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The main malfunctions of dishwashers and their solution

The dishwasher helps housewives quickly cope with household chores and leave free time to do other things. But sometimes it happens that a household appliance fails for a number of reasons. You can understand that the dishwasher has ceased to cope with its duties by the quality of the washed dishes and other visible signs: leaks, overheating of the appliance and other indicators. If characteristic malfunctions are found, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the machine and run the dishwashing program. The main thing, repair the dishwasher on time, then it will be possible to avoid more serious consequences and the complete failure of the machine. Most problems are fairly easy to fix on their own, you do not even need to call the wizard.

Reasons for the failure of the dishwasher.

Not a single brand for the production of dishwashers is safe from serious malfunctions. Even giants like Bosch break down. Needless to say about other manufacturers such as Hotpoint Ariston, Ardo, Electrolux, Hansa. All of them are subject to wear of the main parts, lack of water in the dishwasher and her plum.

The causes of malfunctions of all dishwashers are considered:

  • Hard and super hard water, consisting of mineral salts and other particles.
  • Regular power outages.
  • Use of inappropriate chemicals to care for the appliance.
  • Violations in the manufacture of equipment that entail manufacturing defects in devices.
  • Violation of the rules and regulations of the dishwasher.
  • There is a problem with the connection or the quality of the outlet.
  • Incorrect installation of equipment and incorrect connection.
  • Use of non-original spare parts during previous repairs.
  • A loose door closure also prevents the dishwasher from starting work.
  • Incorrectly loaded dishes may affect the quality of the wash.

In most cases the dishwasher does not work in the usual mode, it’s far not due to a strip of the most important units, but according to quite trivial indicators: clogged nozzles and filters, the appearance of scale in valves, clogged cars.

To independently solve problems with a technically complex dishwasher, the instruction manual for the device will help you. This approach is relevant for machines with automatic fault detection and its indication on the display. For owners of less sophisticated dishwashers, the instruction will not help much, but this text will definitely help, which indicates the main malfunctions of Bosch brand dishwashers and how to solve them. Users of dishwashers of other brands will also learn in more detail about possible problems.

Main types of dishwasher problems

A dishwasher needs proper care. After each use, it is recommended to wipe and dry the household appliance. It is better not to store dirty dishes inside the dishwasher in order to avoid the appearance of an odor. Clean plates and mugs are also recommended to be removed from the machine after the end of the washing program, but after complete drying.

The program does not start, the machine does not turn on

This situation occurs quite often with models of the Bosch brand: indicators light up, water is poured, the machine heats up, but after filling the water, the process stops, the dishes are not washed, the indicators go out. Possible causes of dishwasher breakdown:

  • Severe clogging of the filter, which is located at the bottom of the appliance. It must be washed with mild detergents and reinstalled. Cleaning the filter from contamination should be regular for a long and successful use of the device.
  • Another problem is the clogging of the nozzles, as a result of which the dishwasher does not spray water. To clean the nozzles, an ordinary toothpick is used, with which it is easy to punch holes for water. Clogged nozzles are also to blame for lowering the pressure during washing. Pots are washed badly, and plates through one have to be washed independently.
  • The circular pump has failed, the function of which is to supply water to the nozzles. This failure can not be eliminated without having to disassemble the dishwasher and completely replace the pump with a new one. The broken unit is located at the bottom of the camera. To accurately verify the output of the circular pump, you need to listen to the process of the device. However, we can definitely say that in the absence of noise after filling the water, this element is to blame.
  • Another problem is the motor winding. In order to make sure that the engine is in good working order, it must be checked with a multimeter for a short circuit and open circuit.

Water overflows

  • Water began to overflow, which means that the level of the water sensor is to blame. The defective element is at the bottom, so to remove it you need to turn the dishwasher. Water level sensor recovery is not performed. That is why, at the first sign of a malfunction, a complete sensor replacement is recommended.
  • If the power is turned off and filling occurs, then an electromagnetic valve is sent for replacement, which shuts off the water and prevents it from pouring

Water temperature during operation

The temperature sensor is responsible for overheating or insufficient heating. An error code e03 indicates a long time for heating the water in the dishwasher. A broken sensor indicates that steam forms in the chamber, which affects the general condition of the machine.

