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How to check the phone for technical specifications, model name

Smartphones have become devices capable of replacing personal computers and laptops. They are equipped with high-performance processors, RAM, graphics accelerator.

A modern telephone is an advanced means of communication; you can install on it not only mobile applications, but also programs that were previously used only on computers. For example, a gadget may well serve as a navigator, because has a built-in GPS receiver. With the development of technology, the question arose for many users how to check the technical characteristics of the device, because on the phone you can perform a wide range of resource-intensive operations. It is on what components the smartphone is equipped with, its performance depends.

At the moment, the main part of the mobile device market is divided between the Android and iOS operating systems. The vast majority choose the first option, because the combination of performance and price is optimal. Next, methods for checking the phone for both operating systems will be described in detail.

Why is it important to know the characteristics of the device

In order for the phone to work without freezing, it requires a high-performance processor and the optimal amount of RAM. For video calls, you need a camera with a sufficient resolution. The choice of the device should be based on the needs of the user, for what purpose the device will be used.

An important factor when choosing a device is the microprocessor architecture. To date, Google has compelled Android application developers to release software only for 64-bit architecture.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the graphics accelerator, it depends on it how high-performance games will work. Games on smartphones have long supported the latest graphics technologies and, accordingly, the quality of displaying images on the device’s screen is no worse than on personal computers. At the same time, for a high-quality picture, it is necessary to consider the type of screen, the most advanced technology is AMOLED. But there are other types: TFT LCD, IPS, AMOLED SUPER, etc. Also here can be attributed pixel density, color reproduction, refresh rate.

Not all manufacturers of mobile devices indicate on the box and manual the full names of the technical components of the phone. If there is no information about which processor or video chip is installed on your smartphone, you can use third-party software to display full information, as well as the regular capabilities of the mobile OS. Next, the question will be discussed in detail how to check the smartphone.

We use standard means of the Android operating system

You can find out the technical specifications of the phone using standard tools, for example, the Settings menu:

  • first you need to go to the "Settings" menu;


  • then scroll to the “System” block and select “About phone”;
  • after that, the main screen will display information about the processor, RAM, firmware of the communication module, wireless transmitter, etc .;

Those. information

  • by going to the "General Information" you can find out the IP address, poppy address, charge level, battery status, etc.

general information

Find out the technical specifications of the iPhone

Learn the technical specifications of Apple gadgets as follows:

  • In the first case, just look at the box where the model number and brief data will be indicated above the barcode. For a detailed acquaintance, it is enough to drive the model name into the search engine and look at the information on one of the technical sites.
  • In the second case, you can find out information about the installed components through the official website of the developers. It is enough to rewrite the model number from the packing box and go to a special Apple page where you need to enter the data and get full information about the equipment of the phone, up to the year of release.
  • The third way is that you can use standard operating system tools. You must go to "Settings", then open the "Basic" and "About the device." General information about the device will be displayed there. For details, in any case, you must resort to the official website. In point phone settings “About the device” you need to copy the “Serial number of the equipment” and go to the page “Checking the rights to service” and enter the data.

We use third-party programs

Next, we will analyze in detail how to use third-party software to determine the technical specifications of a smartphone.


This program is intended for a detailed determination of the technical characteristics of a smartphone.

How to use:

  • go to the Play Market app store;
  • drive into the search engine "Aida64", download and install the application;
  • after that we launch it and a list will be displayed on the main page;

Main menu

  • we select the necessary item and view detailed information.

Detailed description

My device

A small program that will show a detailed report on the status of equipment, technical characteristics of the device. Also, using the program, you can enable and disable various components of the system.

How to use:

  • Download and install the program from the Play Market;
  • run the software and the main screen will display general information about the operating system;

Main screen

  • in order to learn in detail the equipment of the device, you need to call the side menu by clicking on the three horizontal bars at the top of the application;
  • In the list, select one or another tab where you want to know the data.

Detailed description of the graphics accelerator

My phone

A simple program to determine the technical equipment of the phone:

  • Download and install the program;
  • on the main screen, click on the arrow on the right side to go to the menu;

Main screen

  • on the new screen you can find out the phone model and general information;

The main

  • at the same time, the user can find out, not only the name of the components, but their degree of deterioration (condition).

Technical condition

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