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Rating of the best washing powders for 2018-2019

When buying detergents, buyers often focus on different parameters: how well it copes with stains of different origin, does it harm the quality and color of the fabric, can it soften hard water and protect internal parts and the drum from scale and rust, as well as its safety for humans and the environment.

Unfortunately, Russian standards and GOSTs for household chemicals are far from ideal. Many of the requirements and restrictions are long outdated, therefore, most of the products on the market add ingredients that have long been banned worldwide. Therefore, most experts strongly advise all customers to “keep their eyes open”, since the task of choosing the highest quality product is not easy, but very important. Safe laundry detergent can protect family members from serious health problems.

So, what should you look for when choosing cleaning products and which detergent is better? First of all, a good product should not contain sulfates, phosphates, chlorine and chlorine-containing substances, surfactants, silicates and boron. A small content of surfactants (surfactants) is allowed, but its mass fraction should not exceed 2%. Also, ideally, washing powders should contain as few salts of toxic acids and flavorings as possible. These restrictions are subject to security. In small quantities, they are washed without problems during rinsing, and do not harm health.

AT rating of the best washing powders we included only those products that have proven their quality in practice and in the laboratory. For the convenience of distinguishing, all representatives will be divided into relevant subcategories, and you can easily find the rating of the best inexpensive washing powders, washing powders for children, in terms of price / quality ratio.

Rating of detergents from the mass market

First, it’s worth disassembling the most popular category - inexpensive washing powders. They are the most on the market, and they are in great demand. There are several reasons for this - they are aimed at the mass market (that is, the largest segment of consumption), plus they are the most affordable, both in price and in assortment, because they can be found in absolutely any market.

Many are interested in what causes the price difference between expensive and democratic washing powders. The bulk of the cost is formed as follows: production and delivery costs, advertising and promotion. But the increase in prices in expensive funds also has good reason. In premium brands, consumables are used more expensive (respectively, they will be better). The same story with bleaches and flavors - they pass more tests, are considered safe and are often purchased abroad in small quantities.

The product release form also affects:

  • Detergents in the form of tablets are placed directly in the drum. Accordingly, there is no problem with choosing the right amount for an effective wash.
  • Granular dry powder also wins in terms of cost savings. Granules do not form dust and do not “crumble” like ordinary powders.
  • Soluble gel washing products win in all respects. They are easy to measure and fill, they are highly concentrated, so they wash off the spots well, and they are also easily washed, do not leave white traces and quickly dissolve in contact with water.

Opens the list - SARMA ACTIVE LANDISH.

This is one of the cheapest detergents, but in quality it can be compared with the well-known brands like Ariel and Persil. This brand is manufactured at the domestic Nevskaya Cosmetics factory, which often pleases customers with quality products.

But this powder has several drawbacks, which is why housewives often bypass it. This is not about the most “pleasant” composition - phosphates, sulfates, cheap bleaches, surfactants - SARMA ACTIVE LANDYSH sins this all.


  • Effective with any fabrics.
  • Deletes all types of pollution.
  • The democratic price.
  • There are antibacterial components.
  • Whitens white tissue.


  • Composition: optical brighteners, anionic surfactants, silicates, phosphates and more.


The fame of the Ariel brand in Russia appeared back in 1991. Due to the poor assortment of past years, many housewives had to cope with the washing with improvised means. But Ariel revolutionized the household.

From that time to this day, the manufacturer has kept the bar high for its products. ARIEL MOUNTAIN SPRING AUTOMATIC MACHINE was no exception. This is an ideal tool for washing clothes, bedding and bath accessories, and, perhaps, the best washing powder for automatic machines, the purchase of which will not hit your pocket. However, he did not work well in knitwear.


  • With regular use, it retains the snow-white color of things.
  • It is well dissolved and rinsed out.
  • Whitens cotton.


  • Contains zeolites.
  • Uneconomical consumption.
  • The composition contains anionic surfactants, optical brighteners.
  • Spoils knitted items, and "washes" the color of brightly colored clothes.

The best washing powder from a cheap segment - PERSIL AUTOMATIC FROZEN ARCTIC

It is available in the form of a powder with the addition of special granules containing a liquid stain remover, which perfectly copes even with the most "heavy" spots. It is universal and suitable for washing in a machine any fabrics of different colors.


  • Universality.
  • Lack of phosphates in the composition.
  • Perfectly removes stains.
  • It is economically consumed.


  • Contains harmful flavors.
  • Not completely rinsed out.
  • A large mass fraction of surfactants and bleaches.

In terms of price / quality ratio

The next will be the category of “rational” powders, that is, those that fully justify their price (although sometimes high).

