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Choosing the right laptop: according to the characteristics, price, purpose, manufacturer

Computerization today has swept all spheres of human life. Without a computer, it's hard to imagine modern life and work. The first programmable machines were of enormous size, occupying almost the entire room where they were located. Then they were replaced by personal computers with more compact sizes, which were freely placed in a room or office on a computer desk. Engineering did not stop there, and today even more compact computers, called laptops, have become widespread.

Laptop is a technical smart device

They are small in size, you can take them with you to work, study or to rest. It is not necessary to connect the laptop to the mains, as it has autonomous power and is capable of running on batteries. The choice of laptops is so wide that you can easily get lost in this variety. This is especially true for a person who is poorly versed in these devices. But everyone wants to get a model that meets all the requirements of its owner. How to choose a laptop? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Set goals

How to make the right choice is determined by the goals of the future purpose of the device. For some, this is a means to carry out their professional activities, for others he will be an assistant in studies, while others put entertainment in the first place. It’s one thing to surf the Internet in “classmates,” and it’s quite another to complete complex graphic tasks.

Laptop computer

Some users have the wrong opinion about the price-performance ratio. Of course, a good laptop is made of quality materials and cannot be cheap, in principle. But the price is not always correctly correlated with quality. Sometimes it is somewhat different.

Powerful laptops have a high temperature inside, which causes a quick breakdown. The cost of a compact computer is influenced by many factors. It includes the manufacturer, power, video card, what type, how it is located inside and even the material for the manufacture. It often happens that inexpensive, but high-quality laptops faithfully serve the owner for a long time.

Consider a variety of laptops.


It is a small model that has convenience, but at the same time does not enjoy success with buyers. The reason is the slight differences in cost and parameters when compared with conventional devices. In addition, tablets today are in great competition. They have a small screen size (9-12.5 inches). The filling contains a processor with low power.

Small but efficient

A wide range of multimedia functions are presented, and the battery lasts longer. Small sizes provide them with greater safety in the fall. Netbooks are not very powerful, because they are very hot.


This device is a very thin laptop. The advantages of ultrabook include noiselessness during operation. The design is simply chic, but there is increased fragility. The disadvantage is the lack of a DVD drive. Such a model is suitable for someone for whom the issue of image is very important.If the ultrabook has a powerful graphics card, it can often overheat. For such an ultrabook, it is ideal to install an Intel Core M processor, which does not get so hot at high power.

Easy to use and very compact

On ultrabooks, you can play with minimal quality settings, as well as solve all the basic computer problems.

The price of a classic ultrabook starts at 600 y. e. Basically, they are acquired by ladies who are eager to emphasize their style.

Office laptop

Similar models are the most popular among all similar devices. They are characterized by:

  • silent work;
  • quite high performance.

Such models comply with the requirements of professional duties and Internet use. Good helpers for study. You can use them for fun. But they do not have a discrete graphics card, so powerful games they can not do. At the same time, internal causes of breakdowns are rare for them.

The threshold value of such devices does not exceed 500. e. Those who do not need powerful video games give positive feedback on such devices.

The best option for work - office laptop

Universal Notebooks

Models of this type have more performance than budget-class laptops. On such laptops you can comfortably use the Internet, office and specialized programs. They are suitable for users of games that have an average level of quality settings. But when working, such models make noise and get pretty hot.

You can choose and purchase a universal laptop within 750 y. e.

A universal model for solving various problems

Game device

These laptops are the most powerful and productive. This applies to both the processor and the video card. The disadvantage is loud noise and significant heating. The device must always be used with a cooling pad. You can play them online or install your favorite games with beautiful graphics.

Despite this, even powerful laptops will never replace gaming computers belonging to the same class.

High Power Gaming Computers

There is even an opinion about the lack of full-fledged gaming laptops in nature. They can only parody the computer for the game. But since the advent of ultra-modern graphics cards (Ge Force GTX 1050, other options), the differences between a laptop and a gaming computer have significantly decreased. Models of this kind are suitable for users of games with good financial income, and you can purchase them at a price of 800 conventional units.

Touch laptop (transformer)

Such devices are included in a separate category, which they are actively trying to promote in the market. Today, there is nothing unusual in them, and the touch screen is just a chip, which somewhat elevates it over similar products. They have many vulnerabilities, which is the reason for their frequent breakdowns. They have low performance, and fingers on the screen leave noticeable marks.

Touch models - the latest technical innovations

The cost of such models starts at 200 y. e. The purchasers are primarily adolescents and those who are concerned about their social status.

