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How to clean a dishwasher at home

Like any other appliance, the dishwasher desperately needs careful maintenance. Its performance directly depends on the regularity of cleaning internal parts. Every conscientious owner does not mind taking care of an assistant, but often does not know how to clean the dishwasher. This procedure does not require special assistance from the masters, it can be carried out independently.

Terms of Use

The manufacturer's recommendation should not be neglected. First of all, proper operation prolongs the life of a darling.

What you should take into account and be guided by the following tips every day:

  • to clean the remnants of food and other garbage before loading the dishes from its surface;
  • you can’t clog the dishwasher hard; you should distribute the entire amount of dirty dishes for several launches;
  • use specially designed dishwasher detergents;
  • dry the rubber seal on the door at least 1 time in 2 months.

For what reasons the dishwasher does not dry dishes, read following the link.

Never place the following dishes in the baskets of the machine:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • with chips and cracks;
  • aluminum;
  • steel, copper, from tin (uncoated from rust);
  • porcelain, earthenware, also antique.

Wash crystal and silver dishes with care, including a gentle cycle.

For the prevention of pollution and bad smell in the dishwasher a blank run with vinegar starts. About a liter of liquid is poured into the compartment. At the end of the cycle, the door is left open for weathering the pungent odor.

What actions are taken to wash the dishwasher?

The very first thing you have to do is disconnect the device from the network, waiting for the cycle to end. Then empty the cupboard from the dishes and collect all the water inside the machine with a dry cloth. Experienced owners of the “dishwasher” regularly perform the following cleaning operations:

  • a filter;
  • gratings;
  • blades;
  • gaskets;
  • baskets for dishes;
  • "Dead zone";
  • means after cleaning;
  • external area.

Do not be afraid of such a large list. It is advisable not to skip any of the steps listed. Procedures will help get rid of the smell of dampness and prevent many malfunctions. Such care is recommended once every 1-2 weeks or more often. The frequency of cleaning depends on the load on the machine. If the dishes are washed daily once a day, then it is better to carry out the maintenance weekly.

Read also: How to properly care for the dishwasher?

Filters and Grille

Cleaning the dishwasher begins with a strainer. Unpleasant stench - a signal of its pollution. When this element is clogged with fat, food debris, the unit works worse. It does not heat dishes, makes more noise, after the end of the cycle, water remains inside. In this case, immediate cleaning of the filter is necessary. Remove it and clean it most often, about once a week.

Tip: Concerned owners can capture the moment of taking parts onto a phone or photo so that the “in-place” collection is completed successfully.

In modern models of Bosh, Eletrolux, Siemens, Hansa, Hotpoint-Ariston manufacturers, the mesh filter is removed easily - with a simple hand manipulation.In older assemblies, they are fixed with nuts or self-tapping screws, you can not do without using a special tool.

It is located inside the device, at the bottom next to the grid (water flows into it). Above it is a water distributor and a heating element. Together they remove the grid, wash by analogy with the filter. Cleaning is carried out in the following ways:

  • using a detergent, applying an unnecessary toothbrush or metal brush. After rinse with running water (suitable for minor contamination);
  • make a paste-like mass from a mixture of water with soda and apply to the surface with a sponge or rag, salt is sometimes added to the resulting product, which also cleans greasy contaminants;
  • immerse in a solution with citric acid for several hours, then rinse in a basin with soapy water, the main component can be safely replaced with vinegar (both components cope with the accumulated fat and limescale).

The washed part is left to dry. At this time, wash the remaining components of the machine, if planned. When there is no time to clean other elements, it is worth walking with a damp cloth along the internal and external areas of the device, then insert the dried filter into place. It is important not to forget to clean the dishwasher thoroughly the next time, without putting it in a long drawer.

There is another filter that is worth washing. It does not require frequent intervention. This is a filter in the water supply valve. Water pipes do not shine with cleanliness. Therefore, the quality of running water is poor. In it you can see rust, salt and lime. Such a filter is cleaned with a small brush or toothpick. It is impossible not to follow this element, otherwise the pressure of the supplied water will begin to decrease.

Blades and Seals

Checking the blades will make it clear whether cleaning is needed or not. Wash them only as they get dirty. If any are found, it is necessary to remove the impeller and rocker arms in turn. For cleaning use a regular dishwashing detergent. Shallow holes cleaned from clogging a toothpick or other suitable thin object.

Important: If any food debris is found in the cavity, they must be removed with tweezers. In no case should you remove them inside.

The seal is located on the door of the dishwasher. This is a place that is often clogged with dirt, but as a rule, it is not striking. Unpleasant odors “crawl out” from here. It is recommended that seals be processed 2-3 times a year.

Cleaning Methods:

  • walk with a sponge or rag around the entire perimeter of the element, wetting it with dishwashing gel;
  • special tool for processing rubber seals;
  • prepare a more caustic composition - a mixture of water with soda, apply to the surface with an old toothbrush, rinse after 10 minutes.

