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We choose a modem for a laptop, the best 3G, 4g and amplifiers for a modem

To stay in touch, follow the news and watch your favorite movies, you must have a router that can withstand all network loads, quickly download and transmit information. In the sales market, for the last 20 years, goods from China have dominated, which very soon give way to breakdowns and various malfunctions.

To understand which router can outperform all its competitors in quality, it is necessary to carefully study all the information. From this article, any reader will be able to find out about all kinds of routers and decide for themselves which modem is best for a personal laptop in order to comfortably use the Internet.

Along with the speed of development of modern technologies, there is a need for high-quality communication devices

External modems and their varieties

A lot of time has passed since the first EDGE devices, which transmitted an extremely small amount of information. Modern gadgets that have the ability to directly connect to a computer are equipped with USB ports that can quickly and efficiently process information.

Users who prefer convenient and compact modems, instead of inconvenient fiber optic cables, this technology is not spared. Almost every popular company that provides mobile or landline communications has acquired convenient modems.

In order not to make a mistake, what kind of device will be required for a particular network, it is necessary to consider all possible variations.

Despite all the variety of services, residents of big cities stand out their favorite companies

USB modems and their main characteristics

User-friendly modules began to appear in the last decade, before that external circuits, which took up a lot of space, or built-in, were popular in everyday life. When this type appeared, there was no need to place a bulky product in the design of the laptop unit, which significantly reduced the size of personal computers.

USB adapters have become popular with the advent of laptops on the market that can be moved from one point to another

Of the advantages, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Compactness. The product can even fit in the owner’s wallet. This is primarily necessary for laptop owners who are not used to carrying a large number of peripherals.
  • No food required. The current generated by the port makes it possible to work all the functions.
  • Most models have microSD outputs. This allows you to additionally connect memory cards to expand the device’s memory and use the router as a data storage. To increase power, you can install an antenna that will catch the network even at the most distant points of the world.
  • Even if the laptop is prone to systemic failures, it will not affect the quality of further work of the device. No viruses, trojans and lags can get on board an economical router.
  • Price. For all its qualities, which are sometimes superior in communication to all others, this type of model is noticeably cheaper than all the others.

But no matter how useful and cool functionality a mechanism would have, it always has drawbacks that other manufacturers can appeal to:

  • If mistreated, you can easily break the plastic case and even damage the entry jack. Therefore, you should be careful when folding the laptop in a bag.
  • The cheapest and most unknown models can be served by special drivers, which are almost impossible to find in the public domain. Or they are provided in the original language of the manufacturer, which interferes with their further search and use.
  • To distribute Wi-Fi, you must have special programs that can reset warranty service. The ability to use the Internet with one computer reduces the popularity of the species.

Wireless routers

The advantages of the wireless range far exceed the previous version. The main feature is the lack of a direct connection to the computer, which is carried out using ports. This view allows you to use the Internet on all devices with Wi-Fi-modules.

Such routers have surpassed all their predecessors, providing consumers with all the necessary communication capabilities.


  • Minimal risk of damage. You no longer need to carry a device with you everywhere that could be damaged by any physical impact.
  • Drivers are no longer required. It is enough to set the network name and enter the password.
  • The gadget is equipped with a gigabyte traffic viewer, memory card slots and often uses additional built-in drives.
  • If the gadget is required for owners of laptops with a minimum number of ports, then a WiFi router will be a necessary solution for convenient and convenient connection to the World Wide Web.

Among a number of great benefits, there are disadvantages. Most of them are fixed by fixing the device:

  • A power connection is required. All routers are equipped with power supplies that are suitable for European socket standards.
  • If microwave ovens and Bluetooth adapters are installed nearby, the router can reduce the speed of information transfer.
  • The price is noticeably superior to other lineups.
  • The modem can be useless if used when the Wi-fi module on the laptop is completely defective.

Most popular operators

According to the latest statistics from Roskomnadzor, MTS is confidently leading the race in quality and communication speed, which provides about 6.6 megabits per second. This value bypassed the mark of the Megaphone, whose speed is 1 megabit less. Below was Beeline, whose value is on the 5.2 Mbit bar.

For quality work, you need a device that can last longer than the appointed time

In Moscow, Tele2 turned out to be the fastest provider. But this feature is characterized by a low network load. The average speed is about 12 megabits per second.

Among the fastest document transfer functions, Beeline is above all, allowing you to upload photos, music and other files to the cloud storage in record time.

It should be emphasized that the price of Megafon services varies from 400 rubles to 3000. The price of modems in large cities is 2700 rubles. MTS services were cheaper - from 350 to 2700 rubles. The cost of the router is about 2500 rubles.

In order to stay up to date with all the news related to the cost of services, you need to follow all tariff plans and their changes.

3G standards

Of course, 3G technologies are not used as widely as 2G coverage technology, which is available in all corners of the globe. But the third generation has a number of advantages that set it apart from the previous version.

According to WCDMA technology standards, networks operate at frequencies of 2000-2100 MHz. The range of information transfer rates is much higher than the second generation. Speed ​​can reach up to 14 Mbps.

Among the major operators, MTS, MegaFon, VimpelCom and Beeline stand out. Their popularity has led to the massive use of technology in 130 major cities of the Russian Federation.

With the help of the third generation, it became possible to obtain pictures in streaming video. This type of obtaining information has become much more economical than all previous analogues that use weak capabilities.

4G standards

A new generation appeared relatively recently and immediately replaced the previous one from the place of widespread use. The main operators who opened the technique in a revolutionary way were YOTA and Freshtel.

Cities that first saw the possibility of communication in the frequencies of 2500-2600 MHz, became the settlements of Siberia, Moscow region, the Urals, the Baltic states.

The speed that such networks can reach reaches 1 gigabyte per second. For users on the go, the speed can go up to 100 megabits. However, the pace of coating development in all settlements is gaining momentum every day, which will soon lead to the most massive use.

Amplifiers and accessories

The best solution for users experiencing communication quality problems is repeaters. These devices are installed on routers. With the help of special antennas and materials that can catch certain wave frequencies, the signal received by the computer increases markedly.

Receivers are popular with many people who have problems with coverage.

To understand what kind of repeater is required to improve quality, it is better to consult with operators that provide communication services.

Of course, you can construct the product yourself from copper wire, antennas and cans, but their reception quality will be noticeably worse than that of manufacturers focused on reception within certain standards.

Manufacturer's choice

For more correct and convenient operation, it is best to contact the operators who cover the area of ​​the future territorial location of the device. Coverage maps are provided on manufacturers' official websites.

According to the latest news, leaders united in a monopoly to improve the quality of communication every year.

According to the criteria of experts, it is best to not trust universal devices, because many operators are not connected to their services.

Important! A device purchased from China, Europe or other countries can accept completely different signal frequency standards.

Best laptop modems

The first three places are occupied by companies that practically monopolized the modern communications market, capturing the rating of all operators of the Russian Federation:

  • MTS;
  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone.

Western predecessors who help improve technology keep up with compatriots

The prices for equipment are practically no different, as, indeed, the quality of the services provided. The only difference may be the coating that was mentioned above. If the user has direct hands, any router can be connected to other operators, as well as upgraded.

Of the universal devices, first of all, there are two companies that have made universal equipment available for mass use: ZTE and HUAWEI:

  • The main advantage of ZTE equipment is a convenient interface that provides the full functionality of any available operator.
  • HUAWEI differs from its Chinese ally in its convenient design, high-quality assembly and speed, which can reach 150 megabits per second.
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