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Washing vertical vacuum cleaner: model rating and selection assistance

The vertical vacuum cleaner copes well with carpet and is suitable for daily cleaning.

The vertical vacuum cleaner copes well with carpet and is suitable for daily cleaning.

Achieving perfect cleanliness in the house has become much easier and more convenient thanks to modern household appliances. In addition, people began to spend much less time cleaning. Modern technical assistants in cleaning not only contribute to the effective cleaning of dust and dirt, but also can clean surfaces of old stains, wash and disinfect. A vacuum cleaner has become an integral part of any quality cleaning, and a washing assistant is a godsend for housewives. Such a vacuum cleaner performs cleaning the house much more efficiently than usual - during wet cleaning, there is practically no dust left at the outlet, and its wet particles are much easier to suck. However, there are some drawbacks - large dimensions and weight, which greatly complicates the maneuverability of cleaning, and due to the large size it is impossible to handle hard-to-reach spots. The developers of household appliances did not stand still and decided that the washing assistant in the house should also be convenient, the vertical apparatus for cleaning is much more convenient than a conventional vacuum cleaner. Such a convenient device is distinguished by its maneuverability, light weight and simple operation.

Also, recently, a vertical wireless vacuum cleaner is gaining more and more popularity. Most of these vacuum cleaners can be powered by batteries, and the absence of a wire makes the dry and wet cleaning process much easier.

What is a vertical vacuum cleaner for?

The main advantage of vertical vacuum cleaners in their small size and maneuverability. They do not require large storage space, such a device can be put in any corner where it will not interfere, and at the same time it will always be at hand. Such a vacuum cleaner can always be taken in order to quickly remove any consequences, for example, something crumbled in the kitchen, or children clog up in their room, in such cases the vacuum cleaner will become an indispensable assistant in the household for perfect cleanliness and time saving.

Suddenly formed rubbish on the floor can be collected with a vertical vacuum cleaner, which is always at hand and easy to handle.

At the moment, on sale a lot of different models of vertical vacuum cleaners. You can choose both wired and wireless, with and without a battery, of different capacities and sizes. Small models are especially popular with car enthusiasts, with their help you can easily and quickly clean the interior or clean up the garage. It is also convenient to take such small-sized vacuum cleaners with you to a country house or cottage. Such a device is a real find for any person, with it cleaning will be a pleasure. The main thing is to approach the choice of a vacuum cleaner responsibly, carefully paying attention to the proposed functions and weighing all the pros and cons of the models.

Advantages of Vertical Vacuum Cleaners

As mentioned above, vertical vacuum cleaners largely win over their traditional counterparts. The reasons why such a vacuum cleaner will become an indispensable assistant in the household:

  • Small size. Such a vacuum cleaner does not take up much space in the apartment, it can be easily taken with you, also, its compactness adds maneuverability and you can easily climb into the farthest corner, and when cleaning you do not need to constantly rearrange the device from place to place.
  • Light weight makes it possible to manage it without loading the hands, and also allows you to save strength for other, more interesting things.

    Special nozzles allow you to effectively clean any surface in the house and get to the most inaccessible places.

  • Some models are equipped with batteries, which allows you to clean up without running from one outlet to another, it will be convenient to tidy up where there is no outlet at all, and a suddenly turned off light during the general cleaning will not spoil the mood and does not hang up to finish what was started.
  • The effectiveness of the vacuum cleaner will also not leave its owners indifferent, the device leaves no chance of dust and dirt even in the most inaccessible places.

However, some of those who have already acquired this miracle of technology have noticed such qualities, a high level of noise and low power. That is, it is better to carry out global cleaning with a conventional vacuum cleaner, while vertical cleaning is more suitable for daily cleaning or for cleaning inside the car.

Some compact models with an autonomous battery can be conveniently used for cleaning a car.

Criteria for choosing a vertical washing vacuum cleaner

To select a technique that optimally combines the necessary qualities, suitable cost and long life, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

    • First of all, attention should be paid to the suction power of the washing vacuum cleaner. The power of the engine determines how well the vacuum cleaner cleans the surface of dust and dirt. The fact is that the engine spins the electric fan, and the faster it rotates, the more the vacuum cleaner will collect dirt. It is important not to fall for the cunning trick of marketers and not to confuse the suction power with the amount of energy consumed by the device. Power is measured in watts, maximum suction power vertical vacuum cleaners have no more than 800 watts, but on sale most models have power up to 600 watts.
    • Weight is also an important criterion, you need to remember that you will have to manage the entire unit as a whole. Here the choice is also huge, you can find models with a lightweight body and quite weighty. Do not overlook this moment and try on your favorite model in the store.

      Washing vertical vacuum cleaners are much more environmentally friendly than usual, and adding flavoring to the vacuum cleaner, a pleasant smell will spread throughout the house.

    • The volume of the dust container. Even if it is not planned to clean a large area with a vertical vacuum cleaner, the optimal dust collector volume will be about 3 liters. There are compact models, with a capacity of only half a liter. It is also important to pay attention to what exactly is used to collect dust, a bag or a plastic container. A cleaner with a container as a dust collector will be more hygienic, economical and easier to operate. It is easy to empty it of collected dirt, washing will also not cause problems. The bag will have to be changed from time to time, and it is impossible to completely get rid of the dirt that accumulates inside it. Another plus in favor of the dust container is the fact that it holds dust better and from there it will not go anywhere. A bag cannot boast of such tightness; no matter how dense material it is made of, it will still pass dust, albeit a small amount.
    • Filters are an important component of a vacuum cleaner. They can be made of foam rubber or special fiber, a carbon or electrostatic filtration system. Among the manufacturers, the most popular are HEPA filters, which consist of porous layers capable of capturing the smallest particles of dust. Whatever filter is selected, it must be regularly cleaned and replaced by a worn consumable. Following this simple rule for caring for vacuuming, quality cleaning and no bad odors guaranteed. Using the model of a washing vacuum cleaner, we must not forget how to rinse the filter and dry it well after each cleaning.A humid environment is an ideal place for the growth of harmful bacteria and mold, which is why the filter must be kept dry. Depending on which filter the vacuum cleaner is equipped with, its cost will vary. More often than not, a good filter justifies the money invested in it.

