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How to find, check and block your phone by imei

The user found that his mobile phone was gone. There is a suspicion that the device was stolen. You need to contact the nearest police station, make a statement where to describe the situation, indicate imei phone so that it can be blacklisted.

How to find, check and block your phone by imei

How to find the identifier on the back cover

The foreign experience of tracking lost mobiles on the example of Europe and America shows that the device is completely blocked through a special imei database. This lock cannot be removed even if you change the SIM card. Such an effective experience has not yet taken root in the Russian Federation. Legislation that controls mobile communications has not yet been developed in this area. Therefore, the search will be associated with a large number of delays.

IMEI - what is it?

This number, which consists of 10 digits, is completely unique, assigned to a phone, tablet and all means of mobile communication.

IMEI is installed in the firmware of the device at the production stage. After authorization is carried out in the network, a unique number is broadcast and used to identify the device in the cellular network.

About this unique ten-digit number you can find a mobile, lock and unlock. The number is not connected with the SIM card in any way; when changing the card, the IMEI remains with the phone. Therefore, it is recommended, when buying a phone with a hand, check IMEI. It may be that the device is wanted. Then all the problems in solving the current situation can lie on the new owner, who has nothing to do with the theft.

How to find out the number?

There are 4 places where you can find IMEI:

  • Memory. You can display a unique number on the display of the device. To do this, enter the command * # 06 # on the keyboard.
  • Under the battery - the identifier is indicated among other technical parameters on the label.
How to find, check and block your phone by imei

The identifier is under the battery - the manufacturer took care of this even before the model was put on sale

  • Packaging, label or printout of the device. It is enough to check the documents.
How to find, check and block your phone by imei

Among the technical characteristics is the identifier we need

  • Warranty coupon.

When buying with your hands, you need to check your cell phone by IMEI - if the identifiers on the battery, in the device’s memory and on the package match.

Ways to Find a Phone by IMEI

To determine the location of the phone, consider several methods in detail.

Police statement

How to find, check and block your phone by imei

Contacting the police is the surest decision, albeit troublesome

To set the location of a lost phone, it is not enough to know its imei. Operators do not provide data to a third party. The necessary information can be obtained by holding a special permit from law enforcement agencies.

Therefore, the search for the lost mobile begins with contacting the police. The owner writes a statement. Documents attesting to the right to own the device are attached to it.

You need to provide:

  • packaging;
  • proof of purchase;
  • warranty coupon.

The owner should prepare for a long and lengthy procedure. It is good to have friends among officials in such situations. You can also indicate that the device contains very important information that can not be known to outsiders. Such circumstances in the complex can speed up the search.

Base check

If you are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, then law enforcement agencies are obliged to make an appeal to the court in order to obtain permission to conduct a search.

If permission from the court has been obtained and the necessary documentation has been signed, then the law enforcer makes an appeal to the operator with a request that the information about IMEI be urgently provided.

Attention! The identification code must be in the legal mobile base. Phone owners who have bought their devices abroad are at a certain risk. At best, the case will end in a fine. In the worst case, a smuggling charge could be brought.

Getting the right information from the operator is only the beginning. Next is the investigation. Law enforcement officers track the current location of the device. The location of the mobile is determined via satellite. Practice shows that searches are successful.

If the thief was competent, then he carries out a change IMEI. This is done by intervening in the program. But such cases are rare. The usual theft of a mobile is carried out by unprofessional pocket scammers, whose goal is to quickly “push” the phone to a person who does not know anything.

There are resources where they allegedly offer to find an identifier for money. These resources contain fraudulent organizations. Only the operator has real information about identifiers. IMEI - confidential information to which there is no public access.

Alternative methods

To protect yourself from theft, follow these steps:

  1. You must fill out a business card in the device profile. Here you need to specify the contacts. Contact details include alternative mobile number, email, address. In case of loss, any conscientious person will be able to contact you and return the phone.
  2. Install the optional software. This software will send a message to the specified mobile if someone has changed the sim card in the gadget.
  3. If you have a smartphone from Apple, then register with iCloud and other applications. Activate Find iPhone.
How to find, check and block your phone by imei

Register your mobile in iCloud, and then you will increase your security points

By following the steps described above, the owner will protect himself from scammers and the loss of mobile.

In case of loss, the owner can post on social networks and on message boards and offer reward to the finder. This will get people's attention.

One should hope for finding a mobile one, and at the same time, prepare for the option that the searches will not succeed. Most guarantees are given by contacting the police. But this process is lengthy and also does not guarantee 100% success.

You can resort to the block procedure by IMEI yourself. This will increase the chances of a successful result.

Track and turn off the phone by IMEI

How can an owner block their phone via IMEI? To lock the phone by identifier, you need to give your carrier the necessary documents. The documentation must confirm that he is the owner of the lost device.

Required Documentation:

  • invoice
  • check of goods;
  • warranty coupon;
  • packaging.

When blocking IMEI, you need to notify not only your operator, but also all possible ones. This is done at their service centers. The smartphone after that will not work domestically. Then - the last step: how to block the phone via IMEI via the Internet and prevent it from being exported outside the country? To do this, you need to contact the manufacturer, provide the device data indicated on the package. Then the device will be completely disconnected.

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