To enhance certain properties of the products, additional ingredients are added to them. For example, enzymes that are aimed at combating certain types of stains, antisorbents that protect the fabric from subsequent impurities, substances that prevent corrosion, as well as special bleaches and foaming components.


The Korean industry is famous for not only revolutionary cosmetics, but also excellent means for maintaining cleanliness in the home. It contains extracts from green tea, needles and a natural extract of lemon tree. It has pronounced antibacterial properties, along with effectiveness even in cold and hard water. Due to its high concentration, the product is economically consumed. All this allowed him to enter the rating as one of the best automatic washing powders.


  • Slow flow.
  • Safe whitening ingredients.
  • Antibacterial.


  • The composition contains a significant proportion of surfactants and zeolites.


The composition of this powder can be called the best not only in the ranking, but also in general on the market of washing powders.Its price is 5 times higher than the average in the mass market, but this is more than paid for by its safety, efficiency and economical consumption.

A distinctive feature of the Belgian manufacturer is the replacement of harmful chemical surfactants with organic ones. They are made from various wastes of the agricultural industry - hay, straw and other things. Therefore, they are considered ideal for pregnant women, children and allergy sufferers.


  • Lack of smells, and hence, aggressive flavors.
  • Universality.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Easy to wash.
  • Perfectly cleans stains.
  • Harmless to tissues.


  • Are absent.


German manufacturers also often delight customers with excellent detergents. For example, FROSCH COLOR Aloe Vera, which is based on zeolites and surfactants. Despite this, there are no phosphates, chlorine or harmful bleaches in its composition. A nice bonus will be the component - aloe vera, which softens clothes and prevents the development of allergic reactions. As practice shows, with regular use, the structure and color of the tissues is preserved, spots are perfectly washed out the first time, and the powder does not leave white streaks after rinsing.


  • Preservation of quality and color of clothes to be washed.
  • Hypoallergenicity.
  • Universality.
  • Does not stay on the fabric.


  • High price.
  • The formulation is based on surfactants and zeolites.

Rating of children's washing powders

Several years ago, a large-scale experiment was conducted, during which 6 of the most popular washing powders for children were tested. Unfortunately, the results were not the best. Laboratory studies have shown that EVERY sample contained a critical amount of surfactants, which are very toxic and harmful to children's health.

You can protect yourself and your children by using the following detergents from the list.


The foaming and soap base of these powders is based on safe biological surfactants, and the best zeolites that do not harm the growing body. In general, it is the best baby detergent for clothes and bedding for newborns. According to consumer reviews, the product copes with stains of protein origin, even in cold water.


  • It is completely safe even for a baby.
  • The composition contains no phosphates.
  • Leaves no odor.
  • It is well washed.
  • Cope well with fresh spots.


  • Poorly cleans old pollution.
  • There is a big risk of running into a fake.


Often the determining factor in choosing a baby powder is its hypoallergenicity. However, this remedy has its drawbacks, and their name is a huge content of phosphates and surfactants. In practice, the product proved to be excellent at washing - it removes stains in cold water, is well washed and does not leave a pungent smell.


  • Lack of smell.
  • Hypoallergenicity.
  • Efficiency in cold water.


  • Does not remove old spots.
  • Unsafe composition.


Danish brand MEINE LIEBE produces high-quality household chemicals for children and their parents. Each product of this brand is a guarantee of the safety of babies and pregnant women. MEINE LIEBE Laundry Detergent OXI EFFECT is effective for washing light fabrics. It is universal, and it can be used both for hand washing and for automatic machines. The manufacturer always adheres to the high requirements of the European market, so chlorine, silicates, phosphates and formaldehyde are completely absent in the composition. Objectively, the mass fraction of surfactants significantly exceeds the European norm. Another disadvantage in the piggy bank of this product will be its effectiveness exclusively in hot water (above 60 degrees). But, despite this, he deserves the title of the best washing powder for infants and newborns.


  • Does not yellow white fabric.
  • It is washed completely and does not leave white marks.
  • Composition without phosphates, chlorine and formaldehyde.
  • Does not leave a sugary smell.
  • Economic expense.


  • Does not wash stains in cold water.
  • High content of surfactants.

All positions in this rating are for informational purposes only and do not encourage the purchase of a particular tool. Each tool was selected taking into account a number of characteristics: indicators in practice and in the laboratory. The choice of the most suitable means depends on individual requirements and features.

Comments (1)
  1. Yulechka:

    I love Frosh washing powder. Not a single lump in my inesit washing machine. Washes any thing. The result is already after the first wash on the face!