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TOP 10 phones with large buttons and a screen

How difficult it is to get lost in this gray world with monolithic smartphones with their glass cases and screens. Everyone has already forgotten what it is like to use a push-button telephone and transfer pictures to each other via Bluetooth and infrared. The new generation has easily replaced small button phones with widescreen touch screens called smartphones.

And no one seems to mind, but we forget about our senior citizens. As soon as they got used to push-button telephones, technological progress with its sophisticated technologies rushes forward, leaving no chance for old people to figure out all this turmoil. Fortunately for the older generation, no one has forgotten about them. Marketing departments of large brands carefully study what the older generation needs and create wonderful new push-button phones.

We present to your attention the TOP 10 best phones with large buttons, keyboard and screen.

Ginzzu r12d

Ginzzu r12d

Last, but not least, is the Ginzzu R12D. Excellent black case, color image, charging through the docking station! A very good model for your granny. Great functionality and nothing more. Such a phone is easy to use and does not require much skill.

The most, neither is a classic phone, so also with large buttons. Of the advantages, it is worth noting that the camera in the device can be used as a magnifying glass. That's right, if its user needs to consider something, then he can easily forget that he has a mechanical magnifier at all.

The phone itself is compact and lightweight, making it easy to use. The display and keyboard have the ability to be highlighted, and simplifies the use of your cell phone at night. Such phones have the property inherent in everyone in this line of compact communications. When you press the keys in the dialer, the phone will play loudly what its user dialed in the dialer. A simple menu, the "SOS" button located on the screen body, low battery consumption - all this makes Ginzzu one of the best phones for seniors.

Of the minuses, a small amount of free memory and the need to buy a flesh card can be noted.

The average price is 2290 rubles

8.6 / 10 in rating and well-deserved tenth place in the top.




Ninth place is occupied by MAXVI B2 with its excellent price. 1350 rubles the average price in the market. Exactly what is needed! The phone is not famous for some sophisticated functionality, but this is not necessary. A high-quality model with a large display will help its user to more easily deal with its functionality.

This model is equipped with a large "SOS" button directly on the central part of the keyboard. If you hold down this key, your device will start to make a loud sound and ring your popular contacts. Popular contacts are the five most dialed numbers or pre-specified in the menu. MAXVI will call an ambulance for you if for some reason you cannot do it.

Large buttons on the keyboard will help to make less mistakes with dialing a phone number, and is perfect for visually impaired people with poor eyesight. The main advantage of this phone is its price. Also in the list of advantages you can include an alert and emergency call system “SOS”. A comfortable keyboard is also a clear plus in this model.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting that the font on the display seems quite small compared to the buttons. Removing the lock is not as easy as on other models. Here you have to alternately press 2 buttons instead of one.

Rating 8.6 / 10 among smartphones of this line, and we continue further.

TeXet TM-501

TeXet TM-501

The eighth place in the charts of phones for seniors takes teXet TM-501. The first slider in our top and its best implementation of all models of this type.

This model looks good in the current market of phones that are designed for inept use. As with all models before, teXet has an alarm button "SOS", and as we already know - it is no accident. The presence of such buttons indicates only one thing - this phone is designed to help. The current market does not always rely on older ones. Especially those brands that already have a target audience based on budget smartphones for young people. But not TEXET. Despite the fact that the bulk of the slider phones currently being manufactured do not at all take into account the needs of older people, they single out the company from the general list, making it the best for our audience. The volume key on the side and fast autodial by clamping a number on the keyboard makes this model convenient and comfortable to use.

Unfortunately, not everything in this phone is simple and clear. There are keys such as “M1” and “M2”. They are located above the call button and above the reset button, respectively. The situational control system through these keys is not immediately clear to the average user. You need to get used to this function for a long time. Thus, the functionality of the keys in the ringer mode starts the call, and in the radio mode they can switch frequencies in the radio.

The advantages of the phone are again in the "SOS" button. Also, the presence of speed dialing through numbers cannot but be a plus of this phone. It is possible to answer and drop calls through the slider. A large font on a bright screen helps to parse text without difficulty.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the very keys “M1” and “M2”. Their functionality requires special knowledge. Internet connection through only 2G. Also, we all remember that in the sliders the cable easily breaks and this model is no exception.

The market price is 2190 rubles.

Rating 8.9 / 10.



Seventh place on our list will be the SENSEIT L208. This phone is a bit of a legend reborn from the ashes. We all remember our old telephones, where it was possible to put a melody on a separate contact’s ringtone, which made teenagers goofy and everyone put a separate song on your friend’s friend, with whom this song is associated. This model also has such a function that takes your users to a new level. It is likely that people who are over sixty or more are not at all interested in these newfangled functions, but nevertheless, having set the call on themselves or other relatives on their own, your old man will feel the same feelings as we did when our friends called us and we immediately determined by the call who was calling us.

Senseit said that their phone is capable of working for two days, in a talk mode over cellular communications, without any stop. Unbelievable! 48 hours of continuous conversation. It is clear that few people have to talk so much, but the fact itself suggests that this model has a capacitive battery. There is also a function of speed dialing and assigning a picture or photo to a separate contact. The flashlight can be turned on with a button on the housing.

The advantage of this phone, of course, is its modernity and battery. This technique can be used as a power bank to recharge other equipment.

Of the minuses, you can safely call its speaker located on the back cover. Thanks to this, the phone will have to be turned 180 degrees to talk, and everyone around you will know what exactly you are talking about.

