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How to clean the washing machine with citric acid?

Even the most expensive models of washing machines break if you have hard tap water flowing from a tap. Note that, alas, in our country this problem is very acute: tap water is unsuitable for drinking, mesh filters are clogged with enviable frequency even on mixers, and the inlet filters SMA are clogged in the same way, as a result of which the machine does not enter water. If you want your equipment to serve for a long time and without fail, be sure to install a filter on the water inlet. He will delay rust, particles of dirt, debris, sand. Thus, you will extend the life of many elements of the washing machine: drain pump, heater, improve the quality of washing.

We clean the washing machine with citric acid

However, installing a filter is not the only measure. Limescale forms on the heating element and SMA parts even when using clean tap water. As a result of this, over time, you may notice that the water in the SMA heats up longer than usual; over time, the heater fails completely. That is why many manufacturers recommend adding special water softeners (for example, Calgon) when washing. They are designed to prevent the formation of scale on the internal parts of the AGR. However, such products are expensive, as opposed to citric acid for washing equipment - the most affordable and effective way.

The use of special anti-scale products does not give a 100% guarantee; cleaning still needs to be done

Why do I need cleaning

Scale does not allow heat to pass through, which is why the equipment starts to work in extreme mode and quickly fails. Scale is formed due to impurities in the water. Under the influence of high temperatures, they settle and harden on the details of the SMA.

Scale on the ten

Many users mistakenly believe that cleaning will not be necessary if you wash mainly on quick-wash programs that do not require heating water. But this is an erroneous opinion. When washing in cold water, most likely you will protect the unit from scale, but you may notice an unpleasant odor. Indeed, in the process of working on the details of the SMA, various deposits, bacteria, and dirt accumulate - these microorganisms die at high temperatures, but they live and multiply if you constantly wash in cold water.

All these troubles can be avoided; clean the AGR at least once every three months.

How effective is citric acid in anti-scale washing machine?

Cleaning the CMA drum with lemon is very effective. This acid well cleans the nodes and the tubular heater from scale, entering into a chemical reaction with deposits and dissolving them.

Wherein to clean the washing machine, you don’t have to disassemble the equipment, you can remove the most serious deposits with citric acid - it helps a lot from scale.

To visually verify how effective a lemon is, it is enough to process an ordinary kitchen kettle. On the walls of the dishes you can see the scum (white coating). It appears when boiling water. The ingress of calcareous deposits into the human body does not bring much health, therefore it is also better to periodically clean the kettle and dishes. Citric acid will help remove even the most old deposits. To do this, do the following:

  • Buy a lemon in the store and pour it directly into the teapot or pan.
  • Pour water into the dishes and bring it to a temperature of 100 degrees.
  • After that, remove the kettle from the heat and walk a couple of minutes.
  • Drain the water - you will see that the inner walls of the dishes are completely clean.

The same thing happens when cleaning MCA with citric acid, although the result is not always so obvious. Even those who are critical of the cleaning method under consideration and who argue that the use of expensive products are more effective can be convinced by the example of dishes that cleaning with citric acid gives excellent results.

Read on our website about the problem of unpleasant odors in a washing machine.

The advantages of the method

Washing machine citric acid, due to its effectiveness and cheapness, received excellent reviews from experts and the general population. Consider the main advantages of this cleaning method.

  • Cheapness. The cost of one pack is not more than forty rubles, and store funds are several times more expensive. In addition, they are aimed at preventing the formation of scale and they must be used constantly - cleaning with a lemon should be done once every 3 months. Savings are evident.
  • Citric acid is a natural, environmentally friendly product, a food supplement. Unlike other home methods, such as vinegar, lemon is odorless.
  • Residues of citric acid are completely removed from the washing unit at the rinse stage, which is especially important for people with allergies, as well as for families with small children.
  • The agent in question not only removes scale, but also fights mold and spores of fungi.

How to clean a washing machine with citric acid

Important! It is necessary to carry out cleaning exclusively at idle mode (the drum must be empty).

  • Before cleaning, carefully inspect the drum and rubber cuff for small items of clothing: handkerchiefs, socks, and more. They may accidentally get stuck in a rubber lining or lie near the ribs of the drum.

Check for small items clogging under the sealing rubber

  • Wash the rubber seal with a damp cloth and wipe the glass on the loading door.

Wipe the glass and rubber seal with a damp cloth

  • Pour a lemon into the CMA dispenser (main compartment). Leave all other compartments (detergents for prewash and rinse) empty.

Pour a lemon into the dispenser

  • Close the CMA hatch and set the desired washing mode. If you are doing this for the first time, but at the same time operating the equipment for a long time, set the longest program and the highest possible temperature. If you regularly add funds at every wash for the prevention of descaling, you can set the temperature to 60 degrees. It is advisable to program an additional rinse step (a lemon helps well from scale, but it is important to completely remove it). If it is impossible to set an additional rinse mode (such a function is not provided by the manufacturer) - at the end of the program, start the technique again in the rinse mode.

Set the desired program

  • After washing, open the doors and rinse the drum inside. It may contain residues of limescale that must be removed. Wipe rubber seal, sunroof.

Wipe the machine after cleaning

  • Your machine is clean. If you wish, you can remove the heater and verify this. By the way, in some models, the SMA TEN can be seen through the holes in the drum, it is enough to arm yourself with a flashlight and highlight it by scrolling the drum.

TEN after purification with citric acid

Proper dosage and other helpful tips

Before you start cleaning mode, take care of the precautions beforehand. Remember that too much citric acid should not be loaded, because due to the intensity of chemical processes, such a measure can damage the components and components of the AGR. Do not forget that cleaning should be carried out with the drum empty - otherwise all items and linen inside it will be damaged.Therefore, if you decide to wash the washing machine in this way - do not overdo it with citric acid. Excess citric acid can also corrode the rubber cuff, after which a leak will appear and replacement of this part will be required. Reducing the dose is also not recommended, since in this case, cleaning may be ineffective?

So how much do you need to fall asleep? We recommend pouring 0.12 kg of citric acid into machines with a drum loading of 6 kg, 0.1 kg in AGR for 5 kg, and 0.07 kg for 3.5 kg. That is, for every kilogram of loading you need to use 20 grams of lemons.

So, to summarize. There is nothing complicated about caring for SMA. Moreover, it is not necessary to use expensive storefronts. Citric acid copes well even with the most difficult contaminants, but it is important not to overdo it.

If the water in your area is too hard, be sure to install an inlet filter. It will protect not only the tubular heater from scale, but also other elements of the washing machine. Speaking of prevention, it is worth mentioning a few more nuances of operation. Power surges, blockages and drum imbalances are reasons that shorten the life of your equipment. To protect against voltage drops, it is recommended to purchase a stabilizer, and to protect against electric shock - UZO (situations when the insulation of a heating element is damaged also often happen). Regularly clean the drain filter (coins often get stuck in it, hair, other small debris gets caught), clean the dispenser (the tray is easily removed from the SMA, it is advisable to rinse it under running water from powder residue and other detergents), wipe the door seal (water remaining in the folds of the cuff, creates an unpleasant odor, keep it dry, removing water after each wash). If you wash mainly in cold water, do not forget to run the AGR from time to time on a program with a maximum heating temperature. This will help get rid of bad smell and bacteria. Do not overload the drum, check pockets of clothing before washing and pull out all debris and small objects from them. Do not forget to close the water supply valve after operating the AGR. This basic precaution can save you and your neighbors from flooding.

Recommended reading - why is the drum in the washer noisy.

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