Important: Try not to use citric acid to get rid of stubborn dirt, it harms the rubber. Over time, it will become less elastic and will not protect the machine from leaks.

Baskets and the "dead zone"

All baskets are removed and placed in a container where the product will be applied. For their cleaning, a regular gel is used, with which dishes are washed. It is necessary to apply a sufficient amount with a damp sponge or brush on the entire surface, let it lie for 20-30 minutes. This will help to harden the fat. After waiting for time, rinse with hot or warm water.

The "dead zone" is located at the bottom of the door, where it adjoins the cabinet. The liquid does not drain there, but all kinds of food leftovers slide there. To eliminate them, it is easier to use a small brush and any not very caustic agent.

How to get rid of rust

Sometimes you can see how the paint on old baskets begins to peel off with scales. A metal corrosion process is formed. The elimination of rust begins with the processing of the chamber and parts with a special tool. This composition will help prevent corrosion of metal products.

It is possible that the problem will no longer appear.Rust will spread. A special sealant will help protect yourself, they will be refinished. It is also important to check the presence of a filter in the water supply, it will delay the rust coming from the pipeline.

Mold control

The formation and propagation of mold is caused by heat and excess moisture. The dishwasher will have to be cleaned of it, since there is nothing good from its appearance. This is a harm to the health of all households.

To eliminate troubles in the form of mold, a folk method is used - hydrogen peroxide and whiteness. The following steps are required:

  • on affected areas with a rag, apply a copious amount of peroxide, take an area larger than the size of the mold;
  • let the car stand for about 2 hours;
  • treat with whiteness (do not forget about gloves) by wetting a rag in this tool;
  • wait another 2 hours;
  • rinse thoroughly with warm water.

If there is no peroxide in the home medicine cabinet, you can use the whiteness. It is also applied to all fungal formations, then washed off with water. Then the idle cycle starts with the dishwashing detergent. When you don’t feel like messing around for a long time, you can pour 1 cup of whiteness into the compartment for the products and start a hot wash.

Important: The use of whiteness is not acceptable for PMM with stainless steel parts. The method is too aggressive for this material.

In a running situation, whiteness probably will not help. Then you can not do without the use of special tools. How to use them correctly is indicated on the packaging.

Tip: Regular ventilation will prevent scale formation.

Scale - an ally of any technology with heating

The presence of a heating element in the technique guarantees the formation of scale. A running dishwasher “squeezes all its strength” with every new cycle. There is a load on many elements of the device, which threatens her with failure.

It is possible to clean any dishwasher from scale with a tool for similar equipment. Get it in specialized stores. It is important that you follow the instructions on the label exactly. The most popular pre-made cleaner is Finish.

There are several popular methods of getting rid of scale:

  1. Vinegar and soda. It will take 5% vinegar (take 1 tablespoon of 70% essence and dilute 13 tablespoons of water), as well as a quarter cup of soda. Mix everything in a glass and place on the top shelf of the dishwasher. Start the wash.
  2. 9% vinegar. First, the PMM is idled with a special tool for it. 9% vinegar is obtained by combining 1 tbsp. 70% of the essence with 7 tbsp. water. Pour the resulting vinegar into the bottom of the dishwasher by pulling out the basket. Start a hot cycle. As the water temperature warms up, the washing is paused. You need to wait at least an hour, for the best result - 6-8 hours. After waiting for time, the washing continues to the end.
  3. Borax. The tool can be purchased at the pharmacy. Open the door, wipe it and the bottom with a damp sponge or rag. Dilute borax (sodium borate) with a small amount of water and apply the mixture to the inside. Run the regular PMM program. After completing the cycle, the insides are again wiped off with a rag. Next, you need to fill a quarter glass of borax, pour it into the container and start a second program of PMM.
  4. "Anti-scale." The gel is purchased at a hardware store. It is used in the dishwashing process. Frequent use is not recommended since residue may remain on the dishes.

Tip: Add salt when starting up the dishwasher. It reduces the hardness of running water.

What tools can I use to thoroughly clean the dishwasher?

Regular care of the PMM will prevent many breakdowns. To do this, use special tools:

  • "The finish";
  • “Fairy” and “Fairy Platinum”, the first is a gel, the second is in the form of tablets with the addition of salt;
  • "HG";
  • "Soda sun";
  • Somat
  • Amway.

Everyone should decide how to clean his assistant.Complete the procedure for cleaning the dishwasher by wiping the internal and external areas. A wet rag is used for this step. Detergent residues are cleaned inside. Outside dust and stains.

No matter what gentle or coarse processing the PMM owner chooses, the main thing is to follow her. Timely care will extend her lifespan and relieve the owner of a headache in case of malfunctions. Let the PMM shine in every home.


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