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How to make a water filter for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands?

Probably, every housewife will agree that without such an important thing as a vacuum cleaner, the house can not do. Among the great variety of models, experts advise opt for aquafilter specimensin order to get a better cleaning result. With these models, dust absorption is more efficient. They have recently begun to become more and more popular. If your model does not have a device that contains water that allows you to clean more efficiently, then do not get upset.

How is the filter with water

Even if you have recently purchased a vacuum cleaner without an aquafilter or if you have a slightly obsolete model at your disposal, do not worry, below we will see how you can make a water filter for your model of a vacuum cleaner with your own hands.

Vacuum cleaners with water filters: the pros and cons

Recently, vacuum cleaners where aquafilters are installed are incredibly popular. With their help, it is real to clean not only, but even the air. When you use a water vacuum cleaner, it is not necessary to ventilate the room, because the air becomes completely clean after cleaning.

Perfect purification through the use of water

Some modern models can form a large amount of foam, but this problem can be easily solved, it will be sufficient to have a high-quality antifoam. Before you purchase or remodel a regular vacuum cleaner into an aqua device, you should know all its features and advantages. The main ones include the following:

  • device reliability
  • long enough life
  • multifunctionality
  • a water vacuum cleaner perfectly cleans the air, makes it moist
  • has a high power indicator
  • does not need additional maintenance, which has a high cost
  • unpleasant odor does not appear during operation
  • It is very convenient to use.

Also, vacuum cleaners have some disadvantages, but they are insignificant and it is quite possible to put up with them. The disadvantages of the device include:

  • large enough parameters
  • such vacuum cleaners are heavy
  • expensive
  • may make a loud noise.

Vacuum cleaner with water filter

On the site you can also read which detergents for washing vacuums.

Why do you need an aquafilter?

The essence of the water filter is that it does not just fight dust, it also performs wet cleaning, helps in the fight against bacteria, pathogens, pet hair, mites, and also fills the room with freshness, cleanliness and moisturizes the air.

The essence of the aquafilter is a tank that is filled with water. The device has a separator operating on the principle of a cyclone, thus bringing the water tank into motion. The mechanism draws in air contaminated by dust and dirt and passes it through the water in the tank. Thus, the dust particles bind to water, the stream further passes through additional filters, and at the outlet we have clean humidified air.

Unlike a conventional dry type vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner with water filter need to be cleaned after each use. To do this, rinse the container and properly dry all the filters that are in it. If you do this poorly, there is a chance of bacteria multiplying.

Varieties of aquafilters

There are two types of water filters:

  • Separate.

The work of this type of aquafilters is to separate the air from the dust particles due to centrifugal force. Contaminated particles that enter the filter remain in the water without entering the air in the living room. The main advantage of this type of vacuum cleaner is the higher quality of cleaning compared to others, and they are also durable. However, separate models are not cheap.

Separator Filter

  • Hookah

Vacuum cleaners of this type have a rather simple design. These devices do better with coarse dust, but fine dust is not easy for them. However, this drawback can easily be fixed by installing additional filters. One of the inconveniences of using a hookah filter is the need for its frequent systematic washing and high-quality drying. In addition, it is equipped with a fairly small reservoir for liquids.

Vacuum filter in a vacuum cleaner

What to consider when choosing a vacuum cleaner with a water filter

  1. Pay attention to the power of the device. It should be at least 200 watts.
  2. Choose a vacuum cleaner whose body is made of more durable and reliable materials.
  3. Opt for devices with a large fluid design. Thus, you will not need to change the water in it too often.

DIY water filter for a vacuum cleaner

Among all the advantages of vacuum cleaners with a water filter, its main disadvantage is its cost. For this reason, many "jack of all trades" make an aquafilter for different models of a vacuum cleaner with their own hands. You can save not only on the purchase of a vacuum cleaner, but also make the filter itself from materials that are always at hand.

How to make a filter for a modern vacuum cleaner with your own hands

If you decide to make a filter for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands, and the power of your home vacuum cleaner wants to have the best, at the same time you can fix it. What to do with it? First of all, it is necessary to replace the paper component with the foam component on the inlet filter. This will allow the unit to absorb dirt and dust with greater force. For most inexpensive modifications of vacuum cleaners, the suction power is lost due to the dense material on the filter. Therefore, it can also be replaced by a less dense one, thus increasing the overall power of the device. But at the same time, small particles of dust will linger on the filter no worse.

Before you start assembling a homemade aquafilter, you need to prepare all the materials you need. Among them:

  • Aluminum pan.
  • Six liter plastic eggplant from under the water.
  • Three screws.
  • Metal adapter.
  • Flexible hose.
  • Screws in the amount of four pieces.

So, let's start by cutting a circle at the bottom of the aluminum pan. Its diameter should be less than the diameter of the pan by about 3 cm. Next, you need to screw this design to the vacuum cleaner in the place where the air comes out. First you need to drill holes in the pan.

Simple materials - great end result

We take a plastic bottle and put it in a pan. Several holes must be made in the eggplant so that clean, filtered air can escape. Pour into it about 1-1.5 liters of water. By analogy with a purchased vacuum cleaner, dust-contaminated air will penetrate through the water in which the dirt will remain.

Metal adapters and screws all this design is attached to the exhaust outlet of the vacuum cleaner. On the one hand, we attach the corrugated hose to the adapter, and on the other, we make a slot in it, which will give the effect of a whirlpool inside the eggplant.

The second option is a homemade filter - separate

Now we will figure out how to make a water filter, which is considered separate. For him, you need to prepare the following:

  1. Separator
  2. Capacity in which the water will be
  3. modern version of the pump
  4. small fan
  5. details with which you can fix all the elements.

When everything is ready, install the casing directly on the dust collector. Next, you need to carefully attach the pump, on which the rubber ring will be located. In order to significantly reduce the noise from the device that occurs directly during operation, it is enough to glue a small amount of polyethylene onto the bottom of the vacuum cleaner.

Using improvised materials

As you can see, taking a little time, a minimum of effort and financial costs, you can build yourself a pretty good water filter for the most ordinary vacuum cleaner. There is nothing complicated in such work; you do not even need to have any special knowledge. It is enough to follow the instructions provided by us and you will definitely get a high-quality water filter, which in its characteristics will not differ much from the purchased and more expensive device. If the assembly process was successful, then you can immediately test the fruits of their labors.

We recommend reading - what to do, if the washing vacuum cleaner does not work.

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