home-For cleanliness and order-A vacuum cleaner-How to choose a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter (water filter) for an apartment?

How to choose a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter (water filter) for an apartment?

The article answers the question, what is vacuum cleaner water filter. Describes the nuances of choosing a product. What are the advantages of a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter and how to properly care for it. The work uses the advice of experts, given the opinions of experts. The rating of the most interesting models from a technical point of view and the efficiency of the washing device is presented.

Graduation of techniques for dust collection methods

Manufacturers offer us three main varieties of cleaning units that can collect dust in various ways. It is the method of dust collection that fundamentally affects their design features. So, which models offer us:

  1. With a bag.
  2. Harvesting equipment with a container.
  3. Vacuum cleaner with integrated water filter.

Let us dwell in more detail on each of the presented species.

  • Cleaning equipment with a bag.

The cleaning apparatus, collecting dust particles, concentrates them in a special bag made of fabric or thick paper. It must be periodically released (shaken out). Paper bags are designed to collect dirt only once. After filling it is necessary to replace the paper dust bag.

Unfortunately, after falling into a dust trap, large and medium sized dust particles settle at the bottom. The microscopic parts of the dirt go back out.

See also how to choose a vacuum cleaner with turbine Anti Tangle.


As the dust collector fills, the suction power decreases proportionally.

  • With a container.

This version of the model involves the use of plastic containers. It is much easier to remove dirt from them. The container has a built-in filter that collects dust and gradually clogs. But, unlike the above option, filling the container with dust does not in any way affect the suction power.

  • With water filter.

In vacuum cleaners, a special device is used instead of a bag. Aquafilter for a home vacuum cleaner, what is it? An aquafilter passes dust through itself, which binds to water molecules and precipitates. The structure is easy to remove and quickly process (wash). It is important that the design can be used many times.

The principle of operation of the aquafilter

The device works according to the generally accepted scheme for the entire cleaning equipment: air intake. Next come the differences. The principle of operation of a vacuum cleaner equipped with an aquafilter is as follows: passes through a special container filled with water. Large particles settle, while small particles remain dry. To prevent their return to the outside, a separator is designed located above the water tank.

  • Water filter device.

The separator is a cylindrical design with longitudinally arranged plates, rotating under the pressure of constant air flows. They form a trap in the form of a water cycle, where small particles of dust are drawn. Therefore, all, even fine dirt and dust, remain in the water. Already purified air enters the outside, saturated with moisture.

What is good and what is bad

It is necessary to fully submit information about the technology and disclose the positive aspects without hiding the existing shortcomings. Aqua filter in a vacuum cleaner, what are the pros and cons of cleaning equipment.

  • What is good.

An undoubted advantage is a high degree of purification (up to 99.99%). Only 0.003% of dust particles leak out.

Humidification of the exhaust air. Dust and dirt are collected in a special container with water, and are not in suspension. No leakage of dirt from the washing machine. Suitable for wet and dry cleaning. There is some savings: there is no need to regularly buy dust bags.

  • And what is bad.

The weight of the device and the dimensions are much more than a conventional vacuum cleaner. The average weight of the structure is about 10 kg.

After cleaning, the water filter and tanks must be washed under running water. The care schedule is shown in the attached instructions. The filter must be washed after seven cleanings. And other filters are serviced regularly: after each cleaning. It takes a lot of meta to store. The cost of the device is higher in comparison with a traditional vacuum cleaner.

Types of aquafilters, features of their work

Choosing a technique you need to understand at least a little how the two water filters work:

  1. Turbulent principle of action.
  2. Separator option.

Let's dwell on each of the types of aquafilters and consider their principle of operation.

  • Turbulent installation.

The principle of operation is the creation of water turbulence by nozzles that bind dirt to water. In this case, the air is cleaned at 96%. Then, the work is assigned to a turbulent filter. It creates vortex flows by mixing finer particles of dust (up to 0.3 microns) with water. In the third, final stage, the HEPA filter does not pass the remnants of not collected dust. This dirt trapping technology is inherent in the world's leading manufacturers of home appliances.

  • Separator option.

Principle of operation: flap turbines create turbulence. The rotation speed reaches 25-36 thousand revolutions per minute. At this speed, the size of the water particles is similar to the dirt entering the vacuum cleaner. It is believed that the described principle of action is most effective, and the degree of purification is higher. Naturally, such cleaning machines will cost more.

Compare models

Let's look at one example of two models of one of the leading manufacturers. It's about Kärcher. Among other things, the global giant produces two types of cleaning equipment:

  1. The device with a water filter DS 6000 Mediclean.
  2. The washing design of SE 5.100.

In the washing vacuum cleaner, manufacturers tried to draw negative lessons and eliminate the shortcomings.

  • DS 6000 Mediclean.

The original design involves easy maintenance. There is no need to disassemble it, just wash it. It is enough to lift the protective cover and remove the container with dirty water, pour it out and rinse.

An important step towards comfortable operation is a significant reduction in noise of the operating unit to 66 dB. You can use the technology without fear of incurring the wrath of your neighbors. These indicators are recommended for medical hospitals.

