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What do the indicators on dishwashers mean?

Modern dishwashers are equipped with a large number of sensors and corresponding signaling devices. Additional electronics simplifies the work with the device, and in case of a malfunction, it allows you to quickly determine the breakdown. But you must be able to work with such signaling devices and know what they mean.

Description of the indicators of the Bosch dishwasher

Each signaling indicator has its own designation, which is usually applied to the control panel in the form of a picture. This allows you to quickly understand the functionality and determine the malfunction in case of occurrence.

Designation and marking of indicators dishwasher bosch. For greater ease of understanding, a numbered photograph is presented below.

  1. The choice of temperature in the range from 65 to 75 ° C (the “+” sign and the designation 65-75 ° C).
  2. Means the operation of the device in automatic mode, without user intervention (“auto” and designation 45-60 ° C).
  3. Machine operation at low temperature, from 35 to 45 ° С (“-” sign and designation 35-45 ° С).
  4. Turn on economy mode. Water temperature reaches an average value of 50 ° C (“eco” and designation 50 ° C).
  5. Work in accelerated mode. The water temperature does not rise above 45 ° C (drawing a quick dishwashing and designation 50 ° C).
  6. The inclusion of pre-rinse. Allows you to cope with too dirty dishes (rinse pattern).

More modern models of dishwashers have additional functions, for example, drying clean dishes, has a designation in the form of a picture (wavy lines).

It is very important to know where the main indicator of the dishwasher's readiness for work is located. It is located at the bottom of the cabinet and appears on the floor as a red dot. Few users know about this feature.

What does the frequent flashing of indicators mean?

So what does a dishwasher indicator mean? If any indicator blinks, this indicates a malfunction in which the dishwasher can no longer be operated. For ease of understanding, consider the operation of the main signaling devices:

  • The LED next to the crane image is on. This means that water does not enter the machine. Reason: often users forget to open the water tap before starting work. In this case, the pump may operate (which will adversely affect the service life), but the device will cease to respond to any keystroke.
  • The LED next to the brush image flashes. The pump will run, but the dishwashing will not start. Meaning: Water got into the device’s drip, to which the machine responded by automatically activating the Aqua-Stop function. To return the device to working capacity, it is enough to look into the pan and remove excess fluid.

It should be remembered that some sensors do not belong to fault indicators. This can be: sensors for supplying water, turning on the pre-rinse mode, as well as measuring the level of salt in the liquid.

The device does not heat water. What to do?

To determine this malfunction, just look into the dishwasher immediately after the washing process. Signs that the water temperature does not reach the required level will be the cold internal surface of the device, the presence of a large amount of cold liquid, as well as the remaining dirty dishes.

The main causes of such a malfunction may be:

  • The heater failed.The most common problem, so the life of even the highest quality heating element cannot be long enough. The duration of its operation is affected by the quality of the fluid used. Over time, as well as with frequent use, a scum layer appears on the heater and the element burns out. Replacing a heating element is not too expensive, but it will require the selection of the exact same (in size and power) heating element. You can check the heating element with a multimeter.
  • The thermostat (temperature sensor) does not work. How the thermostat works in the dishwasher simple enough - to control the temperature of the water and send a signal to turn on the heater. Therefore, if this element fails, the heater remains in good condition, but does not work. The pricing policy for replacing the thermostat is approximately the same as for replacing the heater.
    • The control module has ceased to function. But this problem is the most serious. The dishwasher control module is responsible for the full amount of work of the device, all signals and commands pass through it. Therefore, if the control module ceases to function, then other problems may appear simultaneously with the cessation of water heating. For example, no indicator lights up. Both replacement and reprogramming of the control module will have a substantial price.

    In any of the above cases, you should contact a specialist. People with experience and a special tool will carry out repairs much better and more reliable than a person who is exclusively engaged in the operation of a household appliance.

    You can also read about E14 indicator and reason malfunctions.

    Why this malfunction may occur

    The technical causes of the malfunction were discussed above, now it is necessary to understand the quality and correct operation and understand how long after the date of purchase of the dishwasher, it can stop heating water.

    Wrong dishwasher connection leads to the continuous collection and discharge of water, without heating it. This applies to both old and new household appliances, as well as to users who want to connect the device themselves (absolutely no understanding of the process technology). Eliminate such a malfunction is able to connect and configure the dishwashers and other household appliances.

    Before proceeding with active actions, you should make sure that the water in the device is really cold and does not heat up at all. Choosing a delicate mode (30 ° C) in some Bosch dishwasher models, and setting it to 90 ° C with a manual toggle switch, the water will be heated only to 30 ° C. Some users prefer to immediately give the car for repair, not trying to figure out the correctness of its functionality.

    The simplest problem may be clogged filters. At the same time, the machine does not allow enough water to pass through, because of which the automation does not turn on the heater and the water is not heated. You can replace the filter with a new one yourself.

    To summarize

    A separate indicator, indicating the absence of water heating, is not provided in Bosch dishwashers. Therefore, this malfunction can be seen only on the basis of the quality of the washed dishes - in the absence of hot water, the dishes before washing and after, will not be too different.

    To check the temperature of the water, just put your hand in the car after washing. The remnants of cold water will become an indicator that the liquid is not heating up and you should start troubleshooting.

    The elimination of any mechanical cause of such a malfunction (except for a clogged filter) should be provided to professionals who will perform repairs in a short time, reliably and efficiently.

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