price of which is much cheaper.

Comparison of prefixes leads to an obvious conclusion. In most cases, you should take XBOX ONE. This purchase is still cheaper than a personal computer and allows you to play without getting up from the couch. The cost of games is not so important for fans of online projects. In addition, you can save using the subscription service.

Does XBOX VR need a helmet?

Buying a 360 model is suitable for those who want to get acquainted with the classics of the gold fund, its game fund at a reduced price or even free of charge. If you understand the topic, then the stitched prefix can be bought for a child along with a set of disks. An inexperienced player will be pleased with her potential.

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