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Which type of dishwasher dryer is best

At choosing a dishwasher be sure to look at all the components. Drying plays a huge role, helping to make dishes dry without any effort. It must be remembered that this is only a component of the dishwasher, so choosing based on price will not work. They are selected according to individual requirements, paying attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each type. In the article you will find out what type of drying is best in the dishwasher.

What types of dryers exist

Every day there are more and more manufacturers who offer a wide variety of washing machines with various types. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be paid attention to when choosing. The most popular are:

  • condensation options;
  • intense
  • high speed (turbo);
  • zeolite look;

Each pursues its own goal, for which it chooses models. Pay attention to classes A and B - this is quality. Option A is considered the best, it perfectly copes with the work, the output is completely dry dishes. Option B is worse, but the price is much less.

Condensation Dryers

They are found in many dishwashers, because customers like it incredibly much because of its unique energy-saving technology. It gives a good result, the dishes at the exit are dry, the electricity consumption is small, but the process requires a lot of time. Users have to wait a day until the dishes are completely dry. The process is as follows: moisture evaporates naturally, after which it settles on the heat exchanger (sometimes on the walls of the chamber), and finally flows into a special tank.

Despite this, many are ready to forgive the long process of draining the liquid into the tank, because a little energy is wasted, sometimes the indicator can reach zero. The result is an optimal ratio of price and quality.

The following advantages can be distinguished:

  • significant energy savings;
  • found in any dishwasher;
  • drying can work for a very long time, and you will not hear any noise.

If you want to save energy, you can wait until the dishes are completely dry, then for you this is a good dryer in the dishwasher. Those who do not have time, they want the dishes to be washed and dried quickly enough, you should not choose machines with condensation drying. Please note that sometimes stains may appear on utensils.

Active models

The main difference from the previous type is the presence of an electric element that can greatly heat the bottom of the chamber. It is also used to heat water when it is the last rinse. The heated bottom is able to instantly increase the temperature inside the machine, so that moisture begins to evaporate quickly. Manufacturers created an additional hole in the housing through which moisture leaves the appliance and the dishes become dry.

The user can open the door himself to speed up the drying process. There is an opportunity to use Shine + - a system that automatically opens the door so that the machine carefully gets rid of moist air. This type is ideal for people who want to get completely dry dishes. In the future, it will not even need to be wiped with a towel. Reviews about it are positive, especially people like that on the dishes there are no spots and stains, as after condensation dryers.

This method of drying utensils is used by American manufacturers in budget and medium-priced dishwashers.Compared with the previous form, intensive ones require much more electricity. This explains the fact that they are used very rarely in Europe.

High speed type

Most areas use forced air blowing, which has many advantages. Most manufacturers decided to introduce this technology in dishwashers. The convection type, as it is also called, differs from all the others in the presence of a tubular electric heater (heater) and a fan. Thanks to them, the dishes are blown with hot steam, due to which it is not only dried, but also processed.

In American and European models, this technique is used quite often. The option is economical, so many consider it a know-how, supplying special demo videos.

The process includes the following steps:

  1. At the last stage, the dishes are processed with hot water. Processing is carried out with an additive capable of reducing the surface tension of water.
  2. The fan turns on, starting to drive air between the contents.
  3. The machine has a special channel through which air leaves the tank. Thanks to the fan, air is thrown out.

Attention! Do not worry, steam may form around the dishwasher. This is due to the combination of this method with the active.

In the car for unique devices allocated additional space. When washing dishes, they can get significant damage. Manufacturers decided to protect the devices, providing them with good protection. Additional devices have a drawback - a machine with them is much more expensive. Energy consumption is also increasing. Despite significant drawbacks, this option dries dishes faster, and the quality is better than previous versions. All these advantages make this dryer the best in a dishwasher of any class.

The use of zeolite options

This is the last type used in premium cars. Combining fast drying and profitability, this species can rightfully be called the best, but it can not be found as often as the previous ones. Ten is not used; zeolite, a natural mineral, comes to replace it. It is placed under the loading hopper, moisture gets on it and heat is released. This technology allows you to speed up the process, save energy and allow the dishes to dry well.

Advantages of Zeolite Drying:

  • moisture is removed quickly from the surface of the dishes;
  • the substance used is safe for the human body, because it does not contain toxins;
  • during operation, the mineral does not require replacement.

This type is still installed only in luxury dishwashers, so you can’t call it the best, after all, a person will have to spend a lot of money on the machine itself. It is being introduced quite actively, so soon the zeolite models will be able to replace all other drying in the budget and middle classes.


They have a sensor that can detect ambient temperatures. This indicator “tells” the dishwasher which mode to set. Due to this, the dishes can be perfectly washed and dried without any stains and stains. Unfortunately, this system is new and still difficult to implement. Although it is already popular, it is possible that soon intelligent drying will be implemented in both middle and budget class machines.

Read also: Why can a dishwasher not dry dishes?

It’s safe to say which drying in a dishwasher is better, because everyone chooses according to their needs. Some people like dishes to dry quickly, for this they do not spare money for electricity. Others can wait for the sake of saving money. Decide on the requirements, only then choose a specific type of drying.

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