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Best radar apps for Android

Every year, fines for violations on the roads are being tightened. Cars become only more powerful and faster, speed becomes less noticeable and it is very easy to exceed speed. Sometimes drivers themselves do not even notice how this happened, and then a fine comes in the mail.

A radar detector is a device that interferes with radars and does not measure the speed of a vehicle.

In Russia, the use of such devices is prohibited, you can earn a large fine. In addition, the equipment itself will also be taken away.

There are many devices that will help you learn about the approach of a stationary radar, camera: DVR, navigator, radar detectors. All of these devices make life easier for the driver, minimizing costs.

Of course, they are effective, but the cost for them starts from 4 thousand rubles, so not every driver is ready to fork out for an expensive device.

Therefore, there are many applications - radar detectors that perform the same function, but most often absolutely free.

They notify about approaching cameras if they are loaded into the database. To do this, use GPS in the phone or other device. All data on the coordinates of the location and location of the cameras are taken into account.

Their cost most often does not exceed 200-300 rubles, which, you see, is many times less than the price of a radar.

Applications operate mainly on Android (this is the system software of the phone).

Android Apps

Choosing the best radar detector is not so easy, because it must have all the necessary qualities: lack of glitches, measurement accuracy, completeness of bases, short-term system update, and much more.

It’s hard to say which programs are the best. The list below is based on the highest user ratings and more downloads.

Here are the basic radar apps for android.

GPS AntiRadar


  • there is a free version;
  • does not contain ads;
  • the interface is completely in Russian;
  • information about all regions of the country;
  • quiet alert;
  • running in the background;
  • very few settings;
  • judging by the reviews, it has a large number of glitches and malfunctions;
  • Information about new cameras does not appear immediately.

GPS radar detector

HUD Speed


  • gives warning sounds if the speed is increased by more than 19 km;
  • has a digital speedometer;
  • data is displayed in the virtual projection of the windshield, this function allows you to control vehicles without being distracted by the radar.
  • The camera database is regularly updated;
  • does not contain ads;
  • in bright weather the projection is not displayed;
  • not supported in the background;
  • inferior in accuracy of speed determination to all other programs.

HUD Speed ​​(Android)

Radar Arrow


  • available on all platforms;
  • good radar detector application;
  • can be used on the DVR and the car radio Android;
  • sound and voice notification allows you not to be distracted from the road;
  • One of the best apps
  • also serves as a navigator;
  • works on top of other programs;
  • a wide variety of settings;
  • Practical instant loading of all databases of cameras and traffic police posts;
  • the most expensive of all applications, but beneficial for long-term operation.

Radar Arrow

MapcamDroid Radar Detector


  • in the free version it warns only about the presence of cameras that control speed;
  • high-quality, but expensive program, if you plan to use the radar detector for a long time, it is better to choose Strelka;
  • the most downloaded application;
  • warns about cameras, radars and other dangerous places on the road;
  • can be used simultaneously with other applications, this does not slow down the work;
  • rich functionality of the free version;
  • long working time, practically does not consume phone power.
  • most accurately shows the location of the cameras.
  • warns for 700 meters.

MapcamDroid Radar Detector

Smart Driver AntiRadar Traffic Police


  • includes a video recorder and a radar detector;
  • free download (there is a premium version that opens additional functions);
  • records what is happening on the road in high quality;
  • real speed without error;
  • convenient tools;
  • voice notification.

Smart Driver AntiRadar Traffic Police



  • few settings in the free version;
  • a large number of cameras;
  • weak alerts (compared to other applications);
  • good navigation;
  • unable to work in the background.


As you can see, the presented applications are created on various software. That is, if you want, you can choose a radar detector specifically for your smartphone.

All applications are simple to install and use, and are also equipped with special functions of the "City" or "Track". You can use these applications without the Internet, which is really important, because when driving on the highway, there is often no Internet signal. Without the Internet, applications will not be able to update camera databases.

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