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What to do if the laptop does not turn on and does not boot when turned on

What to do if the laptop does not turn on? This question is dreamed by many users in nightmares. Indeed, the analysis and diagnosis of this problem requires a lot of time and skills that not everyone possesses. Let’s figure out what to do if the device stops turning on.

The laptop does not turn on, find out the reasons

All problems with the operation of the device can be divided into two categories:

  • Hardware
  • Software.

The former are associated with the breakdown of components, the latter relate to malfunctions of the external device system. Each category has many sub-items that make it necessary to understand the reasons in detail.

Diagnostics and elimination of software errors

You should start with the simplest and most popular problems.

BIOS issues

In case of problems with switching it is recommended to reset all BIOS settings to factory settings. To solve this problem, it is recommended that when you turn on the laptop, go into BIOS (press Ф9, Ф11 depending on the model) and reset all parameters to the initial ones.

The name of this function may be different in different BIOS versions, but it sounds something like this - “Load BIOS Defaults”. If this is not the case, then you should focus on the word “Defaults”. Next, save the changes by clicking in the last subsection “Save Settings and Exit”.


Sometimes the BIOS itself warns the user about an error by displaying a message. Often, loading the OS is possible after pressing the F1 button. If the message “Press F1 to Continue” appears, then the power to the motherboard has stopped because the battery has run out. Do not be afraid, this is a small battery, not a large battery. If the battery runs out, then all BIOS settings are changed to standard.

Motherboard battery

Such a solution to the problem is considered the simplest, because you do not need to resort to the help of specialists. Replacement can be carried out at home by buying a battery suitable for this motherboard.

Problems with the graphics accelerator driver

The driver of the video chip ensures the functioning of the video card in the conditions of the OS. In the event of a malfunction, the picture on the screen simply does not play.

To solve the problem, it is recommended to start Windows in security mode. To call the boot menu, you should:

  1. After pressing the power button, hold down the F8 button.
  2. From the proposed options, select “Safe Mode”. For advanced users, you can download command line support, and use the administrative tools to check the operation of this component.

Why should the laptop turn on in safe mode? When using this operating mode, the system runs on a standard driver, which is installed by the manufacturer. Therefore, the color range of the screen will also be reduced to a standard value.

Safe Mode Selection

If the problem is solved using this method, then the user should remove the current video card driver, download the latest version of the adapter suitable for the video adapter on the website, and install it on its own.

Bootloader issues

A bootloader problem occurs as a message about “write corruption in the MBR or GPT” in one of the hard disk partitions.

To solve it, first of all, restore the OS using the built-in tools. To do this, you must have a bootable external device. The principle of action:

  1. After pressing the power button, hold down the BIOS button.
  2. Select the USB flash drive as the first connected item (see reinstalling the system).
  3. In the menu that appears, select “System Restore”.

System Restore

If the problem is really the bootloader, then the system will repair it. However, if the problem is deeper (Windows system files), then only reinstalling the OS will help.

Reinstalling system

The final solution to the problem is reinstalling the operating system. However, not everything is so simple here; it will not work just to insert a disk into the device. The system will not see this partition as bootable. To solve this, you need another computer, a program for writing files to a USB flash drive or disk (Nero is suitable).

If you dwell on the option with a flash drive, then the whole procedure looks something like this:

  1. Using another computer on the Internet, the user finds a suitable distribution with the OS, it is also advisable to pay attention to the capacity of the system. Sometimes when you try to reinstall the system, an automatic error appears about the incompatibility of the installed product and the laptop.
  2. Next, write the files to the USB flash drive using Nero. This is an important point, since many users simply “drag” files from the computer to the USB flash drive, mistakenly believing that there is no need to use additional software. This is a mistake, if the external media does not have a bootable character, then the system simply will not see it. We write files to Nero by setting the function of bootable media.
  3. When turned on, go to BIOS, open the Boost sub-item and put the USB connector on the first line, where the USB flash drive is inserted.

Reinstall Windows

Everything, after performing these operations, the process of installing a new OS will begin. If possible, it is recommended that you back up the necessary files, or remove the hard drive and laptop and connect it to an auxiliary device.

Laptop hardware failures

Hardware problems are primarily associated with the “internal stuffing" of the laptop. Searching for a problem should only be done after all hardware problems have been resolved. We will analyze the popular hardware failures.

No power

Problems with the power supply can lead to a problem starting the laptop. The range of problems is quite wide, but they are extremely easy to diagnose and also easy to fix without contacting the master.

The main breakdowns of the power circuit:

  1. Incorrect connection and adapter operation.
  2. The cable or connection port is damaged.
  3. Inoperative battery.
  4. Damage to the central power supply.
  5. Power outages throughout the circuit.

First of all, it is recommended to check the reaction of the indicator light to the connection of the power plug. After that, you should check the power system connection to the outlet. Many users are laughed at by such recommendations, but even an experienced user can make a childhood mistake. This leads to the fact that the battery is completely discharged, after which charging is required, but it is not included in the network and the owner thinks that a breakdown has occurred.

If the system is connected to the network, you should check the laptop battery. If the battery is broken, the device may not turn on even when connected to electricity. Therefore, it is recommended to turn on the laptop separately with and without power, since when you press the power button, the characteristic cooler sound immediately occurs.

Battery removed

It is easy to determine the failure of the power supply, you just need to connect another device to the laptop. Such a breakdown is a frequent occurrence.

It is extremely rare for users to encounter problems in the power circuit itself. However, they cannot be resolved on their own, so you will have to resort to the help of a service center.
Graphics Card Failure

A video card breakdown is a little easier to identify - when you turn on the laptop, it shows signs of life in the form of sounds and noise from the case, but the image does not appear on the screen, or the display starts flashing.

To accurately determine the health of the video chip, you can clearly see the status of the video card.To do this, perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Unscrew the screws of the protective cover.
  2. Carefully disconnect it from the case, you can wipe it in parallel with a dry cloth.
  3. After that, you should push the latches, slowly and without sudden movements, pulling the video card out of the motherboard.

Next, you should check the video chip for blisters, burning marks and other deformations. If at least one of the listed traces is present, then most likely the video card will no longer work. However, this can be verified using another computer.

Burnt out video card

If there is no visible damage, you can clean the card from dirt and reinsert it. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in a solution of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide 3%, for contacts it is better to use an ear stick, while using a minimum amount of liquid.

After that, you should collect all the elements together, in the same sequence, but in reverse order.

Unfortunately, replacing a video card is expensive. Due to the rise of cryptocurrency, a large number of miners (people who collect and save cryptocurrencies) appeared, for which the main element of the computer is a video card. This allowed the developer to make the price of the video chip equivalent to the price of 70% of the laptop.

Hard Drive Failure

One of the common problems when starting up a laptop. The failure itself affects the moment the laptop switches to the boot screen. In this case, from the very beginning of the launch, there is no reaction to pressing the power button.

The essence of the problem is that when loading the laptop system can not find the storage device with the OS. Therefore, if after performing other operations to restore the “life” of the laptop, the device does not respond - you can check the hard drive.

Hard drive problem

Verification is performed using the BIOS settings. When turned on, hold down the F9, F11 key (depending on the laptop model) and wait for the transition to the menu. After loading, in the Main menu, we see the Primary IDE master item, if it is not possible to select the desired HDD in it, the reason is in it. You can try to check the connection of the hard drive with other accessories. Often, this is not a way out of the situation and the storage device should be replaced.

How to identify malfunctions if the laptop does not turn on

A detailed description of the problem, with comments and solutions, can be seen in the video:

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