The market price is 1690 rubles.

Rating 9.0 / 10.

Ginzzu mf701

Ginzzu mf701

How could one forget about our favorite folding beds ?! The Ginzzu company, known to us earlier, has the MF701 model with a folding screen in its arsenal. The presence of an alarm button in the classics and large buttons - all as our grandparents love.The phone has a separate button on the case to turn on the flashlight, and I can’t believe it, there is a telescopic antenna! With it, you can catch the radio frequency you need and listen with high-quality broadcasting without interference. Since this phone is positioning itself as a device for the elderly, the sound here is also for the elderly. Speakers with increased sound reproduction frequency. Quite welcoming from the manufacturers, it is clear that the company is trying to please its target audience by producing good products for them at a good price.

Of the advantages, as we have said, I can mention a telescopic antenna and speakers with a strong sound.
Of the minuses, the fact that there is no 3G support, which is strange.

Great price! Only 1,422 rubles and sixth place on our list.

Rating 9.0 / 10.



In fifth place is the manufacturer, whom we all perfectly remember from the previous model. This mobile phone with clear large buttons is the most efficient phone for its price. Here we can see a changed radio mode and an improved structure for searching and saving frequencies. The device has a powerful speaker, which allows not only to listen to music loudly, but also to play surround sound, as the official manufacturer claims. “P11” is equipped with an internal antenna, which allows you to listen to the radio without the use of headphones, which in previous versions served as a way to pick up frequencies.

The battery, as expected, is also a cut above its predecessors. The battery life of the phone is 14 days! And that's not all. The most important feature of this phone is its incredible function with the support of three SIM-cards at the same time.

Range of advantages on the face:

  • battery reserve;
  • loud speakers
  • radio without headphones;
  • three SIM cards.

Of the shortcomings, it is easy to notice that the screen has strong glare from the sun, which interferes with the work and the small print in the menu.

The issue price is 1633 rubles.

Rating 9.1 / 10

BQ-2002 Trust

BQ-2002 Trust

Another clamshell manufactured by the Russian company BQ, takes fourth place. The target audience is also people over 50 and above. A phone with large buttons is what an old person needs. This model is deservedly located in fourth place, including many useful features. In this model, they proposed the concept of a watch on an external screen and implemented it well. Now, in order to see the time, you do not need to open the phone. You can just look at what’s on the top of the case and see a stylish dial that always shows what time it is. Also on the external screen you can see the amount of charge at the moment and see the missed call, if any. In a word, the BQ brand has done everything to save time for their users. Do not stint the design for these models. They released as many as 5 different color schemes, now everyone can choose their own color to taste.

A very good phone for its price: 1750 rubles.

Of the minuses, only one SIM card and a very unpleasant menu can be present.

Rating 9.1 / 10



Top 3 of our list opens with Just5 BRICK. A magnificent "brick" of our time. Nothing extra mobile with large buttons. Calls and simplified management are the motto of the manufacturers of this product. The design seems futuristic and does not look ridiculous against the background of current flagship new products. The case is rectangular in geometry, just like the "iphone 4". It comfortably lies in the hand, creates a feeling of solidity. The battery is average and lasts for several days. Battery life without recharging 96 hours.

Among the shortcomings - a screen 1.77 inches wide may not be suitable for all types of users.

The price range is around 3000 rubles.

The rating on our list is 9.3 / 10.

ONEXT Care-Phone 5

ONEXT Care-Phone 5

The next great phone that deserves attention and its second place of honor is the ONEXT Care-Phone 5. By far, one of the best phones with large buttons and a convenient keyboard. The company focused on retirees with poor performance in terms of vision, which is a lot of importance. ONEXT was able to do something incredible.The fifth model in the Care-Phone line of phones has set the trend for budget phones.

The large buttons on the phone are one of the most significant details when creating phones for the elderly. A screen with high color sensitivity, high brightness and large fonts will help even the most blind to intuitively call their close relatives. Also in this smartphone there is a smart voice matching system, thanks to which the control becomes comfortable even with eyes closed. The "SOS" key, as in other models, is present here.

An advantage may be its remarkable price: 1800 rubles per set with headphones and charging.

Of the minuses - a dull design, which is not very important.

Rating 9.4 / 10.

Elari CardPhone

Elari CardPhone

So, our TOP phones are coming to an end and what do we have in the first place? The unrivaled design of the futuristic Elari CardPhone. It was impossible to ignore the classic silhouette of this phone. This unit is very thin and compact. Its size is comparable to a credit card in your wallet. Putting it in your wallet, you will not notice discomfort, because it does not take up too much space, which helps to use it more comfortably. The design is extremely minimalistic. Black color of the case and white color of the keyboard layout.

About the buttons should be added that they are very large and suitable for visually impaired people. Maximum benefit, minimum excess. The phone contains only the basic functions of a mobile phone, which makes it the best among the entire list. This device is used not only by people in old age, but also by businessmen who really value their time. The screen is very small 1.1 inches. Only 1 SIM card is suitable. There are transmission functions via Bluetooth. The phone supports MP3 and includes radio in its set of functions. Weight is only 42 grams! All is well, but what about the price? The price is quite high for its segment. For this smartphone, on average, in the salons of cellular communications they require about 4 thousand rubles. The price varies up to 5 thousand rubles. Whether it's worth it or not, it's up to you to decide, but it is not in vain that it is on the first line of our rating.

Rating 9.7 / 10.

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