The most indicative can be considered the manufacturer's recommendations: Vacuum cleaner suitable for apartmentwhere small children live, and there are animals.

As an additional weapon in the fight for cleanliness, the DS 600 model is equipped with an additional Nera-13 filter that can hold up to 99.99% of dust.

  • Model SE 5.100.

In this version, everything works simply and functionally. There are 2 containers of different colors:

  • one container with a white handle for clean water;
  • another container with an even-colored handle for dirty water.

A good design solution can be considered laying the water supply hose in the suction structure.

How to choose the right vacuum cleaner with aquafilter: expert advice

When choosing a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter, you need to know a few simple rules and use them:

  1. vacuum cleaner selection. This may be wet and / or dry cleaning. The range of possibilities directly affects the cost of the model;
  2. air suction power. This indicator affects the quality of cleaning the apartment. Experts say that you can clean the room with a device with a power of 300-350 watts. But if the house has carpet, especially with a long pile, you need a technique with a suction power of 450 watts or more.A big plus is the presence of a suction regulator;
  3. number of filtration steps. The more of them, the better the final cleaning result;
  4. An important aspect when choosing a home helper is the noise level indicator. Recommended values ​​within 65 dB;
  5. choose according to the configuration of the model. There is a standard version with a minimum set. There are options for advanced configuration. The more additional devices, the better the cleaning process, including complex surfaces;
  6. water tank, more precisely, its displacement. This indicator affects the ability to clean a single area of ​​a certain area of ​​the room;
  7. working cord length. Everything is simple and clear here. The longer it is, the more maneuverable the technique. Pay attention to the pipe telescopic principle of action. It is made of metal or plastic. The metal version is more reliable and durable;
  8. An important indicator, which is often ignored when choosing a device, is the presence of protection. Without it, the apparatus can burn out simply.

And the last thing is the warranty performance of the equipment and the operating life. After acquaintance with small tricks that can help with the selection, it will be natural to review some of the most popular models: specifications and technical data.

Popular models

  • Let's look at the Zelmer 919.0 ST Aquawelt, let's start with it.

Here, the almost perfect combination of price and quality. Plus, a lot of positive feedback from users. It is equally good for wet and dry cleaning.

Interestingly, the aquafilter, if necessary, can easily be exchanged for a regular bag to collect particles of garbage. The kit comes with a wide range of additional nozzles, which expands the possibilities of high-quality cleaning of the room.

These are: crevice and turbo / brush. Nozzles: for cleaning stone, high-quality cleaning of parquet, floors, furniture and collecting liquids. Considering the characteristics of the unit, we note that the suction power at an acceptable level is 300 watts. The dust collector is designed to fill 1.7 liters. Good cord length: 9 meters, which allows you to maneuver when cleaning and not to switch the unit when moving from one room to another. The pipe is made of steel.

The total weight of the structure is 8.5 kg with a product cost of 10900 p. The delivery set includes a HEPA filter and an aquafilter.

But there are also negative points to talk about. This is a high noise level. With a recommended 66 dB, the device produces 80 dB. The technique itself is cumbersome. Dimensions 49/35/34 cm.

The design has several modes that in practice the owners of this vacuum cleaner do not use. But, they are included in the final cost of the model.

Users note the high cost of spare parts and consumables. Nozzles made of plastic do not last long.

  • Karcher DS 6.000 Mediclean.

We have already partially considered this model. We can only note that a unit with a capacity of 900 watts can perform dry cleaning using a waste container.

A wide range of nozzles is included. The pipe is made of durable and light steel. The weight of the device is 7.5 kg. The price is 20 thousand rubles. Cable length is 11.5 meters. Disadvantages include the high cost of consumables.

  • Vitek VT-1833.

The device, with a suction power of 400 W, is designed for dry cleaning with multi-stage filtration. There are 5 degrees of purification. The dust collector is designed for 3.5 liters.

The working radius is limited to 7 meters. The pipe is made of metal. The weight of the model is 8800 rubles. The aquafilter can be easily removed and rinsed. Suction power at the proper level.

A certain inconvenience is the need for regular maintenance of filters and containers after each inclusion of equipment. Owners talk about the high level of noise emitted during operation.

  • Thomas Twin Helper.

This model is designed for combined cleaning: dry and wet. The container is designed for 4 liters of water. The working radius of the model is 10 meters: quite comfortable. Telescoping pipe made of steel.Automatic winding of the electric cable is provided. A wide range of nozzles included in the kit allows for more thorough cleaning of rooms, easily processing hard-to-reach spots. The weight of the vacuum cleaner is 8.4 kg. The price of the product is 19 thousand rubles.


Having familiarized yourself with the operating principles of cleaning equipment equipped with an aquafilter and finding out what you need to pay attention to when choosing a model, it can be argued that the aquafilter is a perfect device that allows you to perform quality cleaning of residential and / or non-residential premises. The choice of a vacuum cleaner of a certain model is your prerogative and your financial capabilities. Enjoy the shopping!

You can also find out what is the main unit of the vacuum cleaner link.

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