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Why the phone does not turn on

A modern telephone is a rather complicated and sometimes whimsical technical device that can fail, for example, stop turning on when the user least expects this.

Before you start to panic and look for the nearest repair shop, you should find out why the phone does not turn on. Very often, the owner of the gadget can fix problems in the mobile on their own, without resorting to specialists.

Common causes of problems turning on the smartphone

The phone may stop working and turn on when the battery runs out. As a rule, this problem is relevant for older models. It is possible to recognize it in advance: before the device finally stops turning on and responds to pressing any buttons, it quickly starts to drain the battery, and it takes a lot of time to charge.

Possible problems with switching on also occur during oxidation of the phone’s battery. If the cause of the breakdown really is in this, the best solution is to get rid of the mobile as soon as possible (there is a possibility that the battery will light up). An oxidized and bloated battery is very often noticeable already outside, from under the phone.

Often the phone cannot turn on due to hardware problems, which are not always easy to solve, and not the fact that the user will cope with this at home. The reasons given above require disposing of the battery and replacing it with a new one. All other problems must be corrected.

Mobile does not turn on

So, the main reasons for the breakdown of the cell, because of which it may not turn on:

  • a worn or defective battery;
  • problems with charging;
  • faulty power button;
  • software bugs;
  • moisture in the device;
  • virus in the system;
  • various mechanical damage.

Bad battery and check

If the device does not respond to the power button, the first thing the user can do is check if the battery is working.

A mobile phone’s battery usually has one of three problems:

  • insufficient charge;
  • bloating, oxidation, or other damage;
  • commonplace wear.

For example, if the owner of the cell phone asks why the phone does not turn on completely, the answer may be simple: his battery is dead. Depending on what the charge level is, the device may either not respond at all to the user's actions, or do it weakly. The difficulty is solved by connecting the phone to the charger.

Dead battery

You need to know that some cellular models after they have been completely discharged, and then connected to charging, may not turn on instantly. In such a situation, they just need to be left to charge, and within one or two hours the functionality will be restored.

If charging does not help, you should open the back cover and see what condition the battery is in. A swollen battery must be disposed of immediately and replaced.

Swollen battery

Another common problem is battery wear, however, in this case, the phone usually turns on, but after that it goes down very quickly. There are two possible verification options:

  • measurement of voltage and current in the battery;
  • installing the battery in another similar device, if it works in it, the reason lies elsewhere.

Charging problems

If the phone is already connected to the network, but does not charge and does not turn on, perhaps the battery is not the fault, namely the charger.

What you need to do to fix charging problems:

  • measure the voltage at the outlet;
  • change the device cable;
  • use another charge.

First of all, you should understand if there is current in the outlet to which the charging is connected. This is a fairly common problem when charging mobile devices. The question of whether the user has ascertained the presence of voltage in the outlet is the first of those asked by the service center employees of any large company.

The charger cable may also suffer, for example, if it has been rather inaccurately operated or pets have access to it. This is an easily fixed problem, since almost all modern gadgets are charged through the connectors - or -, and in this case the cable can be replaced separately from the adapter.

Damaged Charger Cable

Important! You can find out if charging works by trying to charge the phone from the computer. If after that the device starts to charge and turn on - the problem is in the adapter requiring replacement.

Charging Jack Problems

This is also a common problem, especially for devices that are used for a long time. Sometimes it can be detected in advance, before the device finally stops turning on, for example, if it is set to charge, but the process does not go, or it goes, but slowly and jerkily.

The reason may be the accumulation of debris in the connector for charging the phone. It is carefully removed from there with cotton pads and sticks (they should not be wet - this can lead to a short circuit and a complete breakdown of the gadget).

Cleaning the charge connector

Bad power button

If the user finds that his mobile phone does not turn on, the power button may have broken. Typically, such malfunctions are exposed to devices that have been actively used for a long time (the exception may be a phone that was originally defective).

The user in this situation has two ways:

  1. Try hard to turn on the phone. Sometimes it works, and after two or three attempts, it starts to function. The disadvantage of this method: if there was a similar problem before, gradually the number of attempts will increase
  2. Take the phone to a service center. A broken power button is not a significant problem, it can be repaired quickly and inexpensively (especially when the device is still under warranty).

Power Button Repair

When identifying the described problems do not delay with a visit to the service center. The fact that the power button does not work too well is also indicated by the fact that turning on the sleep mode on the phone is not obtained immediately, but only after several attempts. If the button is stuck or damaged, it is better to refer the device to specialists, without waiting until it stops turning on and fully works.

