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When is a desktop computer better, and when is a laptop

Computer equipment is in every home. When deciding to purchase such a gadget, the user will certainly encounter the question - a computer or laptop, which is better? Next, we consider in detail the differences between these devices.


What works best?

When buying a computer, the first question the buyer asks himself will be: “Will he pull that program or game?”. “Pull” means in this case the ability to perform computational work based on performance indicators. All devices are divided into two categories: stationary and portable, or personal computers and laptops.

In the last decade, laptops have moved away from the reputation of lightweight laptop computers. Indicators of their function caught up with powerful representatives of stationary systems.

Such machines are capable of:

  • carry out computational operations;
  • perform software tasks;
  • display graphic data (photo, video);
  • work with large databases.

Modern models of desktop PCs are quite capable of competing in power with stationary ones. They are equipped with high-frequency microprocessors (up to 4.1 GHz), voluminous memory cards (up to 32 GB on the most powerful models), capacious data storages (SSD up to 2 Terabytes), high-quality video cards (memory capacity up to 16 GB). That is, by purchasing the most powerful laptop, you can perform many tasks at the same time.

The only drawback of such a powerful monster will be the price. It is much higher than the cost of a personal computer. In addition, because of its solidity, it is impossible to add anything to the laptop. Whereas new and new hardware can be introduced into the system unit as much as the motherboard and the ability of “cooperation” between the hardware can accept. Fans of experimenting and customizing equipment for themselves will appreciate the PC system units, the main performance indicators of which can be inflated to unimaginable parameters.

Note! The above power figures laptop far overlap a stationary PC.

Additional devices and peripherals

Additional equipment

If the laptop is a single, full-fledged computer, then with a personal everything is a little different. The first machine is essentially a system unit with a built-in keyboard and touchpad manipulator, to which the display is screwed. It is very convenient for travel, business trips, remote work. Everything is always at hand.

The personal computer itself is a box in appearance, which is absolutely useless without peripheral devices. Because of this feature, each system unit comes with information input and output tools. To enter data, a keyboard and a mouse-type manipulator are used. These devices can be either wired or wireless. To display information, a monitor is used and speakers are the main ones.

That is, if a laptop is a completely ready-to-use gadget, then a stationary computer requires at least four additional devices.

Common additions to a laptop and PC can serve:

  • printers
  • scanners
  • projectors;
  • routers and all kinds of adapters.

Often laptops have built-in equipment for wireless connection to networks (Bluetooth, Wi Fi, mobile Internet), while for a PC you need to connect a Bluetooth adapter, an antenna for Wi Fi, a USB modem. In addition, if the laptop has a built-in Web-camera, then to access Skype or other video chat from a personal computer, such an accessory must be connected additionally.


The convenience of use

When deciding what is best to buy - a laptop or computer, it is worth considering the tasks that the gadget will perform. If at the head is the performance of remote work, constant trips, business trips, away conferences and presentations, then the laptop will be very welcome.

Having all the necessary components, having a small weight, you can take it with you everywhere. The kit often comes with a branded bag, which fits the gadget itself, a charging cord and there are still several compartments for documents, other trifles.

The design of the laptop provides for its portability:

  • the lid closes tightly;
  • between the parts there are rubber pads;
  • hinges do not loosen over time.

Thanks to the rubberized legs, the laptop can be placed on any surface, even inclined. Built-in Wi-Fi antennas make it possible to connect to the network without looking for an Internet cable. All design decisions make the laptop extremely mobile.

The stationary computer, judging by the name, should be in one place. For its functioning, a constant connection to the electric network is necessary. And the presence of individual peripheral devices necessary for the normal operation multiplies the possible mobility by zero. After all, it’s hard to transport a personal computer consisting of a system unit, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, speakers. To move around the room or office, it will be necessary to install all the equipment on a table or a cabinet on wheels. The laptop is clearly more mobile than the stationary system.

Power supply

PC power

Not a single household appliance works without electrical energy, including any computer - portable or stationary. To power the gadgets enough current voltage of 220 volts and a frequency of 50-60 Hz.

Note! To protect against power surges, a voltage regulator is mounted in each computer, which makes it possible to level the harmful effects of surges.

The personal computer is powered from a household electrical outlet, simply from a wall outlet. One socket for the entire range of devices is enough, because a surge protector is always included in the kit. Using the button, you can disconnect all devices from the network. The current passing through the wires is sent to the system unit power supply.

In this case there is a change in the parameters of electricity to 12 Volts necessary for the full operation. A separate cooler cools the power supply so that there is no overheating. In order to protect the PC from a sudden short circuit, use uninterrupted power supplies. This is a separate device that can not only protect your computer from power surges, but also give extra time for work, thanks to the stored energy.

Laptops are powered by a rechargeable battery built into the case. At the heart of the work are chemical reactions, like the batteries of mobile phones. Different battery capacities make it possible to have different battery life. The battery is charged from the outlet using a cord with a charger.

Differences in power principle are important factors when it comes to buying devices. Due to the ability to work autonomously behind a laptop, students and “workers on business trips” often choose it.

Repair and upgrade

Computer system repair

Nothing lasts forever, and even more so technology will fail over time. Laptops and computers also break down. But, fortunately, they are often subject to repair. True, there is a significant difference. If the stationary unit is more structurally open, then the laptop is a one-piece one.

