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How the dishwasher works and how

Despite the breadth choice dishwashers poorly distributed in Russia and the CIS countries. Only a small part of citizens own this item of household appliances. According to researchers, only 5% of respondents indicated that they have a dishwasher in circulation.

Often people doubt the quality of the goods, that the equipment will be able to wash the dishes no worse than a person with his own hands. Such situations arise for novice users who use a similar device for the first time. However, a brief educational program is enough to understand what is a dishwasher forhow it works and how to use it correctly. Below we will carry out a detailed analysis of the device and the functions of dishwashers, how to properly operate them so that there are no such problems.

Check also: How clean the dishwasher at home?

Description of the processes in the dishwasher

At first glance, the dishwasher is difficult to operate and contains many obscure features. In fact, this is a fairly straightforward device, which is easy and simple to use. Just a superficial study of the functionality of the dishwasher is enough to understand the system. You also need to find out how to turn on the dishwasher for the first time.

The dishwasher is controlled by buttons. First, press the button for selecting the washing mode, then the “start” button. Further, the machine itself will fulfill the tasks assigned to it. You can go about your business, because she disconnects herself as soon as the time comes to complete the cycle.

So, the machine is turned on. Now the equipment works strictly according to the instructions laid down in it. The control unit independently switches commands and cycles, after which the water intake valve opens and tap water begins to flow into the tank.

Note! The dishwasher must be connected via hoses to the sources of tap water. All necessary components come with the device itself in the kit.

As soon as the water has been drawn, mixing begins with special salt. This procedure is necessary to reduce water hardness and to prevent the formation of scale on pipes. In addition, softened water washes dishes more efficiently. At the same time, the water heating element is activated. The user can independently set the desired temperature and steam strength.

Attention! Some types of dishes are particularly susceptible to water temperature and alkalis contained in the composition of the "tablets" for refueling dishwashers.

Now it all depends on what program you installed. The type of programs and cycles determines the duration of the wash and the steam intensity. Suppose we insert trays and place dishes. For example, when you turn on the soaking mode, the rotation of the circular pump begins. In the process, gradually, in small portions, the pump scatters the water mixed with alkali on the surface of the loaded plates, pans and spoons. All this is necessary so that in the process of entering into a chemical reaction, due to gradual heating, the dried up mud will acidify. After this, the dishes will already be much easier to wash.

The next step is the primary rinse. This is one of the main elements of any cycle of dishwashers.The pump now feeds the water mixed with the product into the spray gun, after which washing off the acid particles from the dishes begins. The sprinkler has the shape of a screw, and during rotation it fills the entire cavity of the dishwasher with small particles of water. Thanks to this system, all loaded items receive a mixture. This helps to completely wash away all dirt remaining on the surface of the dishes. From now on, the dishes are clean, it remains only to rinse and dry them.

Next comes the filtration of water. It is not dumped, but goes back to the tank, after which all the dishes are rinsed and re-treated with dishwashing detergent. This is a milestone.

The next step is the machine starts self-cleaning. All dirty water goes down the drain, and the system re-injects a certain amount of water to flush the tank and rinse the dishes. This is necessary to wash off the remnants of the product.

The last step is drying. A special screw accelerates the air, heating it to the desired temperature, which allows it to successfully dry all plates and pans.

According to this scheme dishwasher works. Perhaps, for someone, such a description seemed heavy and difficult to digest. In this case, you can find visual aids in the form of video instructions for operating dishwashers. In this case, you can still further learn the safety rules, find out the causes of dishwasher malfunctions and how to avoid breakage in the early stages.

Features of dishwashers of famous brands

Depending on the manufacturer, the operating principle of the dishwasher may vary.

The following brands were recognized as the best in 2018:

  1. Bosch Contrary to stereotypes that Bosch equipment often breaks down, dishwashers from this manufacturer show the opposite. The principles by which the dishwashers of this brand work are the availability of automatically configured programs for dishes of various types. By technical characteristics, Bosch is not inferior to all other brands, but it costs an order of magnitude cheaper.
  2. Siemens This brand is trying to keep up to date. Every year, the company releases new models with updated features. Siemens is trying to combine value for money, which significantly contributes to the growth of the company's popularity.
  3. Electrolux The Swedish manufacturer pleases customers with a simple and convenient dishwasher. In all countries where the sale is carried out, service centers are represented in sufficient numbers. Among the models of the same series, you can choose devices of different sizes and types.
  4. Beko. The Turkish manufacturer of household appliances and electronics is less popular than the untwisted European brands. However, it costs an order of magnitude cheaper, which, combined with high quality, makes it attractive to consumers.
  5. AEG. This brand is considered one of the best in Germany and abroad. Sensors and signaling equipment are mounted in the machine to prevent malfunctions. The only drawback noted by users is the high price.

