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Why doesn't the drum spin in the washing machine?

Today, almost every family has a washing machine. And it’s hard to imagine that you can wash clothes in some other way without resorting to household appliances. Washing machines significantly save our time, so if they break, it brings real difficulties. What to do if the washing machine does not spin the drum? First of all, you need to identify the causes, and then you need to eliminate them.

Breakdowns of the first category

First of all, do not forget to turn off the washer from the network and make sure that the drum is spinning.

  1. If the rotation of the drum occurs in either direction, then the problem is in the washing belt. If in this case the drum does not spin when the engine is running in the washing machine, then the belt is stuck between the pulley and the drum. Or the belt could wrap around the pulley, stopping the drum, so it stopped spinning. To fix this problem, you need to remove the back of the washer and move the belt to the right place. If the belt is completely thin and worn, replace it with a new one. When buying a belt, make sure that the marking is the same as on a worn belt. The markings usually indicate the wedges, their number and length of the belt.
  2. At the electric motor brushes which during frequent use of the washing machine became shorter and cease to interact with the collector could be erased. Because of this, the electromagnetic field ceases to be generated, so the rotor cannot rotate. In this situation, you can not hear how the engine works when the machine starts. In order to eliminate this breakdown: it is necessary to replace the brushes.
  3. In the most stylish car, a short circuit occurred, as a result of which the current does not reach the motor. In this case, you need the help of a professional electrician.
  4. The tachometer is out of order, which is responsible for the number of revolutions produced by the washing machine during the spin cycle. In this case, the drum stops its work only during the spin cycle, and during the washing process rotates as usual. If you notice such a malfunction, it is better to use the help of a specialist.
  5. The programmer has failed. The engine does not start when the automatic washing machine is turned on. In this case, you will either need to replace the electronic module, or reflash the machine. Here you can’t do without the help of a specialist.
  6. A common problem is when the drum of the washing machine starts to spin poorly. The cause of such a malfunction may be a stretched and worn belt that stops rotating the drum. You can replace the belt with your own hands.

Breakdowns of the second category

The drum of the washing machine does not spin at all, even with a hand it is not possible to scroll it with the motor turned on.

  1. Some object could be stuck between the drum and the tank, for example, a button or coin, any small thing that could leak through the hole in the drum or the rubber flap of the hatch. It is possible that you will be able to personally pull this item through a special hole for the heating element.
  2. Sometimes the reason why the washing machine does not rotate the drum, but at the same time draws water, may be the heater, which burned out. There are times when an explosion occurs and small parts of the heater block the entire machine, so the drum encounters when the obstacles rotate and stops. In this case, you can try to independently remove the details of the heater and install a new one.
  3. Another reason that stops the drum while the machine starts to buzzmay be a bearing that is jammed. In this situation, before stopping, the drum emits characteristic grinding sounds of metal during the operation of the washer. If you have already heard sounds, immediately proceed to replace the bearing with the gland. The procedure for replacing the bearing can be done independently, but it is better to seek help from a specialist.
  4. Sometimes when a capacitor that is located near the engine breaks down, the latter stops starting. In this case, you need to replace the capacitor.
  5. The engine of the washing machine may break down either due to leakage or due to voltage drops. In this situation, the drum can be scrolled by hand, in the on position of the machine, circuit breakers operate.

How to disassemble a washing machine?

Analysis of the washing machine needs to start from the top and the front panel. On almost all washers, screws for fasteners hide very skillfully, so you still need to look for them. It is recommended not to touch the hatch of the washing machine, since there is a sensor under it, which is responsible for slamming the door with electric drives. To remove the cuff, you need to unscrew its edge and remove the wire ring from the spring. After that, you need to get the tray. Well, then you can start to remove the front panel.

  1. All clamps and rubber must be removed from the hose that fits the tray. Powder enters the tank through this hose.
  2. If required, it is fashionable to remove the door, but still it is recommended to do without it.
  3. The front panel must be pulled out carefully so as not to break the thin wires of the sensor responsible for slamming the door.
  4. The next step is to disconnect the pressure switch hose, which looks like a large tablet with many outgoing contacts. This "tablet" is located at the top of the housing and it is a water level sensor.
  5. Disable drainage, which is located in the lower right corner. This is a black or white corrugated hose.
  6. Then it can remove the engine, before that, be sure to discard the belt from it. To do this, insert a finger under the pulley and rotate, then the belt will easily fall.
  7. The next step is to disconnect the electrical wiring plug and ground from the engine, and then you can unscrew the bolts. Most often, the engine can be moved back and forth, but do it carefully so that it does not fall or crash.
  8. Take a picture of the electrical wiring of the heating element, so that then you do not get confused and do not mix up what to install. After this point, you can safely remove the wiring.
  9. The most difficult process is removing the screws holding the balancing stones. These screws are quite large and have massive caps.
  10. Then you need to remove the springs. First remove the bottom and then take out the tank.

What to do after all of the above? Then you need to disassemble the tank into two parts, for this you need to break the fasteners from plastic and remove the silicone gasket along the entire diameter. When removing the pulley, axle and other elements of the drum, it is possible to get to the bearings. The front bearing is most often larger than the one on the back. Therefore, when replacing them, he has in mind this feature. When the bearings are replaced, it is necessary to assemble the washing machine in the reverse order of the above.

Fault Prevention

In order to prevent breakdowns and malfunctions in the washing machine, it is necessary to perform special actions in time that will help protect the washing machine from wear and breakage of parts. Preventive actions:

  • follow all the operating rules of the washing machine, which are described in the instructions in the “technical specifications” column (this includes the maximum and minimum limits for the weight of the laundry loaded for washing; chemicals that can be used for this model, etc.), make sure that inside extraneous things and objects did not fall;
  • it is necessary to equip the network with a special device that will stabilize the voltage, eliminating its differences;
  • periodically you need to clean the filter (this procedure depends on the frequency of use of the machine);
  • it is better to provide a hot water supply system with a special filter that will make the water softer if it is too hard, thus it is possible to prevent clogging of particles of valve debris and eliminate the possibility of scale formation on the heater;
  • use special chemicals that are aimed at preventing the appearance of scale, but use them according to the instructions, because some substances in the composition of such products can destroy rubber parts;
  • replace the belt (usually it is done after 5 years).

Thus, so that your washing machine never fails, breaks, doesn’t cause any kind of malfunction, doesn’t wear out or become unusable, you need to know and follow all the rules for operating this household appliance. These rules are not complicated at all, they do not require huge financial expenses, efforts and time, but following all the points written in the instructions, you will see how to thank the washing machine with a long and efficient service.

Before starting the washing machine, be sure to study all the subtleties and nuances of the operation of this model, carefully review the operating rules in the instructions, and if there are any malfunctions and malfunctions, the first time you suspect a breakdown, try to immediately respond and eliminate this trouble. It’s easier to get rid of the problem right away than to spend a lot of time and money on serious repairs.

If you are unable to cope with the breakdown yourself, use the services of a professional craftsman who knows his job and will do everything in the best possible way. And remember, the more attentive you are to the technique, the longer its service life will be, without breakdowns, malfunctions or wear of individual parts.

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