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Is it possible to connect the dishwasher to hot water?

Relatively recently, dishwashers appeared in the homes of our compatriots. This device is appreciated not only by women, but also by men, because there is a lot of free time.

But today, many people have many questions on different topics related to dishwashers. Common questions include way to load dishes. Information on the correct installation of the device to the water supply system is also extremely necessary. Many people think that it is better to connect the dishwasher directly to hot water. After all, almost every day the tariff for electricity increases, and after all, hot water is constantly in the tap. Why use electricity to heat water for a dishwasher?

Many experts ambiguously answer the question: “Is it possible to quickly and reliably connect the dishwasher to hot water?”. After all, not all manufacturers can give clear recommendations on this matter.


Of course, there are many models that can be connected to a water supply. But all users must follow the recommendations and rules specified in the instructions for the device.

Having decided to connect the dishwasher directly to hot water, you should prepare a special filling hose. If a regular hose is installed, this can lead to serious consequences.

Please note that all water hoses must be marked in red and blue. So the consumer can recognize the values ​​at any time.

Advantages of connecting a dishwasher to hot water

Many experts agree with the opinion of frugal consumers. Therefore, they bring their advantages of connecting the dishwasher to warm water.

This connection method significantly reduces the energy consumption in the house. After all, the device washes cutlery at high temperatures. The same thermal water is used for the last rinse of dishes, which favorably affects its drying.

The washing process is much faster, because no time is wasted heating the water in the tank.

The heating element in the device wears out more slowly, because it practically does not need to be used.

But, at the same time, many experts do not understand why, if there is hot water in the house, you can not use a sink. It is so consumption of both water and electricity is reduced to a minimum.

In addition, many manufacturers recommend using cold water for connection.

Disadvantages of connecting a dishwasher to hot water

Many experts recommend paying attention to water temperature. If it exceeds 600C, this can adversely affect the built-in filtering system. All spoiled mesh flow filters will quickly fail, which means that they will need to be changed regularly. But you can’t use the device without filters, because trash will fall into the dishwasher.

Hot water pressure is different from cold. The difference between these indicators increases significantly, given that hot water enters the device through the cylinder in the boiler.

More debris comes in with hot water, so extra filters should be used.

On water hoses designed for high temperature water, creases and kinks more often appear. Therefore, it should be checked before installation whether the hose is under any physical load.In this case, the hose may soften and burst when water passes through it.

High temperature water negatively affects the drain hose and machine nozzles. This reduces its duration of operation.

Sometimes hot water can “stick” the food to the surface of the plate during the first wash. And this will greatly complicate the process of cleaning dishes.

Everyone knows that problems with the supply of hot water happen much more often than with cold. It is enough to recall the summer (the time for repair and maintenance work), when the period of shutdown of hot water can be very long.

Often in dishwashers, the washing cycle takes place at a temperature of 500C. If water with a temperature of 60 degrees comes, this program may not be executed. After all, a dishwasher can heat water, but not cool.

About the reasons why the dishwasher may not heat the water, can be found here.

Features of connecting to hot water

The device is connected to hot water in the same way as to cold water. But such installation requires a number of features. So, how to connect the dishwasher correctly to the water supply?

  1. Read the instructions for the device well. Make sure that the device is connected to the hot water supply. After all, for example, for Bosh models, the water temperature should not exceed 200C, which means you need to use only cold water.
  2. Prepare a special inlet hose designed for hot water.
  3. Install a flow filter. It will additionally protect the dishwasher from impurities of hot water. Install it between the pipe outlet and the inlet hose.

Before you start connecting the device, you should collect all the accessories. The inlet hose for hot water must be of good quality. Some manufacturers supply a hose-shaped dishwasher designed for such a connection.

Prepare a tee tap. It must be used to connect the machine. In addition, it will help shut off the water supply if necessary.

So, you need to prepare:

  • hose;
  • cleaning filter;
  • special mixer;
  • brass tee with stopcock;
  • fum tape and wrench.

Connect the dishwasher to hot water

To bring hot water to the dishwasher, no special tools are needed. The dishwasher hose can be easily screwed on its ownusing only hand power. Well, for a reliable installation of a tee crane, you should use an adjustable wrench. Remember that the fum tape must be wound in the direction against the thread. It is necessary to make about 10 revolutions.

So, the connection execution sequence:

  • We remember safety, therefore we block water. Otherwise, you may scald with boiling water.
  • Remove the plug from the water pipe.
  • There is a thread at the end of the pipe outlet. Do not wrap the fum tape or tow.
  • We fasten the brass tee. Check if the joints are tightly connected.
  • We wind the fum tape onto one terminal of the tee and screw the end of the inlet hose well. We check that it freely reaches the device case.
  • On the second output of the tee, we install a stub.
  • And the second end of the hose install a flow filter
  • We attach this entire structure to the filling valve of the device.

At the end of all work, open the water and check the tightness of all connections. If everything is in order, you can test the operation of the device.

On the dishwasher display flashes e4 - what this means, you can read in our article.

Other connection options

Often in expensive models of dishwashers, there is the possibility of connecting the device to water in 3 ways:

  • to hot;
  • to cold;
  • simultaneously to 2 sources.

The latter method is especially popular. Thanks to him, the technique can independently mix 2 streams of water to the required temperature indicator.So you can not only save energy, but also choose the desired washing mode.

But this method involves the use of a large number of hoses. And this does not always look aesthetically pleasing and is far from convenient for connecting.

Traditional dishwasher connection

Almost all dishwashers are designed to be connected to cold water. This is prescribed in the instructions for the device, which indicates a clear sequence of installation of kitchen equipment.

It is strictly forbidden to connect the device to hot water if this possibility is not indicated in the product passport. Remember, you should consider all the features and recommendations of the manufacturer.

So, it is considered to be the traditional way of installing the device specifically to cold water. The sequence of work is almost the same as connecting to hot water.

  1. We turn off the water supply tap;
  2. The mixer nut is unscrewed with a wrench and the pipe thread is released.
  3. Fum tape or tow is wound.
  4. A tee is installed. At the same time, we take into account that the side outlet is in a convenient position for attaching the hose to the dishwasher.
  5. Install the mixer.
  6. On the tee, the crane is moved to the closed position. We open the general water supply and check the tightness of the joints.
  7. Install the dishwasher hose by screwing the plastic nut


A dishwasher is an indispensable device in every modern home. Proper installation ensures long-term operation of the device. Should I connect the device to hot water? A definite answer cannot be given, because there are many arguments both for and against. The manufacturer can judge everyone. After all, it is he who indicates in the product passport all recommendations for its installation.

Remember, you should think carefully several times before installing the device without paying attention to the recommendations indicated in the instructions. This can harm only the dishes, but also the technique.

So, which water is better to connect the dishwasher (to cold or hot) - the owner of the device decides. It all depends on his preferences and desires. But practice shows that the main advantage of hot water supply (reduction in energy costs) does not turn out to be that. Especially when you consider the possibility of potential damage to the device and inconvenience in its operation.

What to do, if E14 flashes on the dishwasher display - learn from our article.

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