External characteristics

Selection of a laptop begins with the look. When buying, a design should impress its owner, since then it will be problematic to change something. Preferences regarding appearance are determined by the tastes of the owner, but it is always necessary to remember that rigor and conciseness remain in price.


If it is fully or partially made of aluminum, this is a big plus. He is not afraid of scratches, and the operation is durable. Compared to plastic, it is more preferred without leaving fingerprints.

Sometimes plastic cases are given an imitation of aluminum for greater respectability of the appearance of the laptop.The difference will be immediately noticeable if you touch the case with your hand. The metal surface is colder to the touch compared to plastic. Glossy plastic cases leave noticeable handprints, which worsens their appearance. It is better if aluminum is present at least on the work surface.

Variety of colors and materials


For laptop screens, the most common are two types of matrices:

  • The first type is IPS. Its characteristics include excellent color reproduction and a good viewing angle. But it costs more than other options.
  • The second type is characterized by the matrix TN. She has all these indicators a little worse, but she is also cheaper. Often manufacturers do not reflect this data during operation.

Therefore, one can only guess what quality the matrix will have in a laptop. If the brightness is indicated, then you should buy a model with maximum indicators of this criterion, which are 200 cd / m. sq.

The optimal screen size is 15.6 inches. It will provide maximum comfort during work. A high resolution screen delivers crisp images. If you are using an old program, the font of the text is very small and it is very difficult to read it using the standard mode.

The screen with a matte surface is very practical in comparison with glossy monitors. If the room has a very high illumination, then objects located behind the user are reflected on the glossy surface. It will not work quite comfortably.

Typically, laptops cost 400 y. E. and above a very high-quality screen.

Processor specifications

For a laptop, this item is of utmost importance. Therefore, it is necessary to approach his choice as carefully and responsibly as possible. What will be the processor, the computer will have such a speed.

AMD brand series has a low data processing speed. A small compensation is achieved by the fact that a good video card is built in. But modern games, even with minimal quality settings, are not available.

Processors A4 and A6 also can not boast of their successes in computing technology. A8 and A9 work a little faster. The processors of the A10 and A12 series have the greatest balance for work and games. They have laptops, the cost of which is in the initial and middle range. Various office programs are quite suitable for them. They are also applicable to a modern game, which has the lowest quality setting. This is ideal for the student.

The highest power consumption is typical for Intel processors. They work efficiently and for a long time with an autonomous power supply. High performance is typical for i7 processors. But it’s not necessary to buy just such a laptop, since in normal operation the difference in comparison with most processors will be subtle, but you will have to pay for such a model much more expensive.

The main part in the computer

The choice will depend on the purpose for which the device will be used. For budget models, a processor with an entry-level Intel i3 would be a good option. They are characterized by good performance. You can play on products with a minimum level of quality settings.

Mid-range laptops (station wagon, gaming options) are equipped with Intel i3, i5 processors. They have an adequate price and good performance. But for games with high quality settings, they will not work, because they do not have a discrete graphics card.

Powerful gaming laptops typically use the Intel i5, i7 processor. Their filling contains a powerful discrete graphics card. The reliability of such models is lower, since there is always an increased temperature inside. In addition, they are equipped with two fans for cooling. The cooling system of the device itself needs periodic cleaning. But such a laptop will never replace a full-fledged gaming computer.

Ultrabooks have an Intel Core M processor.They are characterized by silent operation and high performance. If its filling has a powerful processor and a discrete graphics card, then it will heat up quite significantly. In principle, if the use of the device is supposed mainly for games, then buy a personal computer, not a laptop.

Video card

They are intended mainly for games. Its power matters. With its increase, the quality of the graphics and the smoothness of the lines increase. It is present even on budget laptops, but the power is significantly lower than that of discrete graphics cards. Therefore, they can be classified as conditionally gaming devices. Powerful modern graphics cards have significant heat generation.

You cannot view video images without a video card

RAM Status

4 GB RAM is enough to use the usual popular programs. If simple office programs are used, then 2 GB is enough for the eyes. Complex programs and “heavy” games require more volume. For a budget laptop, installing such a volume of RAM is simply pointless. Speed ​​limits will not be on the processor side, but on the video card.

If money is not enough, but you need fast performance when working, then you should choose a device with 4 GB of RAM. But there must be an SSD drive on which it is located.


Modern laptops have a minimum of 500 GB of memory. This amount is usually enough. But storing a large archive requires a hard drive with a larger capacity. It is better to store all data on a separate removable media, since even a slight drop in the device can cause damage to the hard drive and the disappearance of information.

