home-For cleanliness and order-A vacuum cleaner-Let's talk about the suction power of modern vacuum cleaners

Let's talk about the suction power of modern vacuum cleaners

A vacuum cleaner has long been a "friend" of man, as well as many other household appliances. But in order for such a “friendship” to be as fruitful as possible, the owners should carefully study the technical data of the device before purchasing it.

What should be the optimum suction power of a vacuum cleaner so that it can easily cope with any kind of pollution? What characteristics should a proper vacuum cleaner have? What you need to remember when going to buy such small household appliances?

Which is better, automatic cleaning or manual cleaning

It would seem that today every person in the house has an apparatus for cleaning dust. However, this is not entirely true, as some still prefer to clean the rubbish “the old fashioned way”, that is, using a broom.

With all this, the advantages of using a vacuum cleaner are obvious:

  • complete removal of dust, wool, dirt, germs from any smooth and carpet coverings (even with high pile);
  • thorough collection of garbage in any place (even in hard-to-reach places);
  • maximum ease of work, reducing cleaning time to the maximum.

What is the reason for such an irrational decision? It is quite simple: people are simply afraid to pay almost unbearable electricity bills every month.

And just to prevent this from happening, when buying a brand new “machine” for cleaning, you should carefully study not only the price tags and, in fact, the device itself, but also its specific performance characteristics.

We recommend that you read the article on our website about features of separator vacuum cleaners.

The power of a home vacuum cleaner: what you need to know

First of all, you need to remember: for any unit that helps a modern housewife or owner in cleaning, there are two power indicators (consumed and useful).

One of them, that is, consumed, is responsible for the amount of electricity that the vacuum cleaner “eats”, and the second - for the force it draws in air.

Important! To attract the attention of customers and increase the number of sales, the power consumption is usually indicated on the body of the vacuum cleaner, since it is standardly more than the suction power. In turn, information about the suction power is prescribed in the instructions.

Moreover, if the force with which the dust-cleaning apparatus “eats” electricity varies between 1500-3000 watts, then the indicator of working qualities has a standard range of 250-480 watts.

It is also worth noting that the optimal suction power for the house is 320 watts, but if allergy sufferers live in the living room, or the main role is given to cleanliness of the room, then the vacuum cleaner should have the maximum suction power (Fig. 1).

What you can clean Any smooth surfaces: tiles, parquet, linoleum Smooth surfaces and any carpeting, including carpet Smooth surfaces, carpets and walkways, upholstered furniture

Read also the article on vacuum cleaner in the form of a mop.

Suction power, W

What can be cleaned


Any smooth surfaces: tile, parquet, linoleum


Smooth surfaces and any carpeting, including carpet


Smooth surfaces, carpets and walkways, upholstered furniture

Fig. 1

What determines the suction power of modern vacuum cleaners

I would like to make a little joke on the topic: “not all vacuum cleaners are equally useful,” but you should not do this.

After all, the health and well-being of all households directly depends on how powerful the device for collecting garbage and dust "settled" in the house. A similar topic does not tolerate humor.

So, the power indicator of modern vacuum cleaners depends on the following points:

  • type of cleaning;

There are two types of cleaning: dry and wet. In turn, each species is divided into several subspecies. So, for example, during dry cleaning, all litter can be collected in dust bags or a container. And there are models in which a water filter is installed.

So, on what the vacuum cleaner is “equipped with”, the parameter of the effective power actually issued by it depends on it.

  • type of engine (motor);

The power of these air-suction units depends on three indicators: the inlet pressure, the air flow rate, and the efficiency.

  • number of filters.

Optimum power of the vacuum cleaner it doesn’t have a specific meaning for an apartment because the manufacturer installs various filters in different “cars”. And a lot depends on their quantity and quality.

By the way, today experts call the HEPA filter the best and safest filter. So far, only he can capture the maximum amount of dust and bacteria before releasing air back into the room.

Three tips to help you choose the right, powerful vacuum cleaner

In order not to make a mistake when choosing the power of the device for removing dust, adopt these tips. And then the vacuum cleaner, of course, with proper operation, will last more than one year, helping to create coziness and comfort.

  • Manufacturer

Many people want to save on the purchase of small household appliances, and this is understandable. But, specifically in the case of a vacuum cleaner, the purchase of goods of an unknown manufacturer can lead to a situation where the avaricious pays twice.

At the same time, it is also not recommended to overpay for a promoted brand, since identical motors and similar filters can be installed on models of medium and high price categories. And this means that the equality “high price” - “quality” does not work today.

  • Build quality and equipment

Of course, well-known manufacturers of vacuum cleaners will not "dirty" their name, releasing low-quality goods.

However, one should never exclude the fact that the store can sell fakes of popular brands. Moreover, sometimes even the sellers themselves are not aware of such a situation.

What can a buyer do to avoid wasting money and getting good suction power from vacuum cleaners? Of course, carefully examine the goods before buying.

And if there are no gaps on the case, if the vacuum cleaner does not begin to make noise with internal parts when shaking, if the tube and hose look solid, then you can purchase such a sample.

In addition, all the equipment stated in the instructions must be available, packed in a box. Otherwise, we can talk about an attempt to cheat either from the side of the store, or from the manufacturer.

  • Net Power Index

The useful power of the vacuum cleaner directly depends on the power consumption and is approximately 25-35% of it. Accordingly, to find the desired indicator, use a simple formula.

N consumed x 0.35 = N useful

where N is power, 35% is the average indicator of engine efficiency.

Advice! If for some reason the household appliance store does not provide the buyer with the opportunity to study the instructions for use before the purchase, or the order is placed in the online store, where not all key characteristics are spelled out, then use the formula below to calculate the useful suction power.

So, what should be the vacuum cleaner's optimal suction power for the home? This indicator should be selected from the conditions in which the device will be operated.

That is, for a house and apartment where there are children and / or pets, better to choose a vacuum cleaner with the highest possible net power.

The housing of a bachelor or couple without children, leading a quiet lifestyle, can be removed with a less powerful aggregate. As an option, it could be a robot cleaner or its stylish, compact, futuristic vertical "fellow".

Also in our article we will help you choose the best vacuum cleaner model for manicure and pedicure.

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