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How to connect a washing machine? detailed instructions

Everyone knows that a fairly high level of comfort in a private house is completely impossible without any modern electrical devices. More and more rapidly, the latest adaptations begin to burst into our lives, without which people could do before. Thus, today it is almost impossible to imagine your life without: washing machines, water heaters, air conditioners, heaters, etc.

Installing a new washing machine

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the washing machine has become the most necessary fixture of our time. After all, everyone wants to look clean and well-groomed, but they don’t want to wash all the necessary clothes with crayfish, besides, regular washing can take almost all day, since children, her husband, themselves and other family members need to wash. It is because of many disadvantages and inconveniences that a washing machine has entered our modernity. Advantages of the washing machine:

Laundry - faithful assistant

  • refusal of hand wash;
  • many operations that a washing machine performs;
  • interesting appearance;
  • child protection.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that when choosing a technique, including a washing machine, first of all, you need to start from your desires and preferences, the financial component, as well as the characteristics of technical equipment. Determine for yourself those factors that seem very important.

Once you have purchased a washing machine, you are considering connecting a washing machine, and what are your options. Of course, you can seek the help of a specialist, but if you have a man in the house, then having studied the instructions, you can deal with this issue without outside help. Regardless of whether you install a built-in washing machine or an ordinary one, it will be easy to do.

How to prepare for the installation of a washing machine?

You have purchased a washing machine, delivered to your home, now your task is to prepare it for installation. Initially, you need to decide on the place where the electric device will be installed, a reliable assistant in the future. In fact, the machine can be installed absolutely anywhere, but it is best to install it in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the pantry or in the hallway. Be that as it may, your guests may be very surprised if the washing machine is in the living room or bedroom.

Choosing the right place to install the washer

Be sure to consider all the main features when choosing a place for a washing machine:

  • water supply, sewage and electricity - must be laid nearby with the machine;
  • the machine looks aesthetically in a new place, its height and width fit perfectly into the big picture;
  • flat floor surface;
  • optimal solution for its operation.

Checking and preparing all parts for installation

Before installation, pay close attention to the shipping details. They should be dismantled without fail, because otherwise you may even be left without a washing machine, because it simply breaks.Most often, wooden bars and bolts are used to transport the washing machine.

Carry out these manipulations with the machine after you have familiarized yourself with the basic rules of the instruction, since you need to familiarize yourself with them carefully so as not to harm the device.

To install the washing machine properly, you need to pay attention to the quality of the floor covering exactly at the place where you will install the washing machine.

Be sure to fulfill the following requirements:

  • create a solid base structure;
  • prepare a horizontal surface;
  • the base material must be stable;

If all your criteria do not agree, you must take action. Since before installing the floor should be in perfect order, if there are any deviations, make repairs without fail.

What are the basics of installing a washing machine?

After you have completed all the basic preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the installation. Before you put the car in its new place, be sure to check the level of the floor surface, it should be very even. Now you can set the car, but do not forget to also use the level. Having put the machine in place, put the level on the top cover. The values ​​should preferably be even, deviations are allowed no more than two degrees.

In fact, installing a washing machine at home with your own hands is not such a difficult procedure, you just need to adhere to the main trends of the instruction.

The thrust legs of the washing machine are designed so that you have the ability to adjust them to create a flat surface. Remember that under the legs of the machine you can not strictly adjust any elements, since during intense work, they can fall out. The only option that is allowed is a thin rubber mat. It is required without fail if you note instability and your floor surface is made of tile.

Proper installation of the washing machine will serve as an excellent occasion for a long and established work.

Once you have finished installing the case, you should mechanically fix the legs support. Before connecting the washing machine to work, you should consider the following nuances:

  • the device will be installed as it should after you adjust the legs as much as possible;
  • if you install the device on an inclined surface, then you need to come up with fixing elements that will help you strengthen the supporting structure;
  • stability can be checked by rocking the machine from side to side. Free play should be completely absent.

How to connect the washing machine to the water supply?

Connecting the washer to the water supply

Independent connection of the washing machine to the water supply should be carried out very carefully and efficiently, but you do not plan to swim in the room where the device is installed? So read our article on how to install a washing machine, very carefully. This procedure is more than just responsible, therefore, treat it as carefully and seriously as possible.

It should be noted that in a set with a washing device, a hose with certain fittings is always provided, however, it also happens that the length of the hose is completely insufficient. Therefore, you can apply the following options:

Rubber hose for connection

  • purchase a special rubber hose that is the length you need. Measure very carefully so as not to buy a smaller or larger hose;
  • fixed connection (more suitable for connection to hot water).

The connection diagram of the washing machine is of great importance during installation, since you need to strictly follow it.

So, with the first connection option, you can simply connect the purchased hose to the machine and the water intake point. But not everything is as simple as it would seem.

The hose gasket must be marked where the hose will not be subject to constant mechanical stress. Also, you do not need to pull the hose, it must be connected freely, otherwise deformation may occur and soon you will have to install a new hose. Connecting the washing machine to the water supply in your home and directly to the sewer is not such a complicated procedure that you are not entitled to cope with it. Also do not forget that the quality of the hose that you purchase should be quite high quality and reliable. The more expensive the hose, the longer it will be in operation.

