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How to amplify a 3g signal with your own hands?

In order to understand how to amplify the signal of your 3G modem, you need to at least outline the principle of its operation. But it is quite simple and consists in the transmission of radio waves at a distance. It turns out that for a successful data transfer, a radiating device (cell tower) and a receiver (3G modem) will be required.

Technology does not stand still and is constantly evolving, but you won’t go against the laws of physics. The fact is that any medium (air, water, obstacles) significantly reduces the range of the transmitted signal. It follows that no matter how high the power the radio wave source has (by the way, too high powers are prohibited because they are considered dangerous to human and animal health), if the receiving antenna is too weak, then the signal level will be poor.

In reality, the internal antenna of a standard modem doesn’t work well for amplifying a 3G signal. More precisely, devices can catch only a good and stable network.

Such a small part of the modem is reserved for the built-in antenna

Therefore, even in cities, “dead” zones may arise where 3G Internet disappears, not to mention remote settlements, lowlands. For this reason, some craftsmen are developing quite viable and effective methods to amplify the 3G signal with improvised means.

Simple and sophisticated methods to improve the signal yourself

If there are tangible problems with receiving a 3G or 4G signal, then it is better to immediately worry about buying a standard extension cable with a USB adapter. Typically, cable sizes are 3-5 meters, and this is enough to even organize an external antenna, not to mention a simple search for a location for the modem, where it will be nice to "catch" without additional funds.

If such a place is not found, it is often necessary to resort to amplification of a weak signal. For this, any improvised means may be suitable. Craftsmen are able to make good antennas from cans, metal sheets or even ordinary wire.

Little tricks

As you know, if the tricks are small, then they do not require a large investment of time and effort, but the effect of them will be weakly perceptible.

For example, one of the popular methods says that the modem starts to catch the LTE network 10-15% better if you place the device next to regular PC speakers. True, the speakers will begin to produce a characteristic buzz and crackle, but it is easy to get rid of it if you lower the sound to a minimum.

Another way is to throw the 3G modem closer to flat metal objects. If successful, the signal will be reflected from the surface and concentrated on the receiving device. But it is worth noting immediately that it is often difficult to catch the desired position. And often the signal level can be good in one day, and then deteriorate sharply.

Important! You can amplify a 3G signal using a software method. To do this, in the modem settings, you can set the connection to 3G (or 4G) networks by default. That is, the modem will not constantly switch from high-speed Internet to low speeds with poor reception.

Simple signal amplifiers

Sometimes simple measures to find a good place are clearly not enough. Then you can resort to methods for amplifying a weak 3G signal. The basic rule to follow is the use of metal reflectors of radio waves. Only metal can provide an increase in the efficiency of data reception modem.

The principle of assembling a simple antenna to amplify the signal will require searching for a reflector (reflector), conducting the cable to the place where the tower is best caught, and the ability to insulate the device so that it can be used in any weather.

Tin cans are well suited for a reflector. The effectiveness of their use will increase the quality of the 3G modem by 20-40%. The main task will be to find the desired vector for receiving waves. Usually the best place is quickly calculated by selecting the best position.

Normal tin can with a cutout for a 3G modem

The receiver is fixed closer to the base of the can. You can make it easy to remove and insert, or you can use glue or sealant.

Another easy way to amplify a signal on a 3G modem is to use a regular, old CD. You can wrap it with foil to improve the effect - such a reflector will reflect even more radio waves and transmit them to the device.

Easy disk mount and extension cable - ready-made antenna

A little more complicated, but more aesthetically and more efficiently, you can make a 3G-modem like a satellite dish. Typically, an old monitor is best suited for this purpose.

Beautiful and delicate work with a good signal

If the signal is very weak, then some craftsmen have learned to adapt external antennas or make them yourself. One of these is the Harchenko antenna. You can collect it yourself, but it is important to follow the specified parameters in order to catch exactly those waves on which the packet data is transmitted.

It looks like the design of the antenna

The Internet provides a lot of information about what sizes to observe when assembling the antenna. There are even special calculators that calculate the sizes of the rhombus faces for the desired wavelength. But in fact, the mobile Internet can be transmitted with waves of a small error in length. And many users say that they have to change the size of the faces of the rhombus antenna several times before it can amplify the signal. But the work, as a rule, is worth the nerves and efforts expended, since the output is a high-quality antenna with good characteristics.

Kharchenko’s antenna is good because it should ideally be connected to the modem’s internal antenna, which amplifies the signal. But even if you don’t try to get inside the device, you can simply wrap the wire at the output around the modem. This will also make it possible to achieve serious success in enhancing the signal of any 3G modem.

If nothing helps

It also happens when one of the well-known folk methods doesn’t manage to improve the reception of a 3G signal independently, and the need for the Internet is great. You should not despair in this situation, as today there are additional opportunities to expand the capabilities of a standard 3G modem.

For example, you can additionally buy antennas that already have a standard output and are connected to a traditional modem. The advantage of such devices is that they are guaranteed to amplify any weak signal. The exception is perhaps only the complete absence of mobile networks nearby.


Such antennas are called repeaters, and they do not take up much space, but they always work efficiently. They have an antenna that is already tuned to different lengths of radio waves, a signal converter and an output to a 3G modem.

The practice of amplifying a 3G signal is such that before buying a 3G repeater, you can use some simple methods that have long been offered by experienced users. After all, it’s not difficult to make an antenna out of a can or even assemble Harchenko’s antenna and connect it to the modem.

Another thing is when it is known for sure that there is a mobile network, but it is extremely difficult to catch it on your own. Then you can already resort to the help of professional equipment, which will definitely help set up good Internet in the house.

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