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Hose for a dishwasher: how to check, lengthen and clean it

The dishwasher is a real salvation for women housewives. Indeed, thanks to this device, you no longer have to wash the dishes yourself. To do this, just put it in the loading compartment and wait a while. Everything is simple.

But this is only at first glance the dishwasher looks like a simple device. Inside it involves a lot of different mechanisms to ensure uninterrupted operation for many years. If one of these mechanisms fails, then all the operation of the machine stops until the dishwasher will be repaired. One such device is the inlet plastic hose for the dishwasher.

In the dishwasher, the hose plays the most important role - it delivers cold or hot water inside the loading compartment. If water does not flow inside, then the dishes are not washed. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the causes of hose breakage in time, and then eliminate them.

Types of hoses

In addition to the inlet hose, the dishwasher also has a drain hose. It performs the function of draining dirty water after the completion of the dishwashing cycle. Its safety also plays a very important role, since many factors will depend on this (speed of work, the presence of an unpleasant odor, etc.).

The inlet hose in particular has a special design that protects the machine from sudden leakage. Such a device is called a hose with an Aquastop device for a dishwasher. Thanks to this hose, you can not be afraid of a sudden breakdown of the water supply network. Special mechanism capable on time prevent water leakage in the dishwasher, after which you can begin to troubleshoot the cliff.

If desired, such a hose can be installed in place of the drain, thereby increasing the security of the system several times. But before that, it is recommended to install special barrier filters that prevent clogging hose trash. In addition, this will extend the life of the dishwasher.

Also, hoses can be divided according to the material of manufacture. The most common option is plastic hoses. After all, they are not only practical, but also distinguished by their low cost. This allows you to easily replace the hose when necessary.

In addition to plastic, rubber hoses are used in a metal braid. Such hoses are distinguished by their durability and ease of installation. They are quite difficult to damage, which gives them a certain advantage. They are used as aspic.

The right hose choice for your dishwasher

In order to decide on the choice of a quality hose for a dishwasher, it is necessary to take into account some points. Such as:

  • machine performance
  • hose length
  • hose material
  • financial budget for the purchase of a hose.

It is worth starting with the operating characteristics of the dishwasher, since it is necessary to achieve maximum compliance with the capabilities of the hose with its operating result. For example, if the machine consumes up to 5 liters per minute, then you can choose a less durable hose. If the water consumption is more than 5 liters per minute, then a better hose is required.

Hose length also plays a very important role.If the hose is very short, this can become a very significant obstacle to ensure high-quality operation of the device. It is not worth taking a very long one. This will create additional interference with the injection of water.

Important! The hose must be selected with a certain margin. If the source of water supply is about 1 m long, then you should buy a hose 1.10 m long.

Material, as mentioned above, also plays a very important role. The main materials are plastic and rubber. Depending on the allocated financial opportunities, it is worth choosing one or another material.

The main problems in the hose

The most common problem with hose operation is its external or internal damage. Over time, any material becomes less resistant to pressure and constant friction of water, thereby damaging the hose.

Another reason may be a blockage of the internal space. Water in urban water supply often has very low quality indicators. This means that it contains impurities of heavy metals, dirt and other small particles, which eventually form a blockage in the pipe. In most cases, this has little effect on the operation of the machine, but over time it can harm its internal parts.

Do not forget about the negligent attitude of people during installation. If the inlet hose with akvastop during installation was not installed correctly, then sooner or later it will affect its operation, error e15 will be reflected. For example, at the most unfortunate moment, the hose may knock out of the fitting, thereby filling the neighbors from below. Do not forget about this, and it is better to play safe anyway.

Hose diagnostics

It is very important to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the condition of the hose in time. This should be done at least once a month. It is with this approach that the dishwasher will last a longer period of time.

Diagnostics can be carried out using various devices (such as a manometer and the like), but not every city dweller will find such devices. Therefore, verification should be carried out using improvised means.

First you need to evaluate the condition of the hose visually. If it is in satisfactory condition, then you can check it for leaks. Doing this better while the machine is in operation. There are no leaks - the hose is fine.

The presence of blockages can be checked using a plumbing brush or using a conventional wire.

Correct hose installation

For the quality operation of the machine, it is also extremely important to correctly install the drain and inlet hoses. Depending on how the hoses are installed, the further quality of work during the operation period will depend.

It is much easier to install the inlet hose, since it only requires handling skills with simple tools and a certain amount of time. The essence of its installation is to connect the hose to a source of water supply and to the inlet valve on the dishwasher. In this case, special attention should be paid to sealing the connection. Due to this, no leaks will form.

Replacing the drain hose in the dishwasher is a bit more difficult. For a quality installation, you will need to purchase additional items:

  • drain siphon (it will prevent odors from entering the apartment);
  • hose fasteners;
  • drain hose at least 1.5 m long.

To make the process of draining water much faster and without causing congestion, you must place the hose slightly above the connection point in the sewer. Usually this is not more than 60 cm. This can be done with the help of special mounting clamps by screwing them to the wall.

Then you need to make a siphon. It is he prevent the smell of a dishwasher from entering the apartment. The siphon is also easy to install using a small set of tools, after which it should be carefully sealed with silicone sealants. It will also prevent odor.

After installing the siphon, you can connect it to the hose and make a diagnosis of work. If everything is done correctly, then the water will drain quickly and without problems.

Replacing and extending the hose in the dishwasher

Over time, the hose has to be changed. Do not sin on manufacturers, since this process is natural for absolutely all the details of such devices.

To replace the hose, you will need to purchase a new hose of the desired quality and length. It is best to purchase a hose that stood earlier. But this is only worth doing if the hose was completely satisfied before this.

Once the hose has been purchased, you just need to put it in its place. It is necessary to replace all old gum, treat the place of attachment with an anti-corrosion repellent, and then check how it works.

Extending the drain hose is also easy. For this, it is necessary to carry out all necessary measurements of the length to the required object and the diameter of the hose. After that, it is enough to purchase a hose connector of the required length and with simple manipulations we connect the old hose to the new one.

In this way, the hose can be extended to very large sizes. Limitations are only human capabilities and needs.

How to clean the dishwasher

During operation, many housewives ask themselves - how to clean the drain hose? This will most likely require the help of the male half, as you will have to work a bit with tools.

First you need to completely disconnect the hose from the machine and the water supply network. After that, you can start cleaning the hose with a special brush or just soak it in a solution of weak alkali (you can also use acids). We clean the inner surface in such a way that there is nothing superfluous there. This will allow you to quickly remove absolutely all the barriers inside the hose. After the done manipulations it is necessary to return a hose into place. If nothing has changed after cleaning, the hose should be replaced.


If you follow all the tips above, then there will never be problems with hoses on the dishwasher. The machine will work efficiently and without any problems. After all, the best repair is the one that was not there. This is accompanied not only by high-quality diagnostics, but also by the initial installation of the hoses, as well as their quality.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor not only the general condition of the machine, but also its individual parts, for example, such as hoses.

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