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We understand why the washing machine leaks from below

For most women, the purchase of a washing machine becomes a kind of holiday. After all, now the main work on washing things will fall on this wonderful device. But suddenly, right during washing, an extensive pool of water forms under the machine. Naturally, many falling into a panic immediately begin to eliminate this puddle, hoping for a better result.

But the most important action in such situations is precisely finding and eliminating the cause of leaks in the washing machine. So what should you do if a washing machine suddenly spills over?

Water and foam flowing from a washing machine - first aid

Once a sudden leak has been detected, emergency measures must be taken immediately. In the worst case, this can not only harm the interior of the room, but can also shock a person with electric shock.

If traces of a leak are found, you can not immediately enter the room, and especially step into a puddle. First you need to disconnect the washing machine by disconnecting it from the network. If this is not possible, then you can turn off the power supply for all apartments with a common shield. In this case probability of electric shock will be zero.

When the machine is completely de-energized, you must immediately get rid of excess moisture on the floor of the room. This can be done with a regular floor rag or mop. If a standard type automatic washing machine is used, then it is also necessary to manually drain the water from the drum (if it is there).

So, when all traces of the accident have been eliminated, you can proceed to a direct inspection of the washing machine, diagnosis and elimination of the causes of failure. Start with water hoses.

Hose malfunction

The very first thing you should pay attention to is the hoses. The washing machine uses 2 types of hoses - drain and inlet. In the event of their malfunction, the washing machine leaks both from below and from any other side, depending on the location of the hoses. Most often, the flow from the hoses begins with the intake of water.

To diagnose hose breakage, you must first inspect them for visual damage. If there are traces of water on the surface or visible damage, then most likely one of the reasons is the breakdown of one of the hoses (in rare cases, both will breakdown). What to do in such situations?

First you need to completely remove the hose from the machine. This can be done both manually and with a small set of tools. The following is a detailed study of the condition of the hose. A condition in a critical situation? Then you have to completely replace it. The reason is not in the hose? Need to look further.

Drain filter

The machine has a special filter in the design of the machine, which allows the drainage water stream to be cleaned of large objects so as not to clog the pipes. In some cases, this option will help to save an expensive item in time, preventing it from entering the sewage system.

At the same time, there are situations when washing machine filter. In such situations, do not panic, because a similar cause of a leak can be solved in a matter of seconds.

If it has been precisely established that the drain filter is leaking, it is enough to just tighten it tightly into place. Thus, you can return to the typewriter the former functionality and performance of the filter itself.

Detergent tray malfunctioning

Also, the most common cause is the defective dispenser operation. The dispenser itself plays the role of a drawer tray into which powder and conditioner are filled. But what could go wrong here?

It turns out that when too large clods of powder or dirt get into the tray, it begins to clog. Accordingly, due to the constant pressure of the water, a water leak occurs. It slowly flows down the outer or inner side of the machine, forming a puddle on the floor. This may cause a sensation. What the leak is happening exactly from the bottom of the machine.

Fixing this problem is also very easy. To do this, it is enough to get the filter and clean it using improvised means. For example, an old toothbrush is a good tool. With its help, you can not only qualitatively remove blockages in the tray, but also clean the drum of the washing machine.

Poor fittings

It often happens that when installing a washing machine, unscrupulous plumbers install the cheapest pipes. This can not only lead to a sudden leak, but also damage the overall water supply system.

Diagnosing a pipe breakdown is quite simple. To do this, follow the process of filling the machine with water. If trickles of water suddenly appear during filling and disappear after filling, then the nozzles may be one of the causes of this phenomenon. But it can also indicate a breakdown of the hoses, so it is worth checking the entire supply and drainage system before checking the following mechanisms.

To resolve this problem, you need to replace the damaged nozzles. And it is worth remembering that the higher the quality of the pipe, the longer the life of the washing machine will be.

Sealing sleeve wear

The design of the washing machine has a special sealing cuff made of high-strength rubber. It performs the function of leakage protection on the front side of the washing machine through the hatch of the drum.

Initially, the cuff has a wavy shape. This is done so that during washing she could more closely cling to the walls of the inside of the machine. If the cuff will have a strictly straightened shape, this effect will be very problematic. In addition, under the influence of hot water, the rubber expands by several millimeters, and then contracts again. Such a curvature does not allow it to deform for a long time.

If the leak did occur, then there are 2 options: either the cuff was deformed, or the degree of wear exceeded the permissible limits. In the first case, it is enough to heat it with hot water and stretch to the required dimensions, and in the second case, it will have to be completely changed.

Important! It is best to replace the cuff with a new one immediately after finding the cause of the leak. In this case, the machine will be able to continue working in the near future.

Drain pump

When all the aforementioned possible causes of the failure have been checked, and the true cause has not been found, you can check the status of the drain pump.

The drain pump acts as a pump, which allows you to drain and fill the water into the washing machine. Getting to him is not so easy, so here need to take apart the washing machinein order to get to the causal place.

Most often, problems with the pump occur due to constant voltage drops in the network and poor water quality. Due to impurities that enter together with water, harmful scale gradually accumulates on the walls, adversely affecting the pump.

The only thing that can be done in this situation is to completely change the pump. You can do this with the help of professionals, or on your own.

Other possible causes of leaks in the washing machine

If, after diagnosing all of the above reasons, the washing machine still flows from below during washing, then in a similar situation, attention should be paid to the smaller parts in the washing machine.

Common causes of leaks are incorrect pipe and pipe connections, or even damage to the seal. In such cases, it is necessary to accurately check all places of sealing that are somehow connected with the supply and discharge of water.

Also, do not immediately climb into the inside of the washing machine. Perhaps the cause of the leak is due to improper washing processes. Even a drum filled with water can cause a flood of neighbors from below.

Basic Leak Detection Tips

  • The most important thing in detecting a leak is not to panic! With this approach, you can not only not fix the broken part, but even ruin the washing machine.
  • If it was not possible to identify the cause of the leak, then do not continue to diagnose yourself. To do this, it is better to use the help of a specialist who can quickly and efficiently repair the washing machine.
  • Some reasons cannot be identified at home therefore, if the master offers to carry out diagnostics in the conditions of service, it is better to obey his advice. This will save both money and time.
  • If you can immediately see why the washing machine is flowing, then you can do it yourself. But when performing work, you should be as careful as possible and follow every manipulation of the machine.

Prevention of leaks in the washing machine

To prevent leaks in the washing machine in the future, care must be taken in advance to prevent such incidents. To do this, it is necessary to better monitor the condition of all external and internal parts of the device, as well as to timely process them with detergents.

It is necessary to process not only outside, but also inside. Moreover, all the necessary funds are on sale. For example, ordinary citric acid can act as an excellent drum and drain hose cleaner. It is enough to load it into the powder container and start the idle wash. In extreme cases, you can purchase special capsules that will do all the work on their own.

If you follow all the tips described above, the washing machine will not only stop flowing, but will also last for more than a decade!

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