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What to do to prevent the washing machine from jumping, anti-vibration stands

With the advent of a device such as a washing machine, housewives were able to devote much more time to their affairs. After all, the washing machine took over the main work of washing things.

But each barrel has its own fly in the ointment. Under improper operating conditions appears washing machine vibration. This, in turn, is fraught with extremely serious consequences, up to a complete failure of the device.

For such situations, the market offers a lot of options for special anti-vibration stands and legs for a washing machine. Thanks to them, the washing machine is able to continue its work at the usual pace and without any complaints about the work.

To avoid excessive vibration in the future, you need to understand why the washing machine jumps.

Read also about the causes of noise in the washing machine.

Causes of Vibration

One of the main reasons for excessive vibration is the improper installation of the device. In the usual mode of operation, the washing machine experiences tremendous loads from the side of the rotating drum. The average rotation speed is approximately 1000-1500 vol. per minute. Due to the unevenly filled drum, the centrifugal force is shifted in different directions, because of this there is a powerful vibration.

Another cause of vibration is improper loading of laundry. This problem is quite easy to solve at the initial stage of washing. It is enough to load the laundry as the instruction manual for the washing machine requires. In this case, a fairly strong vibration can occur, which can even harm surrounding objects.

Also, do not exclude the option with poor flooring. Most manufacturers recommend install a washing machine on a perfectly flat and dense floor, which will fix the washing machine in perfect position. But since most people are not able to provide such conditions in their apartment, during operation the machine can not only vibrate, but also jump.

This is not the whole list of causative moments that somehow affect the operation of the machine. Any, even minor violation of the operating instructions can lead to the emergence of constantly increasing periods of vibration.

If it turned out that the washing machine jumps during operationthen you need to take action. How to do this?

How to quickly and inexpensively eliminate the vibration of a washing machine

You can eliminate the signs of vibration by various methods - from the acquisition of special anti-vibration stands to the complete alteration of the floor covering. Naturally, most choose the first option, as it is much cheaper and easier to implement. In order to completely eliminate all unnecessary fluctuations, you just need to purchase inexpensive pads and use them for their intended purpose.

Anti-vibration stands are a rubber or plastic object, which is placed under the legs-supports of the machine, thereby damping the vibrations that arise. Typically, the dimensions of a standard stand are 5X5 cm, which allows you to place them under the legs of the washing machine without much effort.

Types of Anti-Vibration Stands

Depending on the degree of vibration, there is a fairly wide selection of anti-vibration stands. All of them can be divided into 3 groups:

  • are common;
  • individual;
  • anti-vibration rubber feet for the washing machine.

General are usually made in the form of a rug, which is placed under the base of the machine. At one time, it was a fairly popular item, which was used not only for washing, but also for a dishwasher. Manufacturing materials are mainly inexpensive polymers, as well as high-strength rubber.

The advantages of such products include their high strength, ease of use, as well as high rates of wear resistance. The disadvantages are its relatively high cost and large area, which under certain conditions can cause some discomfort to the residents of the apartment.

Individual coasters have a slightly different shape. Their manufacturing material is also plastic and durable rubber. But in this case, their sizes are adjusted to the dimensions of the base of the legs. Due to this, they have a more compact form, but at the same time it is necessary to devote a bit more time to their installation.

The advantages of individual anti-vibration stands include their low cost, practicality of use and high wear resistance. Of the shortcomings, we can distinguish only their installation feature, in which you have to use additional tools.

If it is not possible to use the stands, then you can always use special anti-vibration legs. Their essence is that special rubberized legs are installed in place of old metal legs, which also dampen vibration. Under certain conditions, it is not only reliable, but also beneficial.

The principle of operation of the stands

The principle of operation is very simple. Since plastic and rubber have increased elastic forces and a relatively low density, the steel legs of the washing machine literally bite into the material, due to which the energy is extinguished.

The reverse situation. When the washing machine is on a dense surface, the energy that comes from the rotation of the drum is transferred to the legs, which are repelled from the floor covering. Thus, the effect of a hopping washing machine occurs.

You can also find out on the site how pick up a washer with dryer.

How to choose an anti-vibration stand

To choose a high-quality anti-vibration stand, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. It is necessary to measure the diameter and shape of the legs of the device. This is necessary so that the pads fit as tightly as possible and do not allow vibrations to reach the floor. Based on the measurements you can immediately determine the size and shape of the pads.
  2. For a better installation result, it is necessary to choose the most amorphous material. In this case, it will be semi-synthetic rubber. It is she who possesses all the necessary qualities and is able to provide the most excellent performance indicators.
  3. It is also necessary to be based on financial opportunities. If the budget allows you to purchase more expensive products, then, of course, it is better to use them. But it’s also not worth saving, since such an investment fully pays for itself in the future operation of the washing machine.

Based on the results, you can purchase one or another stand that will dampen vibration during operation of the washing machine.

How to install stands

If you purchase individual stands, you may encounter some problems with their installation. But if you follow some tips, the installation process will not cause any difficulties.

First you need to put the washing machine on its side in order to gain access to all the legs. After this, the legs should be thoroughly cleaned of possible traces of rust, and if irregularities occur, eliminate them.

When the legs are completely ready, you can proceed with the installation. If the stands do not provide a solid connection, then you just need to put them under the legs of the washing machine. In case of necessary fixation, you will need to purchase glue for joining metal and polymer surfaces. Then you can just stick the coasters and return the machine to its usual position.

Important! The most optimal option when choosing glue is glue on a semi-synthetic basis.

Next, you should test the work. If everything is done correctly, then the machine will not vibrate during operation, thereby ensuring a better washing process.

If the machine continues to jump, then you should use other linings, or conduct the installation process from the very beginning.

How to make do-it-yourself lining

Like any other item, you can make your own lining. At the same time, it is not necessary to have professional skills of the master, because you can even make them without having a special tool.

First you need to decide on the material. In domestic conditions, the easiest way to find it is rubber and old plastic, so both options will be considered.

When the material was found, it is necessary to cut out lining from it, which will be slightly larger than the legs of the washing machine. You should also pay special attention to the thickness of the material. It is recommended to use material with a thickness of at least 1 cm, since otherwise the vibration will pass through the material to the floor and the machine will jump.

When the workpieces are ready, it is necessary to place them under the legs of the washing machine and adjust their height. If, after installing improvised coasters, the machine still jumps a lot, then it is better to purchase ready-made products. This will save both time and effort.


If a washing machine jumps, then the best option in such a situation would be to purchase anti-vibration pads. With their help, you can quickly and efficiently ensure the smooth operation of the device. Having saved a decent amount of money.

But do not forget that, as in any other business, dexterity and a rational approach are important here. It is necessary to pay attention to every little thing, since the further period of operation of the washing machine will depend on this.

Comments (1)
  1. Basil:

    Only low-quality washing machines jump. My hotpoint has no problem with this. when washing is stable.