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The very first cell phones

A mobile phone in the modern world is already a necessity. A person cannot imagine himself without this device and feels discomfort, being “separated” from him. Needless to say, this truly unique invention not only simplified life, but also dragged humanity into a technological string of progress. It's hard to imagine, but many remember life without phones. It would seem that yesterday the communication device was more like an invention of the fantasy genre, but today it is a matter of prime necessity.

Pioneer of the mobile era

Motorola can hardly be called a leader in the mobile phone market. However, it was this company that released the very first mobile phone in the world. It was a Motorola DynaTAC 8000X model.

The very first cell phones

Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

Release fell on 1983. Its first development was presented 10 years before this historic moment.

in the USA, the story of 1973 is told as a legend. It was then that inventor Martin Cooper, walking around Manhattan, defiantly made a call on the mobile phone he created. Witnesses of this spectacle questioned the adequacy of Cooper's condition, mistaking him for an over-drunk or sick person.

What characteristics did the device have:

  • phone memory stored up to 30 numbers;
  • the weight of the first mobile phone was 1 kg;
  • a fully charged battery provided for 1 hour of operation;
  • the cost of such a phone was $ 3995 (it is worth noting that this is the price of a good car in those days).

The modern generation, reading this, will smile sarcastically, however, such an achievement was not just a breakthrough, but also the first step to today's successes in this area.

Top 5 Legendary Telephone Inventions

After the world received a mobile phone, many companies began to work in this direction, trying to invent something similar, and even better to surpass the previous creator. As in any field, the success of the invention confirms the mass. In our case, these are the people who used the phones. Some models were promising and in the end did not appeal to the public, others were not so advertised, but they became real favorites. Consider the most sensational models:

  • Nokia Mobira Senator is a car phone. Most mobile devices of those times weighed a lot, so they found their application in cars. This Nokia model had a weight of about 10 kg. It has earned its fame in our country due to the fact that it was Gorbachev who used it.
The very first cell phones

Nokia Mobira Senator

  • Nokia 8110 - or better known as a banana phone from the movie “Matrix”. It is not known what made this model so popular, a film or an unusual form. However, this year he is returning to store shelves in a reissued version. Its cost is about $ 120 in our country, the phone is made in black, as well as the original yellow. There is no doubt that he will find his audience in the modern mobile world.
The very first cell phones

Nokia 8110

The very first cell phones

Nokia 8110 Reprint

  • Motorola StarTAC - the first clamshell in the world (1996). About 60 million copies were sold. Such high demand was associated with an ultramodern and unique design, in addition, the weight of the device was 90 grams, which was also unusual. The price of this model was about 1 thousand dollars, but this did not stop him from gaining such popularity.
The very first cell phones

Motorola StarTAC

  • Benefon Dragon - was launched in 1998. Like no other phone, it is associated with the era of raspberry jackets and the so-called “new Russians”. After all, it was this layer of the population that could afford such an expensive pleasure.He did not differ in special design or attractiveness of appearance, however, in the absence of a choice, he was considered a luxury item. The phone weight was 200 grams, thickness 2 cm, the functionality is quite simple - calls, calculator, alarm clock, calculator.
The very first cell phones

Benefit dragon

  • Nokia 3310 - 2000 of release. The stories about the indestructibility of this phone do not end now. More than 130 million copies have been sold worldwide. Everything ingenious is simple - this is how you can describe this phone. Loud speaker, bright screen, ease of operation and durability. In addition, everyone in the reserve has a couple of stories about how the Nokia 3310 helped out by hammering nails and cooking chops, how it survived the flood and was reborn from the ashes.
The very first cell phones

Nokia 3310

Smart - era

Knowing the convenience of using a mobile phone, the world could not stop there. From modern gadget began to demand more: they began to fill it with more and more functions, improve its capabilities, hone its appearance and find new ways to use it. Finally, the time came when the phone became not only convenient, but also “smart”. This is a real helper and savior.

“Smart phone” (smart-phone) - combines the functions of a mobile and personal computer.