Any breakdown in the PC can be fixed by replacing the unsuitable element, or by soldering the microcircuit. Inside the unit, everything is located in such a way that without difficulty to make a replacement or addition. The same applies to peripheral devices - keyboards, mice are easily changed, since they are inexpensive. This feature of the computer is very handy for upgrades.

Note! You can carry out improvements and repairs on your PC yourself, the components are in a wide range, freely available in any specialized store.

Laptop repair may be difficult. Since the device is a single unit, the failure of even a touchpad or keyboard will require parting with the gadget for the duration of the repair. Only a specialist can fix it. All due to the complexity of the design, the difficulty of access to the inside. Repairing the car yourself will be a great feat, because “iron” can not be found during the day with fire. For the same reason, upgrading a laptop is almost impossible.

Output devices

Additional devices for playback

As mentioned above, the laptop’s output devices are all-in-ones. But to the PC you need to select them. Both the monitor and the speaker are in the laptop case, but this must be purchased separately for the computer.

Both gadgets have at their disposal HDMI ports, so that you can display a picture on a TV. Using a special slot, it is possible to connect a projector.

Computers and laptops for games

Gaming PCs

If you purchase devices for games, then, first of all, you need to pay attention to the video card and “RAM”. In order for modern games to play on the screen without braking, and control in them was instant, you must have at least 16 GB of RAM and the same amount of memory on the video card. Spending hours at your favorite pastime, it is worth considering that the equipment is overheating. Therefore, the device must have a good cooling system. In the game console issue, the PC definitely wins.

He has several advantages over a laptop:

  • excellent cooling;
  • is cheaper;
  • there is the possibility of an upgrade.

In any system unit, you can install additional coolers, upgrade the video card and "RAM", while monitoring the release of gaming innovations. This cannot be done with a laptop; it is simply not designed for games. Although playing online entertainment is quite tolerable.

Computers and laptops for work

Office systems

For work, it is recommended to choose a device based on the intended tasks. If you or your employees must perform simple operations with text documents, tables, databases, it is better to purchase a laptop. In addition, it will take up a little space in the office, and if necessary, you can take it home. In a close company, working with such a gadget will be comfortable, effective.

If the volume of work is large and there is enough space in the office, then it is better to take a personal computer. It has the ability to pick up a monitor of any diagonal. This will be very useful for graphic designers, as well as video editors.

Note! A powerful system unit with a widescreen display will be an excellent workplace for people using Photoshop, AutoCad and 3D modeling.

Computers and laptops for students

PC for students

It is impossible to imagine a modern student without a laptop. Indeed, he will not drag the system unit with other equipment along the institute buildings. If you study everything except programming and 3D graphics, then a desktop gadget will be the most suitable device for learning. Its ability to share data wirelessly and mobility is highly appreciated by students who study in classrooms with Wi-Fi.

Profile education is better to master with a powerful PC.

Computers and laptops for home

The choice for home use

Homeliness has recently been associated with interactivity. And in this case, the laptop has an advantage over the personal system.Firstly, for its functionality, additional furniture (chair, table) is not needed, therefore, living space is saved. You can also take it with you to bed, because there is no binding to the outlet.

The main feature of a home computer is the ability to surf the Internet and watch movies. A medium-sized laptop will not only cope with the tasks, but will also make it as comfortable as possible. The battery, which provides autonomy, also helps in this. True, it is necessary to handle the laptop carefully, because its repair will result in a round sum.

If any game takes all your time at home, then pay attention to personal computers, which can be easily improved. For such a thing, you can highlight the whole room.

Top Computers and Laptops Review

Gadgets from famous manufacturers

There are many manufacturers of such equipment. But the countries of East Asia - China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Taiwan - hold the palm of production. Firms from these countries produce a huge number of laptops and desktops.

The leading companies in this area are:

  • Samsung
  • Lenovo
  • Toshiba;
  • Asus;
  • Acer.

The proposed models will satisfy any request.

Premium devices are Samsung and Lenovo. Although these tech giants specialize in a variety of gadgets, laptop computers are not deprived of attention. Lenovo laptops are the most popular devices. Under this brand, budget and premium cars are produced.

Note! With Lenovo ThinkPad P71, you can perform a huge amount of work with databases, 4K video and 3D photos.

Since a stationary computer is a set of components, it is better to choose not by the name of the case, but by the filling.

Good computers should have:

  • Asus or Gigabyte motherboard
  • Kingston RAM cards
  • Intel microprocessors
  • NVidia GeForce graphics card.

Power supply, cooling and data storage systems can be selected based on needs. Having the latest powerful components, you can create your own hurricane computer. Or purchase it at a specialty store.

Prices for computers and laptops

The cost of computer equipment

The cost of computers and laptops depends entirely on the performance of the gadgets, unless, of course, there is inlaid with jewelry or the use of rare metals for the case. The higher the technical characteristics of the device, the more expensive it will cost. But it is important to remember that with equal performance, a laptop due to its design features will be more expensive than a computer in any case. The prices for gadgets start from the mark of 200 US dollars, which is affordable for anyone, and there is simply no upper limit.

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