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Best phones for kids

Today it is impossible to imagine your life without a mobile phone. Smartphones for children are not only a way to always stay in touch with their parents, but also a toy. The best phones for children of different age categories we will consider in this article.

The smartphone for the child must be functional

Which smartphone is best for a child?

Have you ever wondered which mobile gadget is most suitable for a child? Which one will best suit the age category and ease of management?

When choosing a smartphone, the baby needs to pay attention to various subtleties and details. For example, when buying it, the physiology of the baby should be taken into account.

It is also best to pay attention to such qualities of the gadget:

  1. Age. Each generation has a different “cool” smartphone.
  2. Affordable price. Children are very active and do not always remember everything, so remember that he can always leave his mobile or forget somewhere. Therefore, it is not advisable to buy too expensive a "toy"
  3. Size and weight. Please note that the hand of any child is much smaller than that of an adult, therefore the gadget should also have small dimensions and light weight. It is recommended to pay attention to smartphones with a five-inch screen.
  4. Good battery. Children are very fond of playing not only computer, but also phone games. Therefore, when choosing it, it is best to pay attention to smartphones with a good battery or with the possibility of replacing it.
  5. Reliability. It is best to buy a sturdy case and protective glass with the phone right away.
  6. Safety. Now on every gadget is protection (password). Teach your child to use it, so that in case of theft or loss of a smartphone, an attacker could not use it.
  7. Functionality. Install various necessary programs for the development of your child.

Also, when buying a phone, you must take into account the appearance, brand and other features. Why is this so important? Because children always pay attention to the new things of their peers.

Modern children do not part with the phone

At what age is it best to take a phone?

Experts recommend not buying phones for children from one to three years old, and also in every way to protect the child from their use. Many parents certainly wonder why. The answer is simple. Still, mobile devices are not harmless in simple words, they emit radiation, which is still harmful. And young children are most at risk of disease through a weak, fragile body.

It is up to each parent to decide whether to give a child between the ages of four and six a new mobile device. Of course, a mobile phone at this age is not particularly needed. Therefore, it is advised to give him the usual push-button mobile or purchase a smart watch. Moreover, the “for little” phone models are popular among children. In such devices, a minimum of functions, and they are easy to manage. Visually, they look so childish.

But then, starting from the age of seven, children pay attention to the gadgets that they have in their hands. The button model is no longer relevant to them. Therefore, parents buy inexpensive touchscreen mobiles.

This article contains popular news that parents often take for their children. Consider them by category.

Smartphones for the smallest

Nobody wants to lose a child! Therefore, for the smallest children, phones have also been developed that resemble toys or are made in the shape of watches.

Watch Phone Elari Fixitime 3

Watch phone for kids

Such watches are often purchased by children under 6 years of age as a telephone. It is convenient for them not only to call up with the child, but also to track his location on the GPS system on the parent’s mobile device. The child will be able to send an SOS signal if necessary.

Device Specifications:

  • Display: 1.3 inches.
  • Battery: 480 mAh
  • Communication: Wi-Fi, 2G, GPS, GSM.
  • Lighthouse A-20.

You can buy such a watch at a price of 4 - 5 thousand rubles.

Watch phone "Mayak"

Another children's device with a strict design. Such a watch can be used as a phone, since it is possible to insert a SIM card.

Device Specifications:

  • Display: 1.4 inches.
  • Battery: 500 mAh
  • Communication: Wi-Fi, 2G, GPS, GSM.

Depending on the model, such a gadget costs 3 - 5 thousand rubles.

Children's phone "Bug"

A small-sized mobile phone for a child under 7 years old, which is popular because of its price in the sales market. Allows you to use two SIM cards.


  • Dimensions: 82 * 44 * 16 mm.
  • Weight: 56 g.
  • Battery: 650 mAh

Now there is a more advanced version of the Bug phone called the Lighthouse. It has a GPS navigator.

“Bug” online stores offer at prices ranging from 3 to 4 thousand rubles, and “Mayachok” for 4000 - 4500 p.

