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How to make a vacuum cleaner more powerful?

Not everyone can afford to buy new appliances. Thanks to this article, everyone will be able to learn how to increase the power of a vacuum cleaner at home with their own hands. Today, there are many different methods. Therefore, if you observe that your vacuum cleaner has become worse off, do not immediately panic and look at the prices of new equipment. With some tips, you can eliminate this incident.

How to increase the power of a vacuum cleaner yourself without repair

If the operation of the vacuum cleaner has deteriorated for some time, then you can eliminate this factor yourself. How to increase absorption? There are only two main reasons why this nuance may form:

  • The assembly of parts was not carried out according to the instructions, so some parts are not fixed correctly or not to the end.
  • Dirty, not cleaned filters.

If the vacuum cleaner was not assembled according to the instructions, and it does not contain a function that should notify you of incorrectly installed parts, it will naturally not work at full capacity. As a result, garbage, wool, hair from carpets and even dust from an ordinary laminate are not completely absorbed.

Before using the first thing you need to check the filters. Most often, they are the cause of poor absorption. Depending on the company and the model of the vacuum cleaner, the number of filters will depend. The maximum number reaches 4 pieces, you need to check each individually. If the filter is broken or cannot be cleaned, it must be replaced. If there are still chances for cleaning, it is better to use a wet method. Models that use a bag to collect trash require additional inspection. In this situation, you need to check if the bag is damaged, how full it is. It is recommended that if the container is 80% full, first it is cleaned and then reinstalled.

Devices that have a tank for collecting dirt in the form of an Aqua filter, cleaning is carried out by the following method:

  • First, you need to pour dirty water.
  • Wash the filter container.
  • Pour clean water and replace the filter.

If the vacuum cleaner does not have significant breakdowns, then 2 of the above methods should help you. As practice shows, 85% of people who have encountered the problem of poor absorption are solved in these ways.

Read on the site - why a bad smell comes from a vacuum cleaner.

Advantages and disadvantages of filters

Here we look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type of filter for a vacuum cleaner. There are three main types of vacuum cleaners:

Bagless vacuum cleaners are cyclonic, or as they are also called containerized.

Detergents that work with water contain an aquafilter.

And the most common type of apparatus is the one containing the classic bag. Suitable for both dry and wet cleaning. Instead of a bag, there may be a dust bag.

These types have in themselves a huge number of different models, among them are those that remain satisfied customers, but from which one disappointment remains.

Read also: Reasons malfunctions in the washing vacuum cleaners.


Vacuum cleaners do not contain dust collectors and bags. Thanks to modern technology, it is no longer necessary to use the invention of Dyson. European manufacturers for a very long time did not want to produce this type of vacuum cleaner, knowing that they have many shortcomings, but the desire of consumers turned out to be higher. They appeared on trading floors, store shelves quite recently, about 5 years ago. At that time, they had a high cost, and not everyone could afford to buy it.

Today, many cyclone filter users are disappointed with the acquisition. It remains to understand why, and for this you need to consider the pros and cons:

  • It has very good advertising, so the vacuum cleaner has become very popular
  • No need to spend extra money on bags. In European countries, a couple of dollars are saved per month.
  • They make a good cleaning of air from dust, which is well eliminated with the help of a rotating vortex, that is, a cyclone.
  • If the container is almost full, this does not affect the suction of the vacuum cleaner; there is no need to increase it.

Benefits are available, but minor. Now consider the disadvantages:

  • According to customer reviews, it was found that it absorbs very long particles very poorly, for example, feathers, threads, hair, path. Because of this, protective or additional filters become clogged very quickly. They can take the form of an accordion, a bulb, a cup, a foam rubber rectangle and so on.
  • Often there are times when the air flow is not fully formed. Due to this, normal suction cannot be carried out, but on the contrary there is a quick clogging of additional filters.
  • One of the important drawbacks is the lack of many models vacuum suction power adjustment. This was specially calculated during the development of this type, so that a certain speed was calculated for the vortex air flow.
  • If the protective filters are dirty, problems arise in operation, the motor overheats, the performance deteriorates, and most importantly, the operation of the main filter deteriorates.
  • Since the container has a plastic material, when large particles of dust or solid materials enter it, a strong noise is generated and the container is scratched. If the container is very scratched, it is difficult to determine how full it is.
  • After each operation, the protective filters must be cleaned. It bothers very quickly and brings absolutely no pleasure. Because of this, the service life of the vacuum cleaner is not more than 3 years.
  • Additional filters cost around $ 100.

Recommended reading - why the vacuum cleaner is humming.

With aquafilter

Once these models were released, they were very popular for cleaning in a hospital, special production or laboratory. Both before and now vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter have a high cost, as it carries out dry and wet cleaning at the same time. Now consider why they became famous:

  1. For work, water is used, not a bag, which must be purchased separately. This is one of the fine filtration systems.
  2. Thanks to wet cleaning, the best absorption of garbage and dust is formed.
  3. Not only cleans the room from dirt, but also freshens the air.
  4. Good advertising, consumers think they have purchased a modern cleaning machine.

disadvantages vacuum cleaner with aquafilter:

  1. The filter is absorbed by dust and debris, but water-repellent substances, such as oily wool or feathers of waterfowl, plastic shavings or synthetic materials remain on the floor.
  2. This type of vacuum cleaner has a fast air flow, this can lead to the evaporation of water. Because of this, the liquid equation decreases, dirty air does not clean the carpet, and can also cause the vacuum cleaner to break.
  3. When the vacuum cleaner is working, the air in the aquafilter heats up. This can lead to the multiplication and formation of many bacteria and microbes, since a warm environment is great for their habitat.
  4. After each cleaning, all parts require thorough cleaning. It takes a lot of time, patience and such cleaning is very unhygienic

Classic vacuum cleaner

This type includes vacuum cleaners with a built-in bag. Vacuum cleaners have functions: wet cleaning with additional cleaners, steam cleaning, window cleaning or washing. This type of equipment is the most common. Despite this, it has many advantages:

  1. Using is quite simple, which is why it is popular among people of any age.
  2. Depending on the price category, the vacuum cleaner can accommodate various functions and quality.
  3. You can use the device at any time. Compared to the above types, you do not need to clean after each use. It does not require additional actions, for example, pour clean water, wash, dry.
  4. It is cleaned by the usual replacement of vacuum cleaner bags. This procedure must be performed once every two months.
  5. Has a large price range. You can purchase from $ 30 to $ 1,000.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Due to the fact that the dust bag is made of textiles, its cleaning is not entirely hygienic.
  2. The more the bag is filled, the lower the suction power.
  3. It’s hard to find parts on older models.

Thanks to the good and bad qualities listed above, you can understand what kind of vacuum cleaner you need to purchase in order to be repaired by yourself with poor suction.

Check also our article: How do without a vacuum cleaner when cleaning the apartment?

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