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How to clean the washing machine from dirt?

Before you figure out how to properly clean the washing machine from dirt, you need to figure out the reasons for its appearance. And only then, you can begin to consider ways to combat pollution and unpleasant odors.

Why dirt and damp smells appear in the washing machine

It is not clear where the dirt comes from, which in theory should go with running water? It turns out that not all contaminants are removed, some of them remain inside the unit on the working drum. There are several objective and subjective reasons.

Photo 1: Do you smell and dampness? You do not know how to deal with it? Follow the advice of specialists (see below).

    1. Hard water, which we use, contributes to the appearance of lime scale on the working surfaces of the unit. It contains a large amount of iron. That it does not completely dissolve in warm water and settles on the walls of the machine in the form of scale.
    2. In most cases, households wash at t0 water + 400C. This is not enough to completely break down the heat. Dirt lingers in hose, sealing filter and gradually decomposes. Becomes a source of unpleasant odors.
    3. The chemicals we use: washing powders, various bleaches and other chemicals, also accumulate in the tank, overgrown with mold and fungus due to constant humidity.
    4. Dry clothes can also cause an unpleasant odor. After all, we most often accumulate it before washing. In addition, we do not always get washed items from the machine, sometimes leaving them overnight.

      Photo 2: To avoid mold and unpleasant odors, take the washed laundry out of the machine immediately after washing. This can cause unpleasant odors.

  1. On the adapter of the hose and filter elements over time, dirt accumulates in the form of garbage falling from the clothes being washed, a piece of paper. Small money you forgot in your pockets can cause a drainage blockage, which over time can lead to premature failure of household appliances.
  • To summarize what has been said.

If you do not care for the machine, it will cease to be your assistant. Care must be taken of the machine and thoroughly cleaned. About, how to effectively clean the washing machine from dirtread below. But, before, a few practical tips from experts.

  • Experts advise.

Use the amount of detergent recommended by the manufacturer. Acting on the principle "you can’t spoil the porridge with butter," you can only harm the equipment. Not getting the long-awaited effect of washing dirty things. Dose the use of washing powder.

Take out the washed laundry immediately after washing. Do not leave it for a long time. Things not removed from the washer can bring you additional chores: soak in the smell, which you have to get rid of, re-washing clothes.

Regularly clean the equipment intended for washing after 2-3 months of use.

If the house has animals, cleaning and cleaning the tank from the inside should be done more often.

Following these tricky recommendations, you will extend the life of the washing machine and get rid of unpleasant odors and mold.

Now we can move on to the methods of processing the inside of the washing machine, therefore, to answer the question of how to clean the drum of the washing machine from dirt.

With the help of what means, you can clean the washing equipment

There are several simple and effective ways to get rid of dirt in the drum machine / machine:

  • using soda;
  • acetic acid;
  • citric acid;
  • chlorine bleach;
  • special tools.

Let's dwell on each of these methods in more detail. We will get acquainted with the proposed options for cleaning the inside of the machine / machine.

Cleaning the drum of a machine using soda

You can use ordinary baking soda to clean the interior of the equipment. Mix soda with water, wait until it is completely dissolved. With a rag dampened in this solution, wipe all the gum and / or drum.

Photo 3. Using soda will help in the fight against unpleasant mud deposits. In addition, the cost of the product will not burden your wallet.

After cleaning, rinse the solution with water and wipe the treated surface dry. The procedure can be performed once a week. It does not take much time.

Treatment of problem areas with acetic acid

Taking 300-400 grams of acetic acid solution pour into the machine. Set the timer to the longest process and enable at maximum t0 using a wash program without clothes. 120 seconds after the start of the rotation of the drum, it is necessary to press a pause and fix the equipment in this position for about 60 minutes. Then, enable the selected program and wait for the end of its work.

Citric acid as one of the effective means of struggle for the cleanliness of the interior of washing equipment

All eating acid, when used correctly, will relieve the inside of the equipment of unpleasant odors, mold and dirt deposits. Easily removes limescale. An important aspect of quality processing will be the use of a fresh product (date of manufacture).

Two hundred (200) grams of citric acid is enough for a one-time cleaning. You can enter the required amount into the tray or pour the product directly into the drum. The choice does not play a special role. The next step is to turn on the unit in the long wash mode.

Important! It is necessary to clean the unit at t0 not less than 600WITH.

Why do experts pay attention to temperature conditions? The fact is that at high water temperatures, fats break down more efficiently. At the second stage of cleaning, rinse should be turned on in order to remove residual acid in the work surface and rubber parts.

Note! Frequent use of citric acid in a washing machine may cause premature failure of the rubber gaskets.

Experts recommend, and machine / machine owners confirm that this method of cleaning the interior can be done no more than once every 3 months.

What you need to know when using chlorine bleach as a cleaning agent

Everyone knows the tool "White", which is sold in stores. It can be used to clean the inside of the machine / machine. Taking 200 gr. substances (you can use the measured capacity) pour it into the working drum.

Put a long wash. In this case, the working t0 should be at level 600C. Turn on the unit in the indicated mode, wait until the end of the working process, and use the rinse mode. This will allow thoroughly rinsing the interior and removing bleach residues.

At the end of the rinse, wipe the housing and rubber components dry. Experts recommend using the product no more than 3 times in 60 days. This is due to the toxicity of the bleach.

About the use of industrial facilities a few words

In stores, you can buy cleaning agent “Kalgon”. The product is probably familiar to housewives. It is ideal for cleaning the inside of a washing machine / vending machine. You do not need a measuring cup and do not need to look for recommendations on the Internet. All necessary information is on the back of the package.

Photo 4: Cleaner for washing machines

This is not the only option. You can work with “anti-scale”, using it in the fight against white plaque and calcareous deposits. The product is poured into the drum.

The machine turns on in the long wash without clothes at a water temperature of 600C. It is necessary to monitor the dosage, do not exceed the amount recommended by specialists.

Do not forget! Excessive enthusiasm for special tools can lead to early failure of rubber seals and accessories.

Gradients for proper washing machine / machine cleaning can be purchased at any store and / or household cleaning department.

Do not forget about your own health and safety

When working with cleaning chemicals, you need to take care of your health. Do not inhale vapors that have a negative effect on the human body.

Work must be carried out in a ventilated room using personal protective equipment: gauze masks and / or a respirator and rubber gloves.


What conclusions can be drawn? Detergents for cleaning the washing machine may be different. It is important, at the stage of work to remove dirt, scale and unpleasant odors, to properly dose cleaning products.

Do not forget about your own safety and health. The main thing is to periodically carry out maintenance work and prevent the appearance of contaminants outside and inside the washing machine / machine.

In this case, she (the machine) will serve you faithfully for more than one year.

And further

Do you think this is all you need to know? You are mistaken! We did not tell how to clean the device from the outside. We didn’t stop at the filter and the drain hose.

After all, it is in these places that dirt accumulates in large quantities.

Experts recommend periodically cleaning the filling device of the machine / machine.

Photo 5. Cleaning the filling device.

For these purposes, "Comet" is the best fit.

But this is a separate topic of discussion, which will be revealed in the near future. Material is being prepared for publication.

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