Software crashes and problems after upgrade

Malfunctions in the software can also cause the mobile phone to not turn on. The first thing to do is an emergency reboot, and this process can be carried out in one of two ways (depends on the phone model and its parameters):

  • Take out the battery. Easy method - you just need to remove the back cover of the cell, remove the battery, and then put it in place. For phones with removable batteries, the process is almost identical. Any person can handle this.

Battery removal

  • It’s worth it to act differently if you don’t have a battery for a specific phone model. In no case can you disassemble the whole body of the device yourself - you still can’t remove the battery, and its performance will be impaired. Manufacturers for such cases leave a hole in the device’s body where a small needle or needle, usually included in the kit, is stuck.

Reset Hole

In the second situation, you should also carefully read the instructions that came with the smartphone - this process should be described in detail.

Important! As a rule, the hole with which you can carry out emergency reboot of the phone is located either on the upper or on the lower side of the case. It is also often covered by a removable plate.

If the reboot did not work, and the phone still does not turn on, it remains to show it to the service center employees.

Updates are issued to troubleshoot smartphones, but the consequences of installing them are sometimes unexpected. If the user wants to install updates on his own, he must remember all the possible risks. For example, phones running on the Android OS, after updating the system, can begin to quickly consume battery power.

Android firmware update

Sometimes the update causes the device to stop turning on. The last time Android users faced this in bulk in 2015, having decided to update the OS to the latest version.

How to solve problems with turning on the phone that occurred after the update:

  • roll back updates or OS version;
  • Install another version
  • restore the phone using special mode.

If it is impossible to use at least one of the above options, you must take the device to a service center.

A virus has entered the system

There are rare situations when a virus that gets into the system completely disables the phone, but it is also possible. There are samples that prevent the device from turning on, and in this case, the user must understand the following: after restoration, by resetting the settings, all personal data will be lost. It is impossible to avoid the implementation of such a procedure, since without this it will not be possible to turn on the cell normally.

How to act:

  1. Press the power button and the volume button at the same time. Depending on the specific phone model, it is determined which volume key should be pressed - top or bottom. Such information is usually displayed in the instructions.
  2. Hold buttons until the phone starts to respond. The Recovery menu opens on the display. Here, the item "Wipe data / factory reset" is selected.

Recovery menu

  1. After updating the menu, additional actions will appear in it. Select "Yes - delete all user data". Further, absolutely all data will be deleted from the phone (if necessary, only a small fraction is subject to recovery).
  2. The system will redirect the user to the Recovery menu. Select "Reboot system now". Then the phone will reboot, and if the reason that it did not turn on earlier was a virus, it will start working as usual.

To know exactly whether a virus has entered the system, you should pay attention to how it worked until the moment it stopped turning on:

  • after connecting to the Internet, files began to be downloaded from dubious unofficial sources;
  • in the process of using the phone an advertisement appeared;
  • Applications were installed without the consent of the user (corresponding notifications did not come);
  • when trying to turn on the device, it first reacted, but after turning off, repeated attempts to improve did not lead.

If the owner of the phone wants to save 100% of the data from the phone, you can try contacting a service center. So the chance that you can remove the virus and turn on the phone without a rollback to the factory settings still increases.

Mechanical damage

If the phone fell from a height or into the water, do not be surprised that after that it can’t be turned on.

The most frequent and obvious result of the fall of the device is a broken display. It is not possible to eliminate such damage on their own - only specialists are engaged in this. The cost of replacing individual parts is often higher than the cost of the entire phone.

Broken phone screen

When the mobile accidentally fell into the water, moisture penetrates into it, destructively affecting contacts and parts. In such a situation, contacting a service center should be immediate.Constant attempts to turn on the phone will only worsen the current situation.

The phone fell into the water

Internal parts can become damp not only when the unit is in the water. Sometimes he just needs to be in a humid room for some time, and this leads to disastrous results. Using a phone, you should not forget about such nuances.

A complex device such as a modern smartphone is difficult to repair on its own. As a rule, if the phone stops turning on, the user will be able to eliminate only minor problems, such as replacing the battery or charging.

In other cases, the best way is to contact the specialists of the service center. You need to choose your organization carefully - there are a lot of companies on the market, but not all of them are able to provide quality service. Sometimes phone repair is very expensive and can only be appropriate in situations with a malfunction of a really expensive model.

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