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How to clean the vacuum inside?

Today, vacuum cleaners are available in almost every apartment. With their help, dry and wet cleaning of the premises is carried out.

Manufacturers of household appliances guarantee a long service life for vacuum cleaners. During their operation, various malfunctions arise. One of the causes of malfunctions is the untimely cleaning of the device from dust.

We will tell you more about how to clean a vacuum cleaner at home.

Causes of clogging up vacuum cleaners

The main causes of clogging are:

  • high degree of contamination of the premises;
  • the use of dust collectors from substandard materials;
  • damage to dust collectors and cleaning devices;
  • lack of elements of a purification system;
  • loose contact of the elements of the cleaning system.

Attention! Modern vacuum cleaners have great power. In order to avoid overload of the power supply network and breakdown, disconnect all other working household devices during cleaning.

Cleaning the vacuum cleaners inside comes down to cleaning the filters and the inside of the cabinet.

Types of filters

The function of collecting and collecting garbage is performed by filters. There are the following main types:

  • sack (paper or fabric);
  • aquafilter;
  • cyclone;
  • air cleaning.

Bag filter

By service life are disposable and reusable.

Disposable bag filters after cleaning must be disposed of as solid household waste.

Reusable are subject to cleaning and repeated use.

Both types of cleaning devices are made of paper or a dense dustproof fabric.


Serves for reusable use. It is a container of water. During cleaning, dust passes through a layer of water and precipitates as a precipitate.

Tip. In case of extraneous noise or a drop in the power of the unit, contact a certified technical center.

At the end of cleaning, the filter is washed and dried.

Cyclone filter

The design of the device provides for the collection of dry garbage in a special container. After cleaning, the filter is thoroughly washed.

Air filter

The air purifying filter (HEPA) is an indispensable structural element of any type of vacuum cleaner. Designed for additional cleaning of the exhaust air stream from dust.

Home appliance manufacturers describe how to clean vacuum cleaners in the attached instructions. They describe in detail the signs of the need for regular cleaning and methods for their implementation.

How to clean the vacuum inside

The following main stages of cleaning are distinguished:

  1. Disconnect the device from the power source.
  2. Install the device on a flat smooth surface.
  3. Disconnect the hose from the body and from the hose.
  4. Washed with warm water filters, hose and accessories.
  5. The washed parts are laid for subsequent drying.
  6. Clean the inside of the case.
  7. Place the dried parts in place.
  8. Wipe the outside of the case with a damp cloth.
  9. Use a damp cloth to clean and wind the electrical wire.

How to clean different types of vacuum cleaners

The order and methods of how to clean a vacuum cleaner, largely depend on the type of cleaning system.

Bag filter

The procedure for cleaning bag vacuum cleaners is as follows:

  1. Disconnect and dust the hose and.
  2. Remove the dust bag and the engine compartment protective filter.
  3. Wipe the compartment of the dust chamber with a damp cloth or napkin.
  4. Blow out the engine compartment with a jet of air.
  5. Install all removed parts.
  6. Insert and fasten a new dust bag.

Particularly thoroughly clean the corners of the dust compartment. The presence of dust deposits does not allow the dust bag to be installed correctly. As a result, the hose pipe at the inlet to the bag shifts and forms a small gap of 2-3 mm.

Through this gap, part of the contaminated air will enter the engine compartment, which can cause premature engine failure.

For information. Any reliable filter allows dust to pass through. As a result of the action of the electromagnetic field, dust particles are attracted and deposited on the engine. This may cause the motor to malfunction.

The engine compartment is purged outside the living area. For this, the vacuum cleaner with the filters removed is turned on, transferred to full power and maintained for one minute.

The most popular were vacuum cleaners with a bag filter from Dyson.

Vacuum cleaner with aquafilter

The procedure for cleaning appliances with an aquafilter is as follows:

  1. Disconnect and dust the hose and.
  2. Remove the container with dirty water.
  3. Remove dirty water.
  4. Wash the container in warm water with the addition of detergent. If necessary, remove and clean the air filter.
  5. All washed items are thoroughly dried.
  6. Wipe the compartment of the dust chamber with a damp cloth or napkin.
  7. Install all the removed parts in place.

The best result when cleaning carpets and furniture with vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter was purchased by products of the German company Bosch.

Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner

Cleaning is carried out in the same order as in devices with an aquafilter.

The only difference is only in the physical state of the contents of the dust container. AT vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter dirty sediment is in a liquefied state. In cyclone-type apparatuses, all dust is in dry form.

Tip. The filters and the inside of the vacuum cleaner must be cleaned after each cleaning.

The contents of the container are shaken in a bin and the container is washed under a stream of warm water.

One of the most reliable vacuum cleaners with cyclone filter released by Samsung.

Vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter

An optional HEPA filter is used as an additional tool to clean the exhaust air from dust. Manufacturers are guaranteed continuous operation of the device for a certain number of cleanings.

As you develop your life, it is recommended to replace such filters with new ones. To increase the service life, they are washed under running water with the obligatory thorough drying.

How to eliminate an unpleasant odor

Main cause of education bad smell in a vacuum cleaner is a violation of the frequency of its cleaning from dust and dirt.

Vacuum cleaners with a bag filter should use disposable paper bags. When using a reusable fabric bag, ensure that it is regularly washed with detergents.

In devices of other designs, the source of extraneous odor is contaminated filters. The device of most of their types allows for repeated periodic cleaning.

Sponge devices of container-type vacuum cleaners are washed in warm water and reused after a thorough extraction. Before installation, make sure that the parts are completely dry. After several washings, used materials must be replaced.

Tip. Every 3-4 years it is recommended to carry out technical inspection and maintenance of the vacuum cleaner.

Flushing filters of other systems is not recommended. They are cleaned by shaking. After the full exhaustion of the resource, such devices must be replaced.

After cleaning or replacing the filters, proceed to clean the hose. Trash stuck in the hose also causes a nasty smell.

The presence of debris can also lead to a decrease in the efficiency of vacuum suction. Clean the hose with a broom handle or other long object.

If the hose is completely plastic, odor is removed by soaking it in warm, soapy water.

The nozzle and optional accessories are also washed in warm water. Soap treatment can lead to corrosion of metal elements. Therefore, the removal of extraneous odors is carried out by treatment with disinfectant compositions.

In addition to improvised means, you can use special disinfectants for vacuum cleaners. Such products in a wide range are sold in specialized stores of household chemicals.

How to clean a turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner?

Accumulated debris on the turbo brush can cause a decrease in suction efficiency. The need to clean the turbo brush often occurs when cleaning carpets with a Thomas washing vacuum cleaner.

To clean the turbo brush, do the following:

  1. Remove the turbo brush.
  2. With a light touch of the hand, the locking latch is shifted.
  3. Remove the protective cover.
  4. Wipe the brush with a dry cloth to remove dust and debris.
  5. With tweezers or scissors, the roller is freed from hair and wool.

Fulfillment of all these recommendations and cleaning methods will ensure uninterrupted operation of the household vacuum cleaner for a long time.

On our site you can find out where you can apply engine from a vacuum cleaner.

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