Attention! Regardless which company dishwasher do you choose, save the coupon and sales receipt before the warranty period expires.

What items can be washed with a dishwasher

Ceramic and metal objects can be washed in any mode. Aluminum is a rather capricious substance and contact with hot water and the substances used to wash dishes can adversely affect it. In this case, the likelihood of corrosion spots. We strongly do not recommend washing aluminum spoons, pans, plates and meat grinders in a dishwasher, since in this case there is a high probability the occurrence of dark spots on the surface of the dishes. After that, the use of dishes becomes harmful - aluminum particles, entering the body, have a detrimental effect on internal organs.

If you nevertheless washed the aluminum dishes in the dishwasher and found dark spots, it is time to carry out the treatment. Any means will work here: from toothpaste to rust solvent. The safest way is to keep the dishes in a soapy solution. Add a few drops of tar tar soap to warm but not boiling water. After - dip the darkened objects into the solution. Here you have no time limits, so you can not be afraid if you add too little or too much soap to the water.

No less popular is the method of grinding with soda. A thin layer of baking soda is applied to the wet surface and, after half a minute, you can begin to rub. Remember: in no case do not boil the dishes in soda solution. So you can only worsen the condition of aluminum utensils and accelerate the processes of oxidation and corrosion.

Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, it is better to wash aluminum objects manually. It may take you some time, but you can avoid corrosion and extend the life of the dishes.

Dishwasher device diagram

Once, any item of household appliances will need repairs. To do this, first of all, understand how the dishwasher is arranged. Let's study its internal structure. In this case, you will clearly know what and where to change or repair. The dishwasher will include:

  • Trays for dishes
  • Door Closer
  • Spray bar
  • Thermometer
  • coarse filter
  • Drain hose
  • Pressure regulating valve
  • Dirty Water Drain Pump
  • Storage tank
  • Emergency Leakage Protection System
  • Control block
  • Circulation pump
  • Blocker
  • Compartment for the "pill"
  • Valve for pumping clean water
  • Boiler
  • Water hose
  • Tray Levers

Sooner or later, you will encounter phenomena such as technical problems or even a breakdown of the machine. For this case, the best is to study in advance the diagram of the internal and external structure of the dishwasher.

Among the most common problems are such as too high or too low pressure in the valves. In this case, a suspicious hum comes from the machine. It often happens that when draining the water, the machine makes sounds similar to a creak or squeak. This means that the drainage system is damaged and there is a high probability that one day everything will leak. Do not ignore the danger signals and take appropriate measures when one of the signs of breakage appears.

What is the effectiveness of dishwashers?

Contrary to popular stereotypes, dishwashers can easily cope with any amount of dishes and any dirt. The principle of operation of the dishwasher is that the equipment can afford to work at any capacity. If a person, washing dishes with his hands, cannot accurately calculate his efforts and the necessary amount of funds sufficient to wash a given amount of dishes, while the machine is set up for different cycles and copes with any kind of dirt. Due to the use of special alkalis, the dishwasher mixes them with water. The finished substance dissolves the dirt, then rinses the dishes, drains the water and starts the drying cycle.


As you can judge from the above material, dishwashers, despite the apparent complexity, are extremely easy to use. Those who understand her device will not have any difficulties with choosing a mode and proper use of the dishwasher.

However, at first it’s enough to remember the purpose of the three main buttons - the inclusion of the washing mode and the start button of the cycle itself. After that, you don’t need to worry about anything - the equipment will do everything for you. The module is pre-programmed for several cycles. It all depends on what settings you set.Read how to choose the desired mode in the instructions, or see visual lessons on the videos. The latter is also useful because you will see everything with your own eyes and understand what and how is located in your dishwasher. The same goes for repairs.

This article touched on the basic principles of operation and operation of a dishwasher. Good luck to use!

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