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Choose a dishwasher to give

For many people living in a metropolis, a summer residence is a salvation from the hustle, bustle and eternal haste. The time spent here is priceless. After all, I want to enjoy the rest without being distracted by everyday life, for example, washing dishes. There is a way out of this situation - you can stock up on disposable dishes in advance, or purchase a dishwasher.

The choice

Choosing a dishwasher for a country house or cottage, pay attention to non-built-in models. Their installation is quite simple, compared to the built-in options.

Every year, manufacturers of household appliances present new models of dishwashers for their customers. They are characterized by improved design, new features and economical consumption of electricity and water. Therefore, choosing a unit, you must be familiar with all the advantages of each model and familiarize yourself with rated best dishwashers. In addition, the appliance must satisfy the needs of the owners. Indeed, for women, the design of the model and the volume of the kitchen utensils at a time are of great importance. But men are interested in economic indicators and the method of installation. The latter information is especially important, because not everyone in the country has water supply and sewage in the room.

Going to a home appliance store, choose a model that will be convenient to use. It should be suitable for the conditions in the country house. It must be mandatory to have a built-in protective device against voltage drops in the mains.

An important factor when choosing a device is the amount of utensils used. After all, a large dishwasher for a small family is not a very good choice. Since such a device can wash 12-14 sets at once.

The average volume models are designed for 8-10 sets of table attributes.

But the smallest dishwashers can quickly cope with 4-5 sets of dishes.

Preparatory work

Decided to purchase a summer cottage dishwasher? First decide where to install it and what to connect to. All models have a standard hose and wire length of 1.5 m. Therefore, the width of the equipment and possible sagging of the hose should be considered. Remember that the distance to the water supply and low tide pipes must exceed 1 meter.

Everyone knows that the developers of furniture for the kitchen suggest the location of the dishwasher close to the sink. This is the optimal placement of the device. It should be ensured that the floor surface is even. Otherwise, the equipment will vibrate, and this will cause activation of the emergency shutdown system of the device.

The dishwasher for summer cottage should be connected by a person who already has experience in connecting similar equipment.

Workflow when connecting a dishwasher

Today there is a wide variety of dishwashers. In household appliance stores you can find these types of devices:

  • tabletop;
  • recessed;
  • partially recessed;
  • freestanding.

The first model is small, resembles a microwave. Its installation has its own characteristics. But the remaining 3 types are installed on the floor according to the same principle.

Connecting this device is a rather troublesome job. After all, installation takes place in a difficult, uncomfortable place for access. Therefore, connecting and installation embedded and stand-alone equipment must comply with this sequence of work:

  • We check all the fastenings on the walls of the section and the dishwasher. If they do not match in level, they are rearranged with a screwdriver.
  • The hose is connected to the sewer.
  • We connect to the water supply.
  • We connect to the mains.
  • Testing the operation of the device. If the model does not provide a test mode, then you just need to turn it on for 2-5 minutes.
  • We install the dishwasher in a specific place. We expose it according to the level.

Now you can load the dirty dishes and go to the garden for a walk.

Connection to the sewerage

An ideal place to connect equipment is under the sink (on a kitchen plastic siphon with nozzles). So the smells from the sewer will not get into the house. Blockages do not form due to the smooth surface of the plastic.

Experts recommend choosing siphons with 2 nozzles. So you can quickly connect another device, for example, a washing machine.

The corrugated hose is disconnected from the sink and fixed at the bottom of the outlet of the siphon. Experts also recommend replacing old rubber seals. The upper part must be fixed at the drain in the washbasin.

Many houses still have a cast-iron knee. It must be replaced. This is a solid part, but its shelf life has long been released. In addition, the surface of cast iron has roughness, so blockages often form here.

Depending on the model of the dishwasher, there can be 2 ways to connect:

  • The outlet hose must be put on the nozzle fitting. It is fixed by tightening with a clamp. In this case, the pipe must be directed up. A fitting bent at an angle of 900 must look down. Be sure to make the hose sag about 20 cm.
  • A henka is inserted into the pipe using a special rubber sealant. In this case, the hose must be inserted into the pipe. Experts recommend placing the ebb hose in a special polymer insert mounted on the wall. Thanks to this arrangement, an air shutter is created that will not allow an unpleasant smell to get out of the sewer into the room. At the same time, the top point of the henka should be at a distance of 0.5 m from the floor. Due to this, with a sharp pressure drop in the sewer, there will not be a possible suction of water from the dishwasher and drains into it.

