home-For cleanliness and order-Washer-We understand why the washing machine does not wring

We understand why the washing machine does not wring

Quite recently, in our world, life was imagined without various electrical appliances, including a washing machine. Thus, not everyone in the house could meet a washing machine, and if it was, it only did the laundry, that is, there was no rinsing or spinning. However, in our time, washing devices are found in almost every home. Today in electronics stores you can find many models, for example, Indesite - the devices of this company have won good reviews from their consumers, because the machine has a lot of functions.

Presence of a washing machine - quick wash

Over the years, the development in the field of electrical equipment has taken a huge step, that is, now the eraser is treated as the main housewife and it has to fulfill a lot of requirements. In stores you can find a huge selection of good models, for example, those that simply wring out, or those that also dry washed clothes. Today, housewives refuse to take into account washing machines that do not wring, since they are practically useless.

In this article, we will introduce you to problems that may occur in the operation of the washer. In particular, we will tell you what to do if the machine has stopped pressing. We note right away that not only the master, but the consumer himself can deal with this problem.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with how replace and connect the motor in the washing machine.

What problems can you root yourself?

In fact, there are some cases where you can’t do without the help of a professional, but there are also situations where the consumer himself can eradicate the problem. So what to do if the washing machine does not press well?

Where the spin is installed on the washer

First of all, you need to figure out the cause of the problem, and only then proceed with troubleshooting.

There are several reasons why a fully operational washing machine (for example, LG brand) does not wring out:

  1. The program for washing was chosen one that does not provide for spinning. If your washing machine is a modern equipment, then most likely it has a washing option that does not include spin. In particular, this washing option is intended for fabrics that require a delicate attitude. If you squeeze out such things, then they can change their appearance, then they are washed in the gentle washing mode, which does not provide for spinning at all. Be sure to read the instructions for the washing machine so that there are no such problems;
  2. The drum has become unbalanced. So that the drum does not fail, it is necessary to distribute the clothes on it fairly evenly. Otherwise, you can harm the typewriter, and this will lead to unbalanced operation. If the clothes in the car go astray in one place, then they may not gain speed, that is, the spin will not happen. It can also happen if the machine is overloaded. Remember that the weight of the laundry is indicated on the machine, which can be washed at a time - this is the weight of the laundry in a wet state;
  3. Garbage in the sewer pipes. There are times when the machine stops pressing, not only because of mechanical problems, but also because of external reasons. For example, clogged sewer pipes may occur. So that in this case, there is a spin, you need to get all the linen from the device. However, this will not help only if the sewer is blocked by garbage.To find out if the drum is really clogged, you need to disconnect the hose and put it in the bath, and then turn on the spin program. If everything works, then the reason lies in the pipes, if the machine still refuses to do its job, then the problem is completely different. To clean the pipes, you can fill in or fill in them with a special tool;
  4. One of the drain mechanisms is clogged. If you constantly forget that in your pockets there is a trifle or other small things, then you can significantly harm the washing machine. For example, clogging of the drain may occur. To find out what the problem really is, you need to remove the filter from the machine. It is marked in the bottom corner of the device. The impeller may also become clogged with trash or personal belongings of the user. It is located behind the drain filter. Note that this element cannot be pulled out, but it is possible to consider using a flashlight. Clogging may occur in the drain hose, it must be washed or purged. It is best to rinse, as in this case all undesired elements will be removed from it.

We have examined options for answering the question: “Why is the washing machine not wrung out?”. However, these are only those problems that the user can handle on their own.

Not working spin - an easy fix

For what problems do you need to seek help from a specialist?

You need to contact a specialist after you have performed an independent diagnosis of the machine, but the problem has not been found. If you have carried out all the main events, but the machine does not perform the spin function as before, then you should still call the master to the house. Please note that these problems are least likely to occur on machines owned by Samsung.

The specialist will quickly solve the problem with a faulty spin.

You need to contact a specialist if you do not know why the washing machine that you purchased not so long ago does not squeeze the laundry. There may be several reasons.

  • faults are noted in sensor area water levels. It should be noted that modern washing machines are very complex devices that are equipped with intelligent functions. Therefore, a failure of one element can affect the operation of the entire machine. Many modern cars have a sensor that detects the water level in the drum. If it fails, then this may indicate the presence of water, but in reality it is not there. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that if there is water in the drum, the machine will block and will not allow you to open it. Malfunctions in the sensor always require replacement;

Timely contacting a specialist is the key to fixing the breakdown

  • breakage in the drain tank. If the machine made a suspicious hum, and then problems with spinning began to be noted, then most likely the problem is precisely in the pump. If such a part breaks, then the spin mode will not occur. Checking such a problem is quite simple. You need to free access to the impeller of the pump and try to draw water into the machine, and then simply select the spinning process. If the impeller does not start spinning and only buzzes, then pump requires replacement;
  • problems with the heater. TEN is a heating element which is very important for the car. After all, washing occurs not only in cold water, but also in warm, hot. Most often, this element fails as a result of water, which has a very poor quality. If the heater cannot heat water to a certain temperature, then washing will automatically stop. The serviceability of the heater is checked by a special device, so you need to seek help from specialists;
  • malfunction in the area of ​​the tachometer. An element that is an important part of a machine, the existence of which not everyone knows. Note that it is necessary in order to control the speed of the engine.If the engine reduces its operation, the sensor can give an appropriate signal, and the machine will stop working. If the sensor breaks, then its false work can be noted. Often it crashes due to wire problems that connect it to certain devices in the car;
  • engine problems. The engine of the machine is a very complex mechanism that is responsible for the operation of the entire machine. Engine repair should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, otherwise, if you don’t know any nuances, you can completely break the car. If you still decide to check the health of the mechanism yourself, you should very carefully disassemble the machine. Be sure to unplug the machine. Remove the back cover and carefully remove the engine. Check the integrity of all elements;
  • problems in electronics. In modern machines, there is a certain minus that if there are some problems in electronics, then the machine may completely cease to perform any functions. Often the cause of such malfunctions is factory defects or excessive dampness in the room where the car is standing.

Causes of idle spin may be different

Today there is a very decent selection of cars, so it’s best to pay attention to devices without electronics, that is, screens, etc. A good option are the washing machines of Ariston, as well as Beko or Bosch.

Solving the spin problem is an easy task


If your machine has not expired the warranty period, then you can safely seek help from a service center, as professionals will be able to find the true cause of the problem, as well as carry out mandatory repairs or replace some parts. If you yourself began to try to fix the problem, but you didn’t succeed, you will not be able to repair it under warranty either, because an arbitrary autopsy was noted.

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