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How to clean a meat grinder after a dishwasher

It often happens that household items unexpectedly deteriorate for the owners. The reasons for this may be different - corrosion, oxidation, etc. Some items are strongly discouraged in a dishwasher. For example, a meat grinder, whose alloy does not tolerate heat and contact with special powders for dishwashers.

In the case when spare parts are corroded, the problem should be taken seriously, since the operability of the device depends on this.

For starters, it is recommended disassemble the meat grinder and check accessories for damage. Even in the absence of such, it is recommended for preventive purposes to hold accessories in a soap solution. It often happens that at the screw or knife, the meat grinders begin to serrate the blades. This affects the quality of the meat grinder and makes it difficult to scroll the stuffing inside it. This is a sure sign of metal corrosion. In this case, any efforts are useless, and you will have to purchase new ones.

For what reason meat grinders get dark

The main thing in this matter is to find out the reason for the blackening of the meat grinder. Whether a meat grinder can be cleaned or not depends on the cause of blackening. To understand, you need to know the type and quality of the material from which the item is made. Most often, meat grinders are made of an aluminum alloy that perfectly tolerates contacts with hot water and various chemicals. For example, a cleaning powder, a cleansing cream, liquid household soap or dishwashing detergent does not affect the meat grinder and does not worsen its condition.

Nevertheless, the dishwasher helps to accelerate the processes of a chemical reaction. Outside, a special protective film is glued onto the meat grinder, protecting it from corrosion upon contact with various substances that can cause oxidation and rust. Actually, the destruction of the metal begins after the deformation of the protective film as a result of aggressive external influences.

The dishwasher works the same way as a washing machine. By pumping water into the tank, the machine proceeds to heat the water and steam-treat the entire pans. As a detergent, a special “tablet” is used - a hardened alkali that has specific properties. This reagent is quite aggressive in its formula and can damage dishes made of materials that are not susceptible to such a chemical environment. In the dishwasher, as a result of the interaction of alkalis, hot water and a sharp temperature difference, the film may delaminate and the meat grinder will darken.

Important! Old-style meat grinders are made of cast iron and cannot be darkened during washing. However, the material is prone to corrosion; over time, cast iron rusts. The dishwasher accelerates the chemical reaction, so the cast-iron meat grinder should be washed manually to extend its service life.

When darkening, the meat grinder not only looks less aesthetically pleasing, but also the metal undergoes corrosion. The material is gradually destroyed, the decay of particles begins. If you roll minced meat in such a meat grinder and then eat it, a lot of small particles will enter the human body. Particles of aluminum have harmful effects on internal organs. For this reason, do not wash aluminum dishes in the dishwasher. Aluminum is not the only material that enters into a chemical reaction from exposure to alkali and boiling water. For safety reasons, it is strongly recommended that you read the type of dishes that cannot be washed in a dishwasher. This includes not only a manual meat grinder, but also some other types of dishes.

How can I clean a plaque from a meat grinder?

In order to say whether it is possible to wash a dark coating from a meat grinder, many nuances should be taken into account. There are persistent stereotypes that the film is a complex chemical reagent that cannot be wiped with improvised means. It will not dissolve, but it can be washed and returned to the meat grinder aesthetic appeal. In addition, aluminum can be combined with different reagents and the conditions for oxidation can vary significantly. Usually, all contraindications and recommendations for use are prescribed in the instructions for the device.

However, people prefer not to study the chemical composition of the material from which the meat grinder is made, but simply try various means if the meat grinder suddenly turns black after a dishwasher. Currently, there are many ways to solve the problem. The most proven methods are:

  • Wipe soda. Soda is a reliable tool to remove all kinds of deposits and stubborn dirt. It is recommended to pour soda on a moistened surface. After one minute, wipe thoroughly with a brush with metal teeth, or with a regular hard brush
  • Tar soap. It is enough with a brush and soap to rub the oxidized surface of the meat grinder for a long time.
  • You can also use Dialux paste.
  • HORS rust converter is designed for cars. It is recommended to use it only if all other means have not helped.

Important! Acetic and citric acid will not help due to its weak power. Using them is not recommended. To clean the meat grinder, a simple alkali for cleaning the plate is suitable

Cleaning the meat grinder with laundry soap

For a meat grinder and accessories for it, as well as for any other type of dishes, sometimes soaking in a soap solution may suffice. Heat ordinary tap water and sprinkle a few drops of liquid soap or any cleaning agent.

Liquid laundry soap has a universal scope. It can be used for hand washing and soaking, when washing floors. In addition, liquid soap does not corrode the skin and you can work with it without rubber gloves. In addition, the soap does not contain aggressive reagents and interacts well with all fragile surfaces without damaging the meat grinder and leaving no scratches on its surface. Its formula does not enter into a chemical reaction with the aluminum case of the meat grinder and does not destroy the protective film.

Housewife Tips

Many experienced housewives, faced with the problem of darkening a meat grinder after a dishwasher, often share their knowledge on the Internet. One of the most popular means for washing a meat grinder from plaque is the CENTRALIN Shining Metal Shine. After applying it to the surface, wipe it with abrasive brushes. If the coating is difficult to clean, the whole procedure will take you about twenty minutes, provided all parts are wiped away from the coating.

You can also use a metal brush, but after it there are scratches on the surface.

Important! When washing the meat grinder, put on rubber gloves to avoid harmful substances getting on your skin

  • Among the most popular is also the tool “Sanitol Shine of Steel”. Rubbing them a meat grinder, it is recommended to polish. Any of the leading cleaning powders will do.
  • Housewives are also advised to soak the meat grinder in hot, but not boiling water, before diluting it with tar soap.

It is not recommended to use iron sponges unnecessarily, which can damage the surface, leaving scratches and thereby accelerate corrosion. Try to use hard, but not scratching the surface of the sponge, i.e., felt.

Important! When a scratch appears on the surface, there is a high probability of corrosion points. Try to take this into account when cleaning the meat grinder.

Some housewives even recommend such an unusual cleaning method as toothpaste.Due to its intended use for sensitive and brittle tooth enamel, this substance acts delicately on the surface without damaging the protective film. True, this method does not always work. Perhaps you are wasting your time and toothpaste, so we advise you to work out this option only as one of the workers.


In conclusion, I would like to add: so that the meat grinder does not oxidize, do not wash it with a dishwasher. It’s better and easier to do it manually. Yes, it will take more time, but then you will not have to think about how to get rid of the dark plaque in a meat grinder.

If all this happened, do not rush to sound the alarm. More often than not, after one wash, plaque does not appear. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you refrain from such actions to extend the life of the meat grinder.

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