The most reliable are 500 GB hard drives. They have only one plate inside, so they heat less.

SSD drive

Devices with such hard drives have more flattering reviews. If the budget allows, it is better to immediately purchase a laptop with this type of hard drive. When using the device only in the office and for "light" games, 120 GB of memory is enough. When using "heavy" games requires at least 240 GB. Otherwise, there will be a constant lack of memory.


The duration of the device’s operation with the presence of an autonomous power source directly depends on it. Usually, with gentle mode and using budget options, the battery lasts for 8-10 hours. A powerful laptop will last no more than 6 hours. If the device is loaded with programs with high capacity, the continuous operation time is reduced. Do not keep the battery discharged for a long time. This affects the deterioration of the quality of its work in the future.

The charger provides battery life offline

Installed Windows Operating System

Today, most laptops sold have a preinstalled program. The lower the cost of the device, the more utilities the manufacturer tries to shove into it. For the most part, they are not required at all, but only slow down the download. If the laptop is sold without installing Windows, then it will cost less. The version of the installed program matters.

Important! It is not recommended to buy devices on which Windows 8 is installed. Prior to version 10, it will not reinstall on its own. This program is transitional from version 7 to version 10 and failed miserably.

Choosing a laptop manufacturer

The best manufacturers of laptops for home, according to users, are:

  • Apple The popularity of “apple” products is achieved not only by a well-thought-out marketing company, but also by its reliability. Apple engineers did a great job in developing the best technical specifications and design.

Apple Mac

  • DELL. This manufacturer pays great attention to technical support and service. In addition, DELL laptop models have a high level of data security.
  • Lenovo A Chinese company, which, contrary to stereotypes, is distinguished by reliability and quality.The main advantages include high-quality sound paths and an affordable price.
  • Hewlett-Packard. This manufacturer has the largest line of diverse models. The OMEN game series is especially different. For all-season tasks, ProBook, ZBook are suitable.
  • MSI The main manufacturer of gaming laptops. Here you can find 5 game lines for every taste and wealth. Each of them supports virtual reality technology.

Popular models of 2018

What brand of laptop to choose for yourself? It is important to decide for what purposes you are acquiring it, what amount you are willing to spend.

An expensive laptop with a powerful processor and video card is less reliable. All devices can be divided depending on the following indicators:

  • Compact laptop. This category includes the Dell Inspiron 3180 or Acer Travelmate P238-M, Lenovo E31-80. They work very quietly and have great convenience. At a reasonable price, they have good performance.
  • Availability. In the group of devices in accordance with this principle include Asus X540NA, Asus X541NA and Asus R541NA. They work quite slowly, but not all of them are good models. They do not have to pay a lot of money. All of them can be safely attributed to the budget category. Series A is designed to work at home or in the office. The presence of Wi-Fi, Ethernet and many other necessary built-in communications allow you to connect to the Internet anywhere in the user's location.
  • Affordable large laptop. This is the Dell Inspiron 5770. Cost is quite affordable for the average consumer. It allows you to perform all standard tasks. It works quickly, has good initial gaming capabilities. The Dell Inspiron 5770 stands out with its minimalistic design, created in classic black and a matte finish. It has good base strength. The device provides an IPS screen with anti-glare coating. The touchpad in this model is small but responsive. Equipped with a pair of USB ports and video input.

Dell is one of the best universal laptops

  • Optimality. The most suitable in this regard is the Samsung Notebook 7 Spin. It has a presentable appearance and is characterized by fast work. The case is made of aluminum, therefore it is considered reliable and resistant to shock and mechanical damage. A screen diagonal of 15.6 inches with touch resolution allows you to solve many problems during operation. Samsung Notebook 7 Spin integrates the latest video card model, which allows you to play back high-definition images and work with graphic resources.
  • Style. Notebook Acer Extensa 2540 is made of high quality plastic with a matte finish. There are no prints left on it and no dust is retained. A convenient backlit keyboard allows you to work comfortably even in low light.

Acer - the best in the ratio of design and quality

  • Functionality and quality. Apple MacBook 12 fully complies with these qualities. The small mass makes it maneuverable, and the widely spaced keys are convenient for users even with big hands. The main advantage of the model is the Intel Core M-5Y70 processor, which allows you to solve diverse problems.

Which company will be the best laptop, it is up to the user. The main thing is to know the technical characteristics of the model you like and select in accordance with your needs.


The modern market is able to offer the buyer a large number of models of various laptops. The choice should be determined by the purpose for which it is intended to be used. One can only hope that this article will help in making the right choice.

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