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How to do without a vacuum cleaner when cleaning an apartment?

Any housewife strives for cleanliness and order in the house, resorting to modern or folk methods of cleaning. Upholstered furniture and carpet without a vacuum cleaner are difficult to clean for a long time. However, more recently, our mothers and grandmothers did without him, and the rooms shone with cleanliness. This article will describe some effective techniques, such as cleaning upholstered furniture, pillows, carpets and carpets without a vacuum cleaner.

How to do without a vacuum cleaner when cleaning an apartment?

Cleaning with a broom.

One of the easiest “grandmother's” cleaning methods without a vacuum cleaner is sweeping with a broom. This is a cheap and quick way to clean large litter, particles of sand and earth. The broom is suitable for both hard floors and short-pile carpets. In order to prevent dust and specks from rising into the air, the broom should be periodically soaked in clean water, preferably in boiling water. This way of putting things in order at home is more likely not for general cleaning, but intermediate during the day. The broom will not remove all the dust and will not cope with harmful microorganisms. It is advisable to have several panicles in the apartment: for cleaning in the corridor and the rest of the rooms, since the broom may have cleaned dirt that does not need to be carried around the house.

Instead of a broom, you can use a mop with a brush.

Street cleaning.

For the inhabitants of our climate zone, severe January and February frosts are the time for knocking out carpets in the snow. Despite this, it is not the easiest exercise from the physical point of view, cleaning carpets, pillows of upholstered furniture, and snow remains a popular way to give products freshness, rid them of accumulated dust, and destroy moths and pathogenic bacteria.

For cleaning, you need a special knocker made of plastic or rattan. She will not bend or break from blows.

Rules for cleaning.

In order for the cleaning to be more effective, things must be knocked out, observing the rules:

  • Clean things in frosty, calm weather. If the carpet is not knocked out in the winter, the air should be dry.
  • You can’t knock things out in the immediate vicinity of playgrounds and windows of the house;
  • Before knocking out the carpet, it is advisable to vacuum it from two sides and, turning it into a roll, take it out onto the street;
  • Before hanging the product on a horizontal bar or snow, you need to make sure that the surface is clean. It is advisable to wipe the design with a rag, washing off dirt and bird droppings;
  • The product is first stacked inward, then turned over.
  • You need to move in one direction so that the dirt does not spread throughout the product;
  • After knocking out, you can walk along the surface with a brush or a clean broom to brush away the snow.
  • It is good to leave the carpet in the cold for 15-30 minutes so that the cold will kill the microorganisms accumulated in the pile.

In summer, instead of snow, it is good to use a sheet moistened with clean water. It must be laid out on the product and proceed to knock out.

Ultraviolet sunlight, getting on the carpet, well disinfects the thing, prevent the formation of mold and fungi. It is under the sun that dry and clean carpets in hot countries.

When knocking out, it is worth considering whether the carpet is natural or made of synthetic fiber.The fact is that a synthetic thread under severe mechanical stress can be damaged, which in the future will lead to a loss of uniform pile of the product and the formation of scuffs.

ABOUT advantages and disadvantages of a vacuum cleaner-mop read the article on our website.

Removing dust from the surface of upholstered furniture.

Sofas and armchairs, the carpet can not be taken outside. Therefore, a good way to rid upholstered furniture of dust is knocking out through a wet woolen cloth. They lay it on the surface of the furniture, put a clean, dry rag on top and knock it out like a carpet. The dust accumulated in the furniture fibers will settle on a damp cloth, and a dry rag will absorb moisture. After use, the material must be well dried, ventilate the room.

Also read: “Choose a mop for home«.

Cleaning carpets, carpet and furniture with baking soda.

Baking soda will help rid the coating of unpleasant odors, stains, dust and dirt. In order to clean the product, you must:

  • Pour soda on the contaminated surface so that it evenly lies on the treated areas;
  • After half an hour, sweep the soda with a broom.

In the same way, soda can be replaced with starch and edible salt.

If the carpet or carpet is very dirty, and also a lot of pet hair, hair has accumulated on it, the cleaning brush should be wetted in a special solution based on baking soda.

  • Dissolve 5 tablespoons of soda in a bucket, add a drop of liquid soap or shampoo.
  • Take a brush with hard bristles, for example, to clean shoes.
  • After wetting the bristles, wipe the carpet with intense movements, periodically removing collected dirt from the brush.
  • After cleaning, dry the surface. It is better to vacuum the product or dry it in the sun.

Folk ways to freshen up the look of the carpet.

To freshen the look of a dark colored carpet, the remnants of hard-brewed tea are added to the water instead of cleaning products. Vinegar will also return fresh colors to the product, but after such a manipulation the item requires good ventilation in order for the heavy smell to disappear.

Industrial cleaning products can also cope with dirt, especially when paired with a washing vacuum cleaner. However, many of them require the removal of chemical residues using this vacuum cleaner.

Soap shavings can become an alternative to aggressive household products: it creates a plentiful foam, has an antibacterial property, and does not cause allergies. The only drawback of such a cleaning is that it is not advisable to use soap foam on dark carpets, carpet and furniture, as there may be soap stains.

Read also on our website: "What use in washing vacuums«.

A modern, easy way to pick up small debris from a pile.

A slightly exotic way to clean fabrics and carpets is to use adhesive tape or scotch tape wound around a hand or paint roller. Adhesive litter and hairs quickly make the adhesive surface dirty, for this reason the adhesive tape and tape must be changed frequently. This method requires a lot of time, but it collects pet hair and human hair well.

Dry cleaning products.

In order to achieve perfect carpet cleanliness, the product is dry cleaned and then aired. Although this method of cleaning is not cheap, it is advisable to carry it out to people prone to allergies, with respiratory diseases, as well as to those in whose family there is a small child. This type of cleaning carpets and furniture upholstery will destroy dust mites, moths and other pests.

A thing like a vacuum cleaner is undoubtedly designed to make life easier for housewives, making cleaning easier and faster. However, the vacuum cleaner is different. The simplest, not very powerful models, only dust will be collected from the upper layers of the pile. Really high-quality work will be performed by powerful multi-function vacuum cleaners with a special type of brushes and a suction force regulator.As an option, use a washing vacuum cleaner that can cope with dirt on soft surfaces, as well as on laminate, parquet, linoleum and tile.

You can also find out. what kind benefits of cleaning with a steam cleaner.

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