      With this vacuum cleaner you can collect garbage from any surface, whether it be a sofa or a table.

  • Vertical vacuums are usually much noisier than conventional ones, so a low noise level will be another indicator of good quality. Manufacturers are working on this problem tirelessly, it is worth paying attention to the models of the current year, some of them do not exceed decibels comfortable for the ears.
  • Battery capacity. If you plan to purchase a cordless vacuum cleaner, you should ask how long it will last without recharging. No one will be pleased when in the midst of cleaning they will have to run to the outlet and wait until the device is recharged. This will add only trouble, the hostess simply does not want to turn on such a vacuum cleaner once again and spend more time and energy with it than with an ordinary one. The optimal battery life is considered to be about half an hour. This is enough to clean the carpet or to clean the car.
  • Before choosing, you need to decide for what particular purposes it is acquired. This is necessary in order to choose the necessary equipment for the unit. The standard set of vertical assistant is two brushes for the carpet and for the floor. Some models offer a dust brush in the kit, a nozzle that allows you to penetrate narrow slots and turbo brush. In new models, this brush has the function of collecting wool and disinfection with ultraviolet light.

The vertical vacuum cleaner is so easy to operate that even a child can handle it.

Thus, with this information it will be easier to understand what is suitable for each owner or hostess. It will be even easier to make a choice if you know a few additional nuances:

  • Vacuum cleaners that are equipped with dust bags lose a little suction power when the bag is full.
  • A plastic container creates more noise.
  • Instead of using a vacuum cleaner with a low power at maximum speed, it is better to turn on a more powerful engine not at full strength. So the technique will last much longer and there will be no burnout and short circuit in the device from overload.

These tips should greatly simplify the search and save time, which is always terribly lacking.

The most popular vertical cleaning vacuums

The garbage container is very easy to clean, just throw away the contents, and the container itself should be washed and dried well.

In the category when you want to win in price and quality, the Vitek brand is popular, at a relatively low price, this vacuum cleaner is equipped with all the necessary qualities, not the most powerful, but 300 watts will be enough for daily easy cleaning, the volume of the dust bag of 1 liter also speaks of not its global purpose. The package includes a standard brush for carpet and floor and a nozzle for crevices.

Reliable housework vacuum cleaner Philips, wins in quality among many of its brothers and is rightfully considered one of the best among verticals. The characteristics inspire, powerful, in addition to the function of wet cleaning, has drying and cleaning. Nozzles are cleaned automatically after cleaning, he will let you know when the dust bag is full. A long wire will not restrict movement.

Electrolux ZB 2943 occupies an average price position and balances between price and quality. A big plus of this model will be its compactness. The lowest mass of all that is proposed is with him. In addition, the vacuum cleaner is decorated in a very stylish and elegant way, which will bribe any housewife. The device is also equipped with an automatic brush cleaning system, a powerful battery allows you to work continuously up to 40 minutes. There is a backlight function in the nozzle area. It is very convenient for such a kid to put in order a staircase, a narrow corridor, a bathroom, for furniture, too, without any problems will collect all the dirt.

The stylish Electrolux ZB 2943 will appeal to any owner and will fit into any interior.

Models of Bosch vertical vacuum cleaners, record holders for the number of minutes that can work without recharging. A little more than an hour of battery life will not be a problem for him. Dust collector indicator, the ability to choose the power level yourself, low noise performance. Such a technique can be entrusted to any work.

Perhaps the largest vertical vacuum cleaner presented by the Miele S7580. This model is distinguished by a capacious six-liter dust collector, which is also created from a material that can withstand small glass or iron parts. The kit has a backlit brush for cleaning furniture and crevices. For convenience, the vacuum cleaner is equipped with a folding handle.

Rowenta loves to pamper its customers with new products. Among the vacuum cleaners of this brand, you can choose a high-quality apparatus with average performance, exactly what you need for ordinary home use. It copes well with both wet and dry cleaning, whether it is carpet or linoleum. The manufacturer claims that their products are able to work without recharging for more than half an hour. Of the minuses - a fairly high noise level.

The most popular brands of vacuum cleaners have been described here, so that when you come to the store or make a purchase through the Internet, you don’t lose the variety in choice and do not get caught in a beautiful picture. The main thing to remember, before buying, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of the models well, compare them with each other, and only then acquire.

Recommended also to read. how to choose detergent cleaner.

Comments (1)
  1. Maria:

    A vertical vacuum cleaner is something completely different than a regular vacuum cleaner. You are absolutely free to choose the movement, and you get used to it so quickly that you can’t imagine anything else. Thanks to the backlight, there are no inaccessible places, cleaning goes to another level. A convenient handle and a high-quality turbo brush again to help every housewife. This is me about my Dauken BS120. The issue price in this segment of vacuum cleaners is not small, but after several cleanings you understand how the air in the apartment changes. I recommend for those with young children, it takes much less time to maintain cleanliness, and with animals such a purchase is simply irreplaceable.