Washing - how to connect everything correctly

In the second case, it’s a little more complicated, since here the connection consists in laying metal pipes or plastic ones. It is absolutely not necessary to connect the machine using conventional pipes, since the machine can become very quickly clogged with debris that is already in the pipes. The system must necessarily be of high tightness, as well as without any leaks. Also, connecting to a stationary pipeline is not desirable, since vibration is emitted from the machine, which can disrupt the pipe.

When connecting the device, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • a faucet must be present for the normal connection of the washing machine to the water supply, so that it is possible to disconnect the consumer in an emergency;
  • Before entering the device, you can mount a special device that will supply the machine with purified water. In this case, the risk of clogging with dirty, low-quality water is reduced;
  • when using a tee, ready-made bends should be used for correct and accurate connection.
  • Before installing the washing machine, you need to check the relay, as well as washing machine pump.

What are the rules for installing the washing machine in the sewer?

Even though the operations are performed quite simply, the connection of the sewer machine is quite difficult.

To connect the device to the sewer, you need to study two possible ways:

  • connection by fixing the hose to the sides of the bathroom or other surfaces;
  • by connecting to stationary pipes.

The first option to connect to the sewage system directly requires you to exclusively connect the hose to the outlet branch pipe. The second option is quite complicated, here you will need to work well and carefully.

Initially, you need to pay attention to the fact that the length of the hose should be specific, that is, no more than indicated in the instructions. If you have an elongated hose, this can lead to pressure on the pump, resulting in a breakdown.

When connecting the hose to the sewage system, special devices must be used, in particular siphons, which will not allow unpleasant odors or debris from entering the sewer to enter the device. Using a siphon, an air gap is noted that does not allow excess components to enter the device.

Hose connection

How to connect the washing machine to the mains?

Before you begin installing the machine, you need to study the connection diagram directly of your model of the washing machine to the mains. Be sure to study all safety precautions and follow the nuances that are outlined in the instructions.

Note that the device consumes a fairly large level of electricity, and also has constant contact with water. During connection, proceed according to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Use only separate lines connecting the device to the network. This system provides a separate outlet for the machine. On the one hand, this must be done in order to protect yourself and your family, and also in order not to spoil the interior with a cable from the washer, which will be laid across the entire house;
  2. special elements should be used that contribute to protection against electricity. The machine must be powered from the network through devices that can provide it with protection. Pay attention to those devices that protect the device from sudden voltage surges. Of course, a similar mechanism is already provided in the typewriter, however, it itself may not be able to withstand a strong power surge.

Now you can talk about sockets. As we said a little earlier, it is best to use a separate outlet for the device. Remember that the outlet must be earthed. The supply must be connected only to the bus of the grounded distribution board.

It should be noted that the most optimal option are sockets that provide a degree of electrical protection, and also have a ceramic base with a protective cover.

It is strictly forbidden to install sockets in rooms where there is increased dampness and humidity.

How to check the washing machine?

After you have completed all the preparatory and installation work, connected to the network 220, you can perform a test run of the washing machine. To do this, you need to prepare all the devices for supplying water and supply the machine with voltage from the mains. However, the absence of any defects should be checked again.

Device manufacturers usually advise that the machine be run for the first time without laundry, so that all residues of special grease are removed. The wash should go at the maximum degree. If the wash was successful, there were no deviations, then the device is completely ready for use.

Proper Care - Long Life

How to care for a washing machine so that it lasts longer?

Remember that the washing machine is your constant assistant, which requires due attention to reward you with your good work.

It is necessary to take care of the device both outside and inside. In order for the device to be constantly clean, it must be wiped with a damp cloth and rid of cobwebs in hard-to-reach places. After all, a dirty device is completely useless to you, all the more in this form it can spoil your entire interior.

To care for the device from the inside, you need to:

  • the dispenser must be kept clean. From it you need to regularly remove the remnants of washing powder and other products;
  • Do not forget to open the door of the device to dry the drum. Otherwise, you risk getting an unpleasant smell inside the drum, and as a result, an unpleasant smell from clothes;
  • Before washing, carefully check the pockets on the clothes so that the machine does not become clogged;
  • constantly rinse the cuff, as there is stagnation of water in it, which in the future can reward your things with an unpleasant odor;
  • In no case do not overload the washing machine, as you can ruin its performance. The weight indicated on a particular model is designed for wet clothes;
  • water coming from the pipeline should be softened, since today it is completely of poor quality. You can use regular soda for this. It must be added to the wash. One tablespoon is enough for a washing machine. In addition, soda combines very well with bright things, as it acts not only as a softener for water, but also as a bleaching agent.

If you follow all the rules, then without fail, your device will serve you for quite a long time. Usually, the service life is no more than ten years, but if used correctly, it can increase.

Correct installation is the key to success

Do not ignore the rules of installation, operation and maintenance, because the more carefully you treat things, the longer they help you in everyday life and in everyday life.

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