Phone "Beacon"

The mobile button itself, however, all buttons are designed for tasks.

The phone is sold in a set: a phone, a battery, a cord to carry the device, a cord for charging the device, a screwdriver for the back cover and instructions.

Baby phone

A simple device for the smallest child. This gadget is easy to manage.

The set includes: the phone itself, a charger, a strap to carry a mobile phone, instructions.


  • Size: 83 * 44 * 15mm.
  • Functionality existing in the phone: dialing numbers, sending SMS messages, alarm clock, stopwatch.
  • It is easily customizable by the parent.

Such a phone can be bought for 3500 p.

Phone with your favorite characters from the cartoon "Smesharikov"

The device has a round shape and is perfect for a small child.

The buttons are located as in a conventional push-button clamshell phone, but with the appearance of a toy.

For little fans of Smesharikov

On a mobile phone you can shoot videos, take photos, there is access to the Internet and radio.

The price of such a phone is about 3500 p.

Children from seven years old, and especially those who go to school, need another phone. More fashionable, modern, with the "latest twists."

Phones for children under 10 years old

We offer to consider the top 10 smartphones for a child under 10 years old.

Undoubtedly, such brands of mobile phone are popular:

  • Lenovo
  • Samsung
  • Xiaomi
  • Prestigio
  • Alcatel.

However, do not forget when buying a phone for a child, it is best to purchase a gadget that the child likes.

Alcatel Pixi 3 4009D

A reliable gadget for a child

This smartphone is suitable for any child. The battery in this device is able to work for a long time, allowing the baby to play games.

The indisputable advantages of such a model include:

  • Good battery.
  • After the fall, you can collect it back.
  • Good game pulls.
  • Affordable cost.
  • The ability to "go" to the Internet.


  • May not pull resource-intensive games.
  • Monaural speaker.

As you can see, the smartphone has a few shortcomings that you can close your eyes to, given its low cost (about 2500 p.).

Prestigio Wize N3

For little mods

Fashionable gadget for the baby. Screen with a resolution of 5 inches. Phone with a good camera, which allows you to shoot Full HD quality movies.

Positive characteristics:

  • Fast charge.
  • Possibility of two SIM cards.
  • Power saving function.
  • Robust housing.
  • Affordable cost.

Negative characteristics:

  • There were complaints of a quiet sound.
  • Fast battery drain.

Despite its insignificant shortcomings, the smartphone looks pretty solid, and its cost allows you to buy it, closing your eyes to all the manufacturer’s shortcomings. The cost of a smartphone 3500 - 4200 rubles.

Samsung Galaxy J2 Prime

Model for older children

A popular brand of phone with an affordable price. What else do you need from Samsung? The model has such advantages:

  • High-quality sound and a good speaker.
  • Support for modern games.
  • Quality camera.
  • The battery can last up to two days.

However, this model has its drawbacks:

  • There are no headphones in the kit.
  • The screen looks "blurred" without a film.

Of course, many parents turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of the smartphone, because they know that Samsung is a reliable manufacturer. The cost of the phone, depending on the model, is from 6 to 10 thousand rubles.

Xiaomi Redmi 4

Universal model for children and parents

A fairly popular model, not only for children. Xiaomi brand has successfully established itself, and the model itself looks beautiful.

Its advantages include:

  • Affordable price.
  • High-quality color rendition of the screen.
  • Loud speaker.
  • Strong case.
  • Beautiful design.

The disadvantages of this model are:

  • Not frost resistant.
  • The screen is often scratched.
  • Heats up with prolonged use.

Of course, in any case, the phone is suitable for the child, even because it looks original. Such a phone costs from 4200 to 4900 p.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4

Xiaomi in two colors

Another popular model from Xiaomi. Her design is even more popular than the previous one.

The positive aspects of the model can be attributed without hesitation:

  • Modern appearance.
  • Speaker volume
  • Support for all games.
  • A lot of memory.

