Dishwasher Care

A dishwasher is an important element in the kitchen. Without it, housework will take much longer. After all, you do not need to spend time washing dishes manually, which is also very difficult to wash.

More about sense of acquiring a dishwasher you read here.

But, as in any business, there are pitfalls here. For a more complete and long-term work, you need constant care for the dishwasher.

Why take care

Careful care of the machine can extend the life of the device for a long period of time. It also allows you to maintain its original appearance, which also plays an important role in preserving the aesthetics of the machine.

Basic care

The basis for caring for a dishwasher are several basic methods:

  • dry cleaning;
  • manual cleaning;
  • prophylaxis.

Each method is designed to clean one or another part of the device. What unites them is that they are all capable of providing a long and practical life for the dishwasher.

Important! Only the fact that the cleaning method must be chosen based on the model of the device should be taken into account. Thus, the likelihood of damage is minimized.

Before proceeding with the care of the machine, it is necessary to inspect it for damage or other deviations from factory standards. The most common damages are bursting water drain / fill hoses, cracks in the body, clogged outlets to the sewer, and many others.

Inspection is best done using lighting fixtures that provide a more reliable result. Based on the information received, it can be concluded whether it is worth carrying out the cleaning process or whether the machine needs professional repair.

In order to sort it out, how to care for the dishwasher, it is necessary to consider each remedy separately and decide on the suitable one.

Dry cleaning

The most affordable way for an ordinary housewife. In stores you can find a lot of tools that allow dry cleaning without the use of additional tools.

With the help of chemical mixtures, it is really possible to produce quality care for the dishwasher. They act on the principle of decomposition or annihilation of foreign substances. Examples of such an action are an example of the effect of an acid on an alkali. Since when washing dishes often use products that contain alkali, it is not washed off completely, but partially remains in the device, having a detrimental effect on metal parts. Therefore, many housewives use various acids in order to neutralize the alkali.

Cleaning a dishwasher with chemistry is pretty easy. All you need is to purchase any detergent for cars or special powder. Depending on the type of application, it can be poured inside or with the help of additional devices in the form of a rag or sponge, thoroughly wash the machine.

Thus, you can solve a lot of problems:

Chemicals, as a rule, do not do much harm to the details of the installation. On the contrary, they retain the appearance of the machine for a longer period.

Some tips for using chemistry

Chemistry is better to use directly while washing dishes.But before that, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the active substance and detergent for possible interactions. You can also ask the seller at a home appliance store. After using chemistry, put the dishwasher in the rinse (or rinse) mode, and repeat this operation 2 times. This is necessary for the full removal of accumulated substances and garbage.

Manual cleaning

There are times when it is not possible to purchase special chemicals to care for the dishwasher. In such cases, you can take care with your own hands.

Manual cleaning, of course, is less effective in hard-to-reach places, but it is still effective when leaving outside and in the area where dishes are placed. With manual care, you can use anything you like - rags, sponges, detergents, powders and everything that can be used without harm to the body.

The most “dirty” areas in the dishwasher are pipes and the lower tray, in which not only food particles but also harmful bacteria accumulate very often. The musty water is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic diseases.

Therefore, when processing such places, you need to use the most active substances and make maximum efforts. If everything is done correctly, a pleasant smell of detergents will always come from the dishwasher, and its service life will be doubled.

The advantages of a manual way of care are many. From financial savings to a more predictable outcome. It also depends on the persistence of the housewife.


Prevention plays an important role in maintaining the performance of the dishwasher. Better to prevent the occurrence of the disease than to treat it.

Preventive measures include:

  • Continuous ventilation of the internal surface of the device;
  • The use of antimicrobial substances when washing dishes;
  • Continuous performance monitoring;
  • Washing all surfaces of the machine;
  • Rubber parts care and more.

If quality, and most importantly, timely preventive maintenance of the machine, then the causes of the breakdown will be much less. Prophylaxis is necessary at least once a week, since it is during this period that, as a rule, microbial spores and blockages in the pipes develop.

With more intensive use of the dishwasher (for example, in the restaurant business), this period is reduced to 2-3 days.

Over time, the details in the device of the machine can change their position. This also needs to be taken into account and occasionally return them to their place.

Manufacturers of modern models of dishwashers recommend using additional cleaning filters to prevent the occurrence of scale. This should be taken with special attention, because it is the scum that causes the failure of most washing and dishwashers.

Proper operation prolongs the life of the dishwasher

The quality of work is affected not only by care, but also proper operation of the dishwasher. To do this, you must follow some rules that will save the life of the device.

  1. The most important thing to do after buying a dishwasher is to install it correctly. It should be in a perfect horizontal plane. Thus, it will fruitfully affect the working processes of the machine and extend its service life.
  2. When loading dishes into the basket, you must first remove large food debris. This approach prevents clogging and also allows to do the dishes better quality.
  3. In the process of laying plates or cups, you need to be very careful, because if you fold them incorrectly, this can lead to damage. Fragments of the dishes can get into the output paths, thereby damaging the hoses along the way.
  4. You should always choose a washing mode in accordance with the degree of contamination of the dishes and the quality of the material of manufacture. This will save not only detergent, but also the margin of operation of the device itself.
  5. After completion of the machine, it is necessary to rinse it. Most models already have a similar mode, so it remains only to press the button and wait a while.
  6. After completing all the processes you need to open the machine and allow it to dry out. Small particles of water in the form of steam can harm electronics, in this case this probability is extremely small. You can also dry the inner surface with a normal dry cloth.

These manipulations must be carried out constantly, with each process of the machine. This approach is extremely important when using absolutely any model of dishwashers.


With the constant observance of such rules of care, as well as the use of high-quality household chemicals, the appearance of unexpected breakdowns can be completely eliminated. It is only necessary to treat this more responsibly and without fanaticism.

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