home-For cleanliness and order-Dishwasher-Pros and Cons of a Dishwasher

Pros and Cons of a Dishwasher

Everyone knows: “Creating paradise for others is hellish labor.” These words can undoubtedly be attributed to the monotonous and everyday homework. After all, everyone knows how, after a family dinner, birthday or wedding, poor housewives have to wash the mountains and mountains of dirty dishes.

In our fast-paced age of technological development, the development of a variety of devices and gadgets that facilitate the routine of homework is becoming increasingly relevant. Agree that anyone wants to devote more time in their busy day for themselves and for communicating with their friends and relatives. One of such devices is a dishwasher, and if you won’t surprise anyone with a refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, the dishwasher appeared in our homes relatively recently. After all, a few decades ago, a home dishwasher was something from the fantasy section. The hostesses themselves had to wash the mountains of dirty dishes, spending a lot of time, health and nerves on it. And nowadays, such a device as a dishwasher has become a common household item. Many consider it a necessary thing that simplifies life and saves time, however, some calmly do without it, thinking that it is a completely useless device, only taking up space.

Of course, a dishwasher is needed for establishments where an abundance of dirty dishes is a frequent phenomenon. These are places such as cafes, hotels, restaurants or families with many children. And it is no secret that almost everyone has a question about the acquisition of this device. So, Why do you need a dishwasher? Buy a dishwasher or not? How to clean the dishwasher? Will she be useful in the house? Which dishwasher is best? In order to find the answer to these questions, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of dishwashers, which are many.

Pros dishwasher

The dishwasher has many advantages, greatly simplifying the lives of their owners, which earned the love of many people.

Time saving

Perhaps the main reason for the universal love of dishwashers is the fact that they save the personal time of their owner. After all, everyone will agree that it is much more pleasant to spend time for yourself. This fact will undoubtedly be appreciated by women. It's no secret that a woman who is tired at work has to shoulder the burdens of homework. And washing dishes is far from the most pleasant part of it. And this device will certainly help free up time for communication with family and relaxation.

Water saving

When washing, the dishwasher consumes about 10 to 15 liters of water, which is several times less than when washing dishes by hand. This fact will be very useful if the owner has water meters in the house. Also, many units have the function of heating water, which can provide saving hot water when using a dishwasher and, undoubtedly, it will be useful when turning off hot water.

Energy saving

Another convenience of this device is that it consumes quite a bit of electricity, depending on the energy saving class, about 0.8-0.9 kV / h. Again, if there are meters in the house, this will significantly help reduce electricity bills.


An ordinary person, no matter how hard he tries, cannot wash dishes as thoroughly and efficiently as a dishwasher does. Unlike her, a person will not be able to wash the dishes to a mirror shine, and will not reach hard-to-reach places. In addition, a dishwasher can easily save dishes from plaque and carbon deposits without damaging them.

Disinfection of dishes

When using some programs in which the water heats above 65 degrees, the dishes are not only washed, but also disinfected. This feature is very useful for families with small children.


A notable feature of all dishwashers is their simplicity and ease of use. Especially, it becomes more profitable if it has a half load function. It is also possible to delay washing dishes at any time convenient for you when you turn on the timer using the “Delayed Start” function.

Health and beauty of the skin

Undoubtedly, the dishwasher will save its owner from the need to come into contact with detergents harmful to the skin. Thus, using a dishwasher, you can preserve the health of the skin of the hands, expensive manicure, and also, thanks to it, the owner will not have to inhale their fumes. This, too, will definitely be appreciated by women.

No noise

Good dishwashers have a very low noise level, one might even say they are completely silent. Due to this, it can be turned on quite calmly at night, without worrying about the calmness of sleep.

No Conflict in the Family

For many families, conflicts about “Who will wash the dishes?” Became a habit. After acquiring a dishwasher, you will be able to forget about them, because now you will wash the dishes and this appliance will be washed, and your children will be happy to help you load dirty dishes in the dishwasher and get already clean and shiny.


In addition to dishes, this technique can wash a large number of items, such as barbecue grills, trays, bottles, jars, baking dishes, vases, shades and many more things that are very difficult to wash by hand. You must admit that washing a soiled and greasy barbecue grill after a picnic with a metal brush and abrasive materials is a dubious pleasure. It takes a lot of time and effort. After all, it is much simpler and more pleasant to load all the hard-to-wash utensils into the dishwasher and wait until he does this heavy and dirty work for you.


A dishwasher, properly selected for the design of the kitchen, can become not only a useful and functional appliance, but also a decoration of the kitchen.

Cons Dishwasher

Like any appliance, the dishwasher, along with the undoubted advantages, has, unfortunately, its drawbacks, because of which many people refuse to buy them.

A place

Dishwashers take up a lot of space in the kitchen and, moreover, they require some layout features. However, especially for small kitchens, there are small-sized dishwashers that can be easily hidden under a sink or in a cupboard. But, of course, their capacity is many times less than the capacity of standard dishwashers.

Detergent Costs

Detergents for washing dishes in dishwashers are quite expensive, and buying them can cost a pretty penny. However, it is worth noting the fact that they are enough for a fairly long time. It is also worth noting that a good dishwashing detergent by hand is also not cheap.


If there are pieces of food left on the dishes, then you should first clean it from them. Some will not pay attention to this minus, and for some this is a significant drawback (however, it should be noted that when washing dishes by hand, the same problem arises. The dishes must also be cleaned, otherwise the kitchen sink pipe may become clogged.)


The dishwasher requires periodic maintenance. From time to time it is necessary to clean the strainers from food debris. In addition, you need to spend money on special detergents that are intended only for dishwashers. And do not forget about adding salt to soften the water. This will extend the life of the equipment.

how take care of the dishwasher, also read here.

Features of washing dishes

There are types of dishes that cannot be washed in a dishwasherespecially at high temperatures. Such dishes include:

  • Wooden dishes
  • Silver dishes
  • Pewter
  • Brass products
  • Aluminum cookware
  • Antique dishes

When washing these dishes, shiny dishes may become cloudier, and dishes with drawings may lose them.

Working hours

As far as we know, to wash the dishes efficiently, the dishwasher requires a lot of time, about several hours. Therefore, if you urgently need clean dishes, it is better to wait with using a dishwasher.

Loading dishwasher

In order to turn on the machine, you must load it at least halfway. If you still load a few dishes into it, then it will soon break. In addition, this will lead to considerable waste of water.


Unfortunately, not every family can afford a good dishwasher. It is worth noting that the dishwasher is very expensive and this is probably its biggest minus.


The dishwasher can be a real puzzle for those people who are completely versed in technology. In this case, the dishwasher will not simplify, but, on the contrary, complicate their life. But, sooner or later, with any technique you can figure it out. However, for people who are versed in technology, this drawback will not become significant. And it is worth noting the fact that modern dishwashers are becoming more sophisticated and easy to use.

Thus, after weighing all the pros and cons, finding out all the pros and cons selection of modern dishwashers, we can say with confidence whether to buy this device. Of course, it still depends on the conditions. Does the family budget allow the purchase of a dishwasher? Will it be worth the money? Will it pay off? Are there enough benefits? Can I deal with problems? Is she interfering much? All these questions should be answered before making a purchase in order to be sure of it. One way or another, the dishwasher has more pros than cons. Therefore, it is definitely worth your purchase. And, of course, not many years will pass and the dishwasher will become the same ordinary and indispensable household appliance that a refrigerator, a stove or a vacuum cleaner is for us now.

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