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Tab button location on laptop keyboard

Users of personal computers and laptops very often do not know about all the features of these devices. In this article, we will figure out where the button with the Tab symbol on the laptop is located, what it is, and what it can be used for.

Where is the key Tab button

Tab Button

The tab button is located both on the laptop and on the computer keyboard. Refers to the "bitter", because it is sometimes indispensable for working in Windows services. It is located in the leftmost column, the second or third from the top.

Location on the keyboard - photo

Laptop keys

She is very easy to find, because her name is inscribed on it - “Tab”. If for some reason it is difficult for the user to find it on his keyboard, you can refer to the auxiliary pictures, which are now very many on various sites. In an extreme case, you can find a model of your device and understand from the description where to look for it.

What is the Tab key for?

Designation Key

The main purpose of this button is to go to the next field or window. The button also helps the automatic start of writing text with a paragraph. It makes it possible to insert a tab character in a text document, as well as adjust the text to make it even. It also allows you to display a kind of table in a document, only without edges.

How to use the key

Application Tab

To make a red line, just click on this symbol. To align the text, make it a column, you need to click with the mouse at the beginning of the sentence, clicking Tab and do the same with the end of the sentence. You will get an even column. When filling out forms on web pages, to switch from one field to another you just need to click on the tab icon.

There are convenient combinations of buttons. To open minimized windows and scroll through them, press Alt together with this button. To return to the previous field, you can press a combination with Shift. To make several columns with texts, we write the necessary words or numbers in lines without spaces. Then, between each word in each line, click the mouse and click on Tab. You get the columns.

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