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All about the dishwasher water level sensor

All dishwashers are necessarily equipped with such a device as a water level sensor, which is also called a pressure switch. Thanks to its installation, the washing unit automatically determines the liquid level, the device is easily adjusted for subsequent washing dishes.

As long as the dishwasher is working properly, intervention in its functions is not required, this applies to modern models –electrolux and others. If the device for washing kitchen utensils began to collect excess water or the dishwasher does not pick up water at allthan you need for high-quality washing, it should initially check if the pressure switch is working. In the event that the device malfunctions during operation, other components of the device also begin to work incorrectly, then you should turn to the services of professional masters.

Sensor Types

2 types of pressure switches are installed on the machines:

Devices of a mechanical type. In the case of small holes appearing on the relay pallet, there is every reason to suppose that such an element can leak liquid. But if this happens during operation, clicks characteristic of switching operating modes are heard, there will be no problems. If such clicking sounds are not heard, it is necessary to check the relay for sticking of contact groups.

Sensors are electronic. They switch modes of operation by means of an electronic design operating in low voltage conditions. Checking the functionality of a working electronic board cannot be done using devices that have high voltage. Upon occurrence appliance malfunction, dishwasher will produce an error code notification.

In any case, if a malfunction occurs, regardless of the type of element, repair or replacement should be carried out as soon as possible.

How to find out about a breakdown?

The main function of this device, which is installed in a bosch dishwasher, is to constantly monitor the required liquid level. In the case when the appliance starts to work incorrectly, this means that the working tank of the unit is probably overfilled, which will lead to poor-quality washing of kitchen utensils and flooding

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to carefully monitor the liquid level in the working tank. If you notice that it exceeds the norm, then this signals a failure of the pressure switch.

Typically, a water sensor breakdown in any dishwasher occurs for the following reasons:

  • Deterioration of parts of the device.
  • The contacts on the device connections underwent an oxidation process.
  • The low quality of the nodes of the dishwasher, which limits the life of the pressostat.

How to replace the device in the unit?

Before starting the process of replacing this device, it is necessary to take into account that each individual brand of the dishwasher has its own unique device. This means that when choosing a new element, you must carefully familiarize yourself with its parameters for the correct selection of the part. After purchasing the required device, replace it.

Do this work this way:

  • Initially, the rear wall of the machine is carefully removed.
  • After, under the level sensor, the connection hose is dismantled.
  • The part is removed from its location, the connector used for connection is also removed.
  • The design is assembled in the reverse order.

After installing a new part, it is necessary to check whether the installation is carried out correctly, for which it is necessary to start the unit. With proper assembly, the fluid level in the working chamber must be optimal.

Operational safety and high-quality washing can only be ensured by a serviceable device, so more often it should be checked for serviceability. In any case, it is better to prevent its failure than to lose time and money to replace it in the future. Therefore, be sure to follow the operating instructions for the dishwasher and clean the drain from clogging and 2-3 times a month.

The dishwasher unit greatly facilitated the work of the hostess, saving her from daily washing of dishes. By loading dirty dishes into the machine and starting it, you can take the time to do other things, and the kitchen utensils in the meantime will be thoroughly washed and dried. But sooner or later, an indicator will flash on the machine’s display, which draws the user's attention to damage or failure of parts.

What does it mean error code e24 on the dishwasher screen cars - read in our article.

Most common causes

Dishwashers of high quality and value are signaled by a flashing indicator when the filter is clogged. Such a nuisance usually happens if the hostess does not clean the kitchen utensils in time before putting the leftover food in the tank. After some time, the remnants of food clog the filter element. As soon as the filter is full, the water indicator flashes immediately.

Also, violations during the operation of the dishwasher may occur due to the following reasons:

  • Faulty power outlet.
  • Liquid tight door.
  • Uneven and illiterate laying dishes in the tank.

But there are times when none of these reasons is suitable for a particular situation, when the indicator is blinking, you should look for other reasons, which may include:

  • Failure of the water hose connected to the dishwasher.
  • The filter element of the fluid outlet valve is dirty.
  • Inlet valve defects.
  • Wrong drain hose connection.
  • Unauthorized activation of the Aqua-Stop function.

There are several other problems with a dishwasher in which flashing indicator on the control display. If it is impossible to independently detect and solve the problem, the best way out of the situation is to call the repairman for this equipment.

Modern dishwashers have not only standard programs, but also additional functions, which include automated washing of kitchen utensils, thanks to the built-in “Aqua-sensor”.

The principle of operation of the "Aqua-sensor", its necessity

“Aqua-sensor” is a dishwasher water turbidity sensor, consisting of a phototransistor and an infrared LED located on one board. Their location is protected by a lightproof box with a curved configuration similar to the letter “U”. The flow of infrared rays from the photodiode passes through the water in the tank and reaches the phototransistor. If the water is clean then the control board receives a signal, the washing program changes the functions in which clean water is used again, the other is not filled and the additional rinse is canceled. When the water is sufficiently polluted and the intensity of the light stream is not enough to trigger the phototransistor, the Aqua-sensor processor informs the control unit that there is no signal that is perceived as turbidity of the water. After each rinse, the sensor is calibrated and liquid purity is determined. Such an automatic method of washing kitchen utensils makes it possible to save up to 4.5 liters of water with good quality washing of loaded products.

Replacing the Aqua sensor - turbidity sensor

You need to know that the sensitivity of the "Aqua-sensor" directly depends on the amount of scale and detergent in the liquid.

Thanks to him, it is possible to change the course of the program: its duration, water consumption, which makes it possible to significantly save electricity.

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