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Vacuum cleaner smells bad when working

The unpleasant smell coming from a vacuum cleaner is half the trouble. It can carry harmful bacteria that will contribute to the development of respiratory diseases (asthma, conjunctivitis), or indicate a malfunction of the household appliance.


There are 3 reasons why the vacuum cleaner stinks during its operation, which can be indicated by the type of smell:

  1. The smell of burning indicates a malfunction of the device.
  2. The unpleasant smell of plastic suggests that the thing is new and the details have not yet had time to “grind”.
  3. The persistent smell of dust or any other similar smell indicates that the collection bag and / or filter are dirty.

What to do with the smell of burning

Slight sparking in vacuum cleaner motor Is a normal occurrence. But if sparks through chur and at the same time a burning smell has appeared - the problem is in the failure of the brushes or the electric motor itself. As a rule, in addition to the smell of burning, this is indicated by the loss of power of the vacuum cleaner, its constant overheating and interruptions during operation. What can be done in this case? Replace parts with new ones or repair and adjust current ones. In any case, it is necessary to know the possible causes of sparking:

Vacuum cleaner collector motor

  1. The first possible reason is poor contact between the brushes and the collector. You can fix the problem only with new brushes. To do this, use sandpaper nulevka, which neatly touches the contacting elements. To ensure normal contact on a new vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to “run in” it. To do this, set the minimum speed and let it work for 20-30 minutes. Then they can be vacuumed, but the first 1-2 cleanings should not be overloaded again.
  2. The second reason is bearing wear. Over time, a backlash may appear due to which individual elements will drum on each other and, accordingly, break up.
  3. Skewed brushes may appear during operation. And they must be installed strictly on the same line without distortions. Two special screws are provided for their adjustment. It is desirable to set the angle of inclination according to the marks in order to make it as even as possible.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the collector. It must be clean. In the process, graphite and metal dust or carbon deposits (the result of contact with brushes) may appear on it. Contamination should be removed with null sandpaper, and the surface subsequently degreased with alcohol.
  5. Another reason is inter-turn closure. Eliminate it yourself at home is almost impossible. Therefore, in this case, the electric motor requires replacement completely.

    Vacuum cleaner motor rotor

  6. The last possible reason is trivial wear and failure of individual elements. Anything that is cracked, cracked, or worn badly cannot be repaired - such parts require replacement.

Thus, the vacuum cleaner sparks and smells unpleasant due to:

  • mechanical damage to individual parts of the electric motor;
  • occurrence due to prolonged use of soot and pollution;
  • poor contact between the brushes and the collector;
  • wear due to prolonged use of individual engine parts;
  • occurrence of a circuit.

How to replace individual parts? To do this, you must:

    1. Disassemble the vacuum cleaner and get the right part. As a rule, one or two screwdrivers are enough to disassemble the case and remove the brushes. It is necessary to disassemble the case in advance and get parts requiring replacement in order to have an idea of ​​what you need to buy. For example, the same brushes can be graphite or copper-graphite. Better yet, take the part itself to an electrician's store.

      Disassembled vacuum cleaner

  1. After purchasing a new spare part, it must be replaced, observing the above recommendations.

What to do with the smell of plastic

More often, inexpensive plastic vacuums made in China emit plastic odors. After a few days, a maximum of a month of active use of the vacuum cleaner, the smell should disappear by itself. In order not to wait for this, you can take special fresheners for the vacuum cleaner and suck them through the dust collector during cleaning.

What to do with the smell of dust

The smell of dust, on the contrary, appears after prolonged use of a household appliance. Most likely, its reasons lie in the excessive contamination of the garbage bag and (or) filter, and more precisely in the bacteria that settled there during harvesting, and began to multiply. There are several ways to solve the problem:

    1. Take out the bag and filter, clean them and, if possible, wash them. Before washing, pay attention to the instructions from the manufacturer. Not all filters and bags can be immersed in water. After cleaning (washing) it will not be superfluous to ventilate them. Also worth whenever possible clean the inside of the vacuum cleaner.

      Reusable dust bag

  1. Buy additional filters and dust bags. With the active use of the device (4-7 times a week), experts recommend replacing removable elements at least once a month. During this time, bacteria have time to build a whole colony and it is not possible to survive them from there.
  2. Buy additional carbon filters. They are inexpensive and sold at any hardware store. They must be cut to the size of the first filter and inserted into the vacuum cleaner immediately with it (not in front). The unpleasant smell should disappear, but it will not solve the problem itself. That is, all bacteria will remain in place.
  3. Before each use of the vacuum cleaner, you can pour a few coffee beans or any other strong flavoring in the bag to collect dust that can kill an unpleasant odor. Also, you can clean and ventilate removable elements and, if possible, rub them with a strongly smelling substance.
  4. Manufacturers of household chemicals offer professional fresheners for a vacuum cleaner that must be sucked through a dust collector before each cleaning. Such fresheners not only eliminate an unpleasant odor, but also fight the cause of its appearance (destroy microbes).

Granular Vacuum Cleaner Freshener

To prevent odors, shake the contents of the garbage bag and clean the filter after each cleaning. But these operations only delay the moment when the bacteria literally “capture” both the filter and the bag.

How to clean an apartment without using a vacuum cleanerread here.

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