The disadvantages of the gadget include:

  • May heat up from games.
  • It is unpleasant to hold hands during cold weather.

Such a smartphone for a child will be popular for more than a year among teenage schoolchildren. And therefore, having acquired it, you will provide your child with a fashionable mobile phone for a couple of years so for sure. Prices for gadgets of this brand range from 7,900 - 15,000 p.

Lenovo K6 Power

Successful model for schoolchildren

This smartphone is not inferior in its qualities and parameters to any popular smartphone. It is because of its functionality and fashionable design that parents often take it to their schoolchildren.

The advantages of the model include:

  • Quality camera with a good flash.
  • Screen brightness.
  • Quality speaker.
  • Robust housing.

However, as with all models, the mobile has its negative sides:

  • The voice recorder is very quiet.
  • Weak sound in the headphones.

At first glance, such disadvantages may seem very significant and play an important role when buying this model. At the same time, do not forget that this is a Lenovo brand that is constantly evolving, removing the shortcomings of the previous model. You can buy such a phone for 9 - 12 thousand rubles.

Meizu M3

Beautiful and functional Meizu

Ideal for a child of ten years. Believe me, your child will say thank you. This is a powerful model that is not inferior to anything previous variations. Its price is quite affordable, and the characteristics correspond to the models described above.

Indisputable advantages of the model:

  • Large amount of memory.
  • High-quality photo and video.
  • Fashionable design.
  • Game support.
  • Reliable battery

This model, in spite of everything, has negative advantages:

  • Not always "reads" a fingerprint.
  • May become very hot during prolonged use.

The price of this model ranges from 9000 - 12000 p.


The next model, from a little-known manufacturer Elephone. Elephone P8 Mini is a bright and stylish model, which in its pricing policy only “bewitches” to itself.

Elegance and functionality in one smartphone

The advantages that characterize this smartphone include:

  • Big screen.
  • Reliability.
  • Nice camera.

Holds the battery for a long time.

The cons include:

  • Not everywhere is a model available.
  • May heat up when used.

Of course, almost no one wants to take a little-known brand, but looking at the characteristics and prices, many close their eyes and take this model to their children. Its cost is about 9 thousand rubles.

Prestigio Wize Q3

Affordability The cost of Prestigio will appeal to you, but the availability of use will appeal to the baby. This baby phone has a stylish look. Moreover, the child has the opportunity to choose one of four colors. The model has such advantages:

Ease of use.

  • Frameless design.
  • Nice camera.
  • The battery is removed.

But the model has fewer shortcomings:

  • Quiet speaker.
  • Heats up under heavy load.

When buying this phone, it is also recommended to pay attention that it does not support 4G, but otherwise the model is not inferior to its competitors. The price does not really bite - 3500-4500 p.

Huawei Honor 6A

Last on the list, but not in quality smartphone, mobile phones for children is Huawei Honor 6A.

Not expensive, but high quality

If your child wants a modern phone, but you cannot provide him with an expensive gadget, this mobile is for you. It is very convenient to use and in no way inferior to its competitors in the smartphone market. Its price is about 8000 rubles.

Among the positive qualities can be identified:

  • Strong case.
  • Quality camera.
  • Fingerprint scanner.
  • Large amount of memory.
  • The battery charge allows you to work for a long time.

But the negative sides include:

  • The memory card slot is integrated with the second SIM card slot.

Your baby will be delighted with such a phone, do not hesitate.


Our article provides the top phones often taken by parents for their children. These mobile devices are affordable and enjoyable in their specs.

In any case, each parent needs to remember some things, and no matter how old their children are:

  • Children are prone to excessive activity, and therefore their phones do not last long.
  • Any phone has a bad effect on the body, causing various diseases, so the child in any case will need to be limited from using the smartphone around the clock.
  • Make sure that your baby does not only watch entertainment programs and videos that do not carry any scientifically useful information. Best of all, besides games, he should also download useful educational programs for children.

Each smartphone for a small child is simple and functional in its use, so the child will only be happy to use such a gadget.

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