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How to get rid of bad smell in the dishwasher

Sometimes, after active use of the dishwasher, users may experience complaints of an unpleasant odor in the dishwasher. For the most part, the smell from the dishwasher is a consequence of poor care and improper handling of equipment, sometimes it can also be the result of some kind of breakdown. This problem is relevant, therefore, in this article we will try to tell you how to get rid of unpleasant odor in the dishwasher. In addition, it is important to understand what causes this problem can contribute to, what actions can prevent this trouble, and how to avoid it.

Causes of Odor from Your Dishwasher

If an unpleasant and pungent smell appeared literally after a couple of sinks in a new car, then most likely the fault is plastic of poor quality. It usually disappears after about a few weeks, according to users.

However, mainly complaints about the feeling of rottenness, mold or even sewer pipes appear. It is in this case that all naturally people ask themselves why this is happening and how to deal with it. The main reason for this very unpleasant problem is the food leftovers that remain in the dishwasher. They may be:

  • under the door;
  • in the filter mesh;
  • in the drain hose;
  • on the rocker.

In addition, an unpleasant odor may occur due to water that accumulates after washing. To prevent this, it is necessary to wipe the inside of the machine after each washing process, leave the door open so that the equipment dries well.

If you smell plastic that has melted, or glue, then most likely you have neglected the rules for using the dishwasher and sent dishes made of plastic or with glued elements to the sink. Most likely, the temperature regime was also chosen high. That is why plastic can exude a not-so-pleasant aroma.

If you feel the “fragrance” of melted wires, then you need to temporarily suspend the use of the dishwasher, because most likely a malfunction has appeared in it. In addition to the smell, an automatic switch sometimes works on the electric panel. This indicates that the wiring of the dishwasher has burned out, or the contacts of the heating element have melted. To fix this problem, you need to replace the heater.

How to remove odors from a dishwasher

Having found out the reasons for the appearance of “aromas” in the dishwasher, you need to understand how to get rid of it. First of all, it is very important to take note of those actions that cannot be used to remove an unpleasant odor. These include:

  • various means, in the composition of which there is chlorine;
  • washing powder;
  • various cleaning products, which contain abrasive particles.

These products can not be used, because they will not eliminate the smell, but can cause harm to metal parts, which may subsequently become corroded.

Eliminate unpleasant odors by using physical cleaning. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the strainer, which is located at the very bottom of the chamber, then you need to inspect the water sprinklers and also rinse them thoroughly, especially those areas where there may be food leftovers.

Be sure to rinse the sides and bottom of the chamber; traces of fat may remain on them. To degrease, wipe the chamber inside with a damp cloth and detergent.Remember to wash the sealing gum along the door as well.

Excellent fight with unpleasant odors vinegar and soda. A cup of white vinegar should be put in an empty chamber and set the heat for a long program. Vinegar remarkably eliminates various odors, but to remove the smell of vinegar itself, you need to apply the properties of soda. Pour half a glass of soda into the dishwasher chamber and turn on the short program. With just a slight unpleasant odor, you can use only soda.

If you are wary of such homemade recipes, you can buy a special remedy to combat scum and fat. Following the instructions, you will finally get rid of the foul smell in the dishwasher. Remember that after all chemicals, the dishwasher must be thoroughly washed a couple of times, wiped dry and ventilated.

If you still smell it, pay attention to the cleaning of the drain hose. Of course, you will need to put the dishwasher out of the niche in order to wash the disconnected hose under running water and reconnect it to the machine. We also advise you to inspect the drain and siphon, if necessary, wash them.

What other details need to be examined

In addition to the details of the dishwasher that we have already listed, you should also pay attention to the door gasket, which can become a "refuge" for food debris. Therefore, this part, like the door itself, needs to be cleaned from time to time. This step is very important, but for some reason many forget about it.

If you periodically have to turn off the dishwasher Before it has completed its work, a small amount of water may remain at the bottom, which in a few days begins to exude a foul odor. To fix the problem, you need to add a little vinegar to the bottom of the camera and run the rinse program.

If you are in a hurry, this is not a reason to leave dirty dishes in the switched off machine. If you are limited in time, start at least rinsing to continue thorough washing when you get home. Dirty dishes are a source of bad smell.

Preventive measures against bad odor

To never experience unpleasant odors in the dishwasher, follow these instructions:

  • Before loading the dishes into the machine and starting the washing, all food residues should be removed;
  • after each start-up of the machine, thoroughly wipe the chamber with a dry cloth, remove any remaining fat, food and food, then thoroughly dry and ventilate, because a humid environment is an ideal place for bacteria to multiply, and therefore also for unpleasant odors.
  • periodically remove greasy stains and stains, as well as scale using specialized tools;
  • be sure to clean the strainer;
  • do not leave dirty dishes in the turned off dishwasher, because the remnants of food, being in the dishwasher for several hours, begin to emit a not quite pleasant smell, and if you do not have time at all, turn on at least the rinse mode and use a special flavoring, which removes foul odors.

As they say, it’s purely not where they clean, but where they do not litter. Follow the rules of operation of the dishwasher and you will never know what an unpleasant odor is. Regularly following the clear instructions that we gave above does not require much time and effort, because there is nothing complicated in it, but the effect will please you. Do not forget to call the master periodically so as not to start the dishwasher and in time to avoid breakdowns and malfunctions. The equipment requires attention and proper handling, and if you treat it carefully, it will repay you with a long service life and excellent results of its work.

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