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Why the smartphone is very hot at work

With full confidence, we can say that every smartphone user has encountered the problem that the phone heats up during operation. Because of what, heating can occur and how to properly eliminate it without harming the device itself, is described in this article.

Why Android Phone Heats Up

Many people know that smartphones with the Android operating system tend to heat up. This is due to the fact that modern processors that are installed on smartphones can heat up, but this property is not considered critical if the heating is very weak, barely noticeable, and does not slow down the operation of the device.

Before buying it can be impossible to find out if the phone is warming up or not, so it’s worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the reviews and reviews of people who use this model of smartphone and know about its positive and negative sides firsthand.

Phone overheating

Reasons for heating

Many electronic devices can become warm during operation, especially if they are used frequently and for a long time. This is a normal indicator that you should not pay attention to if it does not bring discomfort to the owner himself and does not affect the operation of the device.

If the heating is really critical, you need to figure out which part of the smartphone it is in, and here you will understand how to fix the problem:

  • CPU overheating. It can happen due to overly frequent and prolonged use of the device. The more applications a user opens at the same time, the harder the processor starts to work, so it starts to heat up. But not only the applications themselves can lead to this, the connected modules of GPS navigation, WI-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G, working in active mode, can also lead to heating. The internal causes of processor overheating include incomplete applications that contain errors or for which the codes are not written down to the end.
  • An external factor is the effect of direct sunlight on the smartphone.
  • An internal factor is a software problem, a lack of memory on the device.
  • Battery overheating. This problem can occur when using a broken or non-original charger, or if the battery itself is faulty.
  • Damage, factory defect.

The phone may heat up due to improper use, or due to mechanical damage, factory defects

How to fix the problem

Depending on the cause of the heating, the following methods of eliminating this problem can be distinguished:

  • With the active use of the smartphone, you need to try not to overload it, take breaks between use, and not open several heavy applications at once. You should also disable navigation modules if you do not need to use them.
  • Track at what point the phone starts to heat up. If this happens when using a particular application, then perhaps this is the case. Delete it or try to find a less energy-consuming counterpart. Do not refuse to update existing applications, their new versions can help eliminate heat.
  • Remove the case from your phone while using heavy applications, do not leave it in direct sunlight in hot weather.
  • Use original, not broken and undamaged chargers and do not load the mobile device, it is better to completely put it aside and wait until it is fully charged.
  • If the cause of the problem is a malfunction of the device software, then clean the memory from the cache and unnecessary files and programs, in the worst case, you can return the settings to factory settings.

Remedies for overheating

Why is the phone warming up on iOS

IPhones are subject to heat, moreover, of any model. Among the main reasons, there are two of the most common ones - factory defects and improper use of the smartphone by the user. The reasons why the phone is warming up are very similar to the reasons for heating Android phones:

  • Too active use for a long period of time, because of which the phone does not have time to relax.
  • The launch of several energy-intensive applications at once, due to which the processor of the device heats up and the battery drains quickly.
  • The included communication modules are GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G.
  • The smartphone was not charged for a long time, as a result of which it consumes more energy and power than usual during charging.
  • The use of non-original or faulty chargers, due to which the smartphone can also become very hot during charging.

The reasons for heating the phone on iOS are the same as on the phone on Android

If the iPhone heats up in standby mode, then you should pay attention to the following reasons:

  • Wrong smartphone firmware. It can be either a factory error or even incorrect downloading of updates and new applications.
  • Virus. Even on a smartphone you can find a virus program, because of it, like on a laptop or computer, signs like system slowdown, excessive heating of the device may appear.
  • Incorrect operation of the device. For example, moisture ingress, due to which the contacts inside are susceptible to oxidation, and then completely short circuit, which leads to overheating.
  • Incorrect operation of the power controller. A power controller (or PMIC controller) is a means by which the supply and input current are regulated. If this module is defective, then the device may heat up when charging, and even sometimes it will catch fire.

How to fix smartphone heating problem

Each user will be able to cope with some of the reasons on their own, but in some cases it is still worth contacting specialists.


  • Do not load the device with prolonged and excessive use.
  • Do not open several energy-intensive applications at once.
  • Use the correct charger.
  • Periodically check the smartphone for virus software, clear the cache and internal memory of the device from unnecessary files.
  • Protect your phone from moisture.

The iPhone may heat up if its battery is very low

Phone overheating during games

Applications such as games, by themselves, are energy-consuming from the processor and graphics card of the smartphone, so almost all phones start to heat up after 10 minutes of active games.

In order to reduce the degree of heating of the phone during the game, you need to disable all the modules used, which will further complicate the operation of the device. You should also close all background applications so that they do not pose an additional threat of overheating. Another rule for gamers: do not play while the phone is charging, as the battery overheating will be added to the processor’s heavy load.

Phone heating during games

Phone overheating during operation

Often the phone starts to heat up when the user simultaneously opens several applications. It should be remembered that there are heavy-duty applications that by themselves cause the smartphone to heat up, as well as simple applications, many of which will also lead to overheating.

When working in the application, remember these properties of your device, let's periodically rest on the phone and on yourself, do not forget to update the software and applications themselves, to clean the memory of accumulated unnecessary material.

Phone heating during a conversation

Mobile data transfer is also one of the most energy-consuming activities that can cause the phone to heat up. In order to minimize overheating, you must first close all applications opened in the tabs before talking on the phone, turn off GPS.

Phone heating during a call

Phone heating when using a browser

Often, the smartphone may become warm during operation in the browser due to an uncleaned basket with cache and due to the presence of virus software. Phones are particularly vulnerable in this regard, since users rarely assume that downloading a file from the Internet, they can also add a virus.

You must periodically check your smartphone for viruses. This can be done by downloading a special application that will not only scan, but also delete malicious files.

All devices, whether it is a smartphone or laptop, have the property of heating. A weak temperature, up to 40-45 degrees, does not go beyond the norm, but a higher heating temperature, burning hands and slowing down the operation of the device, is an occasion to take measures.

Each gadget needs to be given periodic rest

The reasons can be both internal (virus, improperly installed software, frequent use of the phone and a large number of simultaneously open application tabs), and external (exposure to direct sunlight, problems with the charger and battery). If the problem is not solved on your own, then you should contact a specialist who will tell you what exactly is the cause of the heating, and how best to fix this problem. Self-intervention can lead to the phone exploding due to overheating.

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