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How to put dishes in the dishwasher

Today, there are not many people who can imagine their life without a dishwasher. Now, she, a kind of family member, takes care of everyone, helps to wash the mountains of dirty and greasy dishes. Modern housewives have long ceased to wash plates, forks and spoons after any celebrations, holidays. An old picture from childhood, where after the celebration of the new year, the whole family cleans the table. And everyone tried to blame the washing of dishes on the neighbor. Such happiness fell out, of course, to the younger one.

When the world began to progress, and the information society took over space, dishwashers appeared in people's lives. They became great housekeepers in private homes, and simply irreplaceable workers in the kitchens of cafes and restaurants. And now, almost every second family in the world has such a miracle.

By purchasing such a unit, you, processed by your friends and relatives, run to buy it at the nearest hardware store. Here she is already in the kitchen and gives you the first batch of washed dishes. But the result is far from what I would like to observe. Glasses are cloudy in places, and on the plates somewhere dried food remained. Now you are already disappointed and consider the money that you gave for the basic necessities.

Do not rush to be disappointed and blame those who advised you to buy a miracle of technology. Like all household appliances, a dishwasher has its own unspoken rules. She is not alive to read your mind and figure out how this time you decided to use it. Therefore, these rules will help you always get the perfect result.

What are the mistakes

The most common problems occur due to the following errors:

  • Using Ineffective Detergent
  • Incorrect placement of dishes
  • Ignorance of the structure of the dishwasher

Found your mistake? The result on the face is not a matter of technology. Maybe you have purchased the most expensive equipment from this category, which is absolutely praised by everyone, but you yourself are not thrilled - the reason is obvious.

We will analyze the errors in detail.

What is right and how to wash the dishes in the dishwasher

Please note that the funds, without fail, must be specially selected for the dishwasher. Pour into it what you used for manual washing - absolutely not.

Before the first use of the machine, you must already know what means to use. It is inappropriate to think here that the more funds are mixed, the better the dishes will be washed. This is not true.

The ideal composition of detergents will be as follows:

  • Descaler. It is the first in the list, since it should be loaded no more than three times a year. Its role is to prevent plaque on the entire surface of your car.
  • Degreaser for car. That's right, for the car. The fact is that to remove grease from the dishes, there is enough detergent and water. And the details of the dishwasher itself should be taken care of differently.
  • Water softening salt. She is regenerating. You can not use it if your water is already pre-filtered.
  • Rinse aid for a dishwasher. Perfectly removes stains, eliminates objects from the unpleasant smell of detergents, giving the aroma of freshness.
  • And finally, the detergent itself. It can be in such aggregate states as: gel, tablet, powder, liquid.

It has already been proven that liquid detergents do not perform as well as all other types of detergents.

You can also find out: How to choose a dishwasher cleaner?

Is it possible to make a detergent at home

Thanks to the hostesses who stand with two legs against the use of chemistry in everyday life, the world knows recipes that can replace tablets and gels.

  1. Drinking soda + powder borax. One to one, this gruel with a bang copes with burnt food particles and fat and does not scratch when interacting with dishes.
  2. Use of laundry soap. Twenty-five grams of such a soap grated on a fine grater + one spoon of vodka + four tablespoons. tablespoons of glycerin + half a liter of hot boiled water. it homemade dishwasher It has one minus - the smell. Habitual, but not quite pleasant. Fans of everything natural and organic can safely try and expect an excellent result.

Helpful hints:

  • Do not use laundry detergent even when working with perfectly smooth pores. The smallest granules will still linger on the surface and the machine will not wash them off. It is unhealthy.
  • Use natural ingredients if you run out of chemicals. Do not expose the car to other means.
  • In the event that there is sticky dried dirt on the dishes, you can put it in the machine for pre-soaking.

How to load any dishes in the dishwasher

About how to download and what can be washed in the dishwasheris the most common question. Do you think that cramming anything, or vice versa, as you like best, it will be better or not at all, you ask yourself: "What's the difference?" Oddly enough - there is a difference. The more convenient for the dishwasher you are laying out the appliances, the better it will produce a result. It works that way.

In fact, arranging the dishes is quite simple. In the machine itself there are already slots for appliances. They differ in shape and size, so guessing where to put the plate and where to the pan is simple.

The inefficiency of washing can be due to the fact that you simply simply did not put the item in your nest. The main thing is to determine in time what exactly it was, in order to prevent a repeat in the future.

Cutlery. For them in the dishwasher there is a special tray. This means that you can only put them there. As a rule, forks and spoons are placed in special holes (individually) so that their long base does not come into contact with each other.

Dishes need to be installed on the lower tier. Make them face the center and not touch each other.

Mugs, salad bowls, glasses. Their place is on the upper tier. Place containers with the recess down. If it doesn’t work out, then you can just tilt it.

Plastic appliances any size should be installed on top of the dishwasher. Since, in the car, the heating elements are under the lower tier. Thus, you will avoid changing the shape of your favorite appliances.

Another thing: half loading the dishwasher

When buying a car, the consultant repeated the phrase “half load” to you more than once, but what is it and how to use it, you can’t do it by the foot?

If guests decide to give your home a day of odds, then the dishes should be washed, of course, less. And to use a dishwasher on five plates and forks is not too careful. For this, there is such a function as a half load. It allows you to fill the space with only half, counting the water exactly on the amount of space occupied. Thus, you do not overpay for water.

In this case, the dishes are laid out purely individually - everything depends on the machine itself. In one company, this function is only with the top load, and in another - with the bottom. It may even be that half of the upper and half of the lower tiers are loaded.

If you bought a dishwasher with half-load function, find out what part you need to equip with kitchen utensils. Then you can safely place your devices in their sockets, while the rules remain the same:

  • objects must not touch
  • glasses, cups, deep plates set the bottom up
  • plates look at the center of the machine

Only minus such a program may serve as a separation of detergent. If you intend to frequently fill the machine incompletely, then divide the tablets in half in advance. Calculate how many calls you have enough.

What you need to know

If you are new to this business, just bought a car, it’s important to know how to use the dishwasher - This section will be the most informative for you.

All the scraps and cleanings that are washed off the dishes remain inside the machine so as not to clog the pipes and cause a lot of problems on your head.

Once a day (ideally after each wash), the filter must be cleaned. It’s easy to get it. To clean it as much as possible, purchase a dishwashing brush in the store. It should have a comfortable handle and flexible hard “hairs”.

Periodically check the condition of the holes through which water enters. They must always be cleaned.

Try to remove large, dried dirt yourself or moisten it with water before putting it into the machine. Many do not know, but the dishes also require a little preparation to go inside.

If you decide to try the dishes for the oven in the dishwasher, be sure to pay attention to what it is made of. It is possible that after such a shower with abrasives, you will not recognize your favorite baking dish.

Popular dishwasher models with vertical loading system

In the past five years, vertical-load dishwashers have become the most popular among kitchen appliances, due to their spaciousness, versatility and ease of use in everyday life. Companies such as ARDO, BOSCH, ELECTROLUX, MIELE, INDESIT have long been entrenched in the market. They guarantee quality and overall performance.

A dishwasher is the number one convenience in the kitchen, if you clearly know how to use it, and, most importantly, be able to do it: load correctly, select funds and clean. Do not neglect any of the above items and you will be satisfied with the purchase.

Another plus in using such a machine is the cost savings. Anyone can allow it, but just not everyone thinks logically: now you will spend more on a purchase, but then spend less on paying for water.

We also recommend reading about troubleshooting i20 in dishwashers.

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