With an unreasonably low temperature, there can be quite a few reasons:

  • Faulty temperature sensor.
  • There is no required pressure in the chamber.
  • TEN does not work.

Read also: Why can a dishwasher not heat water?

Dishwasher does not drain

Having finished the dishwashing program, dirty water rushes into the drain hole, and then gets into the sewer. In the event that the drain pump is clogged and the rest of the system too, the dishwasher stops draining water. Cleaning of the entire drain system is required.

If the machine does not drain, then this is an occasion to check the working condition of the drain pump, as well as the resistance of the windings. If the pump is in order, we continue to check the drainage system, including the drain filter and siphon.

If the dishwasher does not drain the water completely, it makes sense to check the connection of the drain hose. If the location is too high, part of the water returns. Professional installation of a dishwasher is required.

Dishwasher beating an electric shock

If it is impossible to touch the dishwasher safely, the heating element of the heating element is to blame. The first thing to do is open full access to the element. Visual inspection of the heater will help determine the presence of cracks on its surface. If such defects are detected, the part must be completely replaced.

The reason for the breakdown of the heating element is always the quality of the water. Hard water also leads to a breakdown of the heating relay. On the relevant resources, you can see visual instructions for replacing parts.

Dishwasher does not pick up detergent

It does not matter what you use in the dishwasher, powder or tablets, the tray for placing detergents should be empty after washing the dishes. The reason why the household appliance does not take water is because of the contamination of the nozzles or the low pressure of the water. We wash nozzles and forget about the problem.

The dishwasher does not turn on due to lack of power

The reasons for this lie in a broken outlet or an inoperative network button. In both cases, all batteries are checked with a multimeter. Check also worth the work of other parts of the programmer or control unit.

Extraneous noise

Each model of the dishwasher has its own noise level, but when there are rattling sounds, knocking, the user must urgently check the condition of the bearings and electric motor. Bearings cannot withstand when water enters through a damaged oil seal. As a result, the machine starts to hum in the process of washing dishes. In this situation, it is necessary to replace not only the bearing itself, but also the oil seal.

During the program, debris can enter the spray area. In this case, even more thorough care will help. It is necessary to remove the remnants of food and check other elements for serviceability.

Water leaks

The main cause of water leaks on the floor is connections. With long-term use, water seeps through them. The same can be said for the nozzle and hoses. In some cases, damage to the side hopper is to blame for leaks. If the chamber is no longer leaky, leaks cannot be avoided. The integrity of the chamber can be restored by simply replacing the sealing lips.

The drain hose is also prone to leakage due to wear. To solve the problem is simple - just replace the hose. The presence of metal corrosion also explains the water under the dishwasher. Replacing a household appliance in this case does not make sense. You need to use special epoxy glue.

Leakage of the door also leads to puddles under the machine. First of all, check the rubber gasket. If there is visible damage, it must be replaced. A new seal can only be found at the manufacturer.

When checking the nozzles for leaks, you must also inspect the filler valve. If there are signs of rust on the part, then it is urgent to replace it with a new one. It will be very simple to replace the element with your own hands, it is enough to disconnect all the pipes and hoses, install a new valve.

It happens that water enters the floor from the sump, where it flows from the sprayer. In this case, it's time to go to the store and buy a new sprinkler, it is inexpensive, suitable for any type of machine. It is not necessary to completely disassemble the machine. For example, in an Electrolux dishwasher, you need to pull out the bottom basket for dishes. Then open the latches and pull out the sprayer with a screwdriver. After such manipulations, a new part is installed in the right place.

On dishwashers of other brands, replacing the sprayer is also straightforward. Regarding the water level sensor, it is located at the very bottom. If leaks occur, it is entirely possible that a hundred sensors are out of order. In this case, a signal about the water level does not come and the pump does not start. There is a lot of water - it flows from the pallet directly to the floor. Sensor replacement required.

So, the malfunction of the dishwasher must be fixed in a timely manner, then the device will work for a long time without creating problems. If for you the care and maintenance of the dishwasher is a real punishment, then you can invite a specialist for the prophylactic cleaning of nozzles, filters and other work. Have you decided to act on your own? Then choose only high-quality spare parts from manufacturers' factories, the further operation of the dishwasher depends on it.

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