The world's first known smartphone - IBM Simon. Its appearance is far from its modern counterpart, but the functionality and idea are undoubtedly repeated. The device with a weight of 1 kg included the function of a telephone, sending a fax, e-mail, a notebook, a calculator, a clock and several games. The gadget was controlled using a stylus, the screen was completely touch-sensitive. The cost of such pleasure was 1 thousand dollars. The device should have become a real sensation. However, he was not appreciated and passed through his fingers. Most likely this is due to the limitation of the technological capabilities of the time, no one believed in the smartphone. In addition, the Internet in those memorable times was not quite operational, but rather had mythical properties, and the very prospects for the development of mobile communications were not clear to humanity.

The very first cell phones

The world's first smartphone - IBM Simon

In 1996, Nokia, together with Hewlet-Packard, repeated the attempt to conquer the mobile world, presenting to the public its development - the HP 700LX PDA. Behind him, at the end of the same year, the Nokia 9000 Communicator appeared. A year later, a Taiwanese company known as HTC announced the development of ultra-modern devices that combine the properties of a phone and a PDA. The success of the company was not lightning fast, despite the loud statements and colorful promises. In 2000, they were able to enter the world market and present a wide selection of their undoubtedly high-quality products.

Modern technologies

When reviewing mobile phones, it is impossible not to dwell on the story of the iPhone. Probably, everyone already knows the notorious story with apples, and the incredible story of the creator Steve Jobs. However, the mystery of the success of the company is not solved and cannot be solved to the end. Either this superintuition made it possible to understand what a modern person wants, or whether it is just a coincidence that happened at the right time. On June 29, 2007, IPhone smartphones went on sale, with their own iOS operating system. For some six months, the device has gained incredible popularity, while largely inferior in characteristics to many phones. Favorite smartphones are now the standard.

Today's rival Android OS went on sale in 2008 on the T-Mobile G1 (HTC Dream). What next? It would seem that smartphones have reached perfection, surpassing yesterday's computers and phones, becoming an inseparable and affordable companion to man. Then begins the time of capacity building and marketing tricks. A technological sensation is not expected in the near future, but sales are needed. In order to sell - you need to surprise.So there are phones with a wide diagonal, combining a phone and a tablet, curved devices, shockproof and other unusual gadgets.

Modern leaders

World analytic companies annually carry out work to provide data on world market leaders, including mobile ones. According to the results of the first quarter of 2018, Samsung is the leader. During the reporting period, they managed to sell 78 million smartphones, which is 22% of the total. Apple - takes the second place, selling 52.2 million smartphones - 15%. In third place - Huawei - with an indicator of 11%. In the market of North America invariably, not the first year Apple leads, occupying 40% of the market.

The market for smartphones and mobile phones has expanded very much since the first phone appeared. Today, a smartphone can be purchased by almost anyone. The assortment panel is so wide that it allows you to choose a gadget for every taste and budget.

Interesting facts about mobile phones

Using a mobile phone every day, a person does not even know about many unusual things and facts regarding this gadget:

  • the most popular feature of a mobile phone is not calls, and not even SMS, but a watch. It is for checking time that a person most often uses a telephone;
  • the contamination of the mobile phone exceeds the contamination of the handle of the drain tank;
  • the text of the world's first SMS message: “Merry Christmas”;
  • a resident of Florida became famous for the largest bill for mobile communications - 201 thousand dollars. Not realizing the tariff for using roaming, she used mobile communications while in Canada;
  • a driver talking on the phone while driving reacts to a third slower than a driver who is intoxicated;
  • In England, an invention was presented - a toilet that can recharge a mobile battery.

Man has achieved the highest heights in technology. The mobile niche is now one of the most popular. People have long been trying to find something like this: notebooks for notes, alarms, players, watches, calculators and more. A mobile phone combines everything. This pocket assistant stores an incredible amount of information about its owner. In addition, the gadget model characterizes the owner as much as possible. Elegance and glamor are preferred by the female part of the population, business people prefer conciseness and functionality, older people prefer ease of use. Whatever the choice - the telephone in our time - is a necessity that makes a person mobile, efficient and open.

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