Remember that the sealing washer must be included with the dishwasher. Some manufacturers use one-way models. And its incorrect installation after several uses can cause leakage. The machine will shut down, because the emergency shutdown system will work.

Sewer Pipe

Sometimes in the country it is impossible to place the dishwasher near the sink. But you can crash into a sewer pipe if it is placed next to it. Independently cope with this task can a person with skills in working with a soldering iron for plastic pipes. It is also necessary to prepare the grinder.

In advance we buy a tee of the same diameter as the ebb pipes. A grinder cuts out the required length on the sewer pipe. Solder the tee. Carefully attach the cast hose to the nozzle.

You can crash into a riser. In this case, the tee should be with an upward inclined pipe. Remember that the part must be soldered in such a way that the straight pipe is directed upwards.

Features drain in desktop models

Desktop models are small in size. Their location allows you to direct the drain hose into the sink. Therefore, such a model does not have to be connected to the sewer. But in the case of using models that are installed on the floor, this method is extremely undesirable. In this case, it can:

  • quickly fail the pump;
  • slip off the hose and the whole room will be flooded .;
  • emergency shutdown will not work.

Desktop models are easy to operate.They are often installed on a countertop or on a shelf in a kitchen cabinet.

I20 error in dishwashers - Find out in the article how to fix the problem.

Features of connecting to the water supply

The easiest way to connect the dishwasher in the country to the water supply is to insert a tee with a shut-off valve. Install it under the mixer. This is a small pipe with applied external and internal threads. One is used to connect to the pipe, and the second is used to connect to the mixer. A ball valve is installed on the tap. It is connected to a water supply hose.

So, the connection sequence:

  • We block the water, open the tap.
  • Disconnect the cold water supply pipe from the mixer.
  • Install the tee. Pre-wrap tow or fum tape on the thread.
  • We install a crane and a coarse filter.
  • We attach the hose to the dishwasher.
  • We check the tightness of the joints.

Sometimes it is not possible to connect to the water supply under the mixer. In this case, you can use the tee and crash into the pipe. Perform work on the same principle as in the case of sewage.

How to connect a dishwasher in a country house without running water

Often there is no running water in the countryside. But do not immediately refuse a dishwasher. For the device to work, water must be supplied under pressure. You can create it yourself. To set the dishwasher a car to the country, which without water supply, you just need to raise the capacity to a height of 3.5 meters. It is not necessary to equip the storage tank under the ceiling. It is easy to place in the attic. And we connect the equipment and the tank with a hose.

Remember that it is absolutely necessary to put additional filters in front of the sediment that pumps water from the well, tank or system.

As in the previous method, the ebb can be brought to the sink. There is a possibility - remove water into the septic tank. But you should correctly bend the drain hose. After all, a water lock prevents the penetration of an unpleasant odor into the dishwasher.

How to connect to the mains

Before turn on the dishwasher, make sure that the outlet is grounded. If this is not the case, it is necessary to use the services of a specialist who will correctly conduct the wiring and install a high-quality outlet, having previously grounded it. It is categorically not recommended to independently carry out work related to the power grid without having experience in this field. Indeed, in the event of an incorrect connection, a short circuit may occur, and as a result - a fire.

Calling a specialist? Additionally install an RCD system.


Many often come to the country only in the warm season, and in winter they prefer to stay in warm, cozy city apartments. But what are the storage rules in the winter at the cottage dishwasher?

  1. Turn off the power, turn off the water.
  2. We take out the baskets from the dishwasher.
  3. Remove all filter elements.
  4. With a sponge we collect water in the area of ​​the filter and pump.
  5. We set back the previously extracted elements.
  6. The door can be left open, so the air masses will circulate and a musty smell will not form.


In the country, a dishwasher is needed! This is confirmed by many housewives. The main task of men is right hook up the dishwasher in a house without running water. Thanks to the presence of such equipment in the house, you can devote more time to your family and friends. Therefore, without hesitation, go to the home appliance store!

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