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Symbols and icons on washing machines

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern housewife without a washing machine. This miracle of technology saves a lot of time and effort - they put dirty things in a tank, pour powder into a special compartment, press a button on the panel and voila ... After at least half an hour, a maximum of 3 or more, things are crystal clear, they can only be dried and ironed.

Fashionable washers have a touch control panel - no twirls and buttons. But even those that are controlled by those are not always as simple as they seem at first glance.

To make the washing as effective as possible and not spoil the laundry, you need to thoroughly examine all the icons on the washing machine. Among them are universal and special, suitable for a particular model.

What is written on the washer panel

Numerous badges adorn the washer panel. What information is there to look for? To begin with, all elements are conditionally divided into blocks. So it is much easier to work with it:

  • signs about the work process - ordinary, pre-wash, rinse, dry, spin and drain;
  • badges about the types of fabrics - from silk to cotton, the more such modes, the more expensive the washing machine itself;
  • signs on the modes of interaction with linen - gentle washing, hand, accelerated, night, baby clothes;
  • additional buttons - ironing, energy saving, temperature selection, spin extraction, foam formation reduction, use of half the machine’s power.

To understand, read the instructions for the specific unit. Usually all main points are indicated there. Well, if you saved this very instruction. And if it is lost forever? Then carefully read our article about signs designed for the washing machine and much more.

What are the inscriptions on the device company Bosch

According to statistics, the Bosch machine is the most popular among users. It has the optimal number of modes, saves water and energy, and wisely uses washing powder. In addition, the models are so different that they fit well into any space.

You can find the following buttons on the panel:

  • stained things;
  • prewash;
  • easy ironing;
  • double rinse to wash all powder or fabric softener.

Can I use all of these modes at the same time? Yes, if the situation requires it. Ironing does not exclude increased rinsing, and prewash - work with heavily soiled items.

Also on the panel it is supposed to select the spin mode - from 500 to 1000 revolutions (the number may vary depending on the model of the washer).

LG typewriter: easy operation

In second place in popularity after Bosch is the LG brand. Icons on the panel suggest a choice:

  • preferred mode;
  • fabrics for washing;
  • desired spin;
  • rinse required;
  • draining water.

If any of the functions is not needed, you can safely turn it off.

Conveniently, the panel has a power button and pause. Why do we need the latter? With its help, the washing process stops. For example, if a person needs to urgently leave home or take a shower - often the pressure of water during washing becomes smaller, it is impossible to wash normally.

Here, the desired temperature and speed are selected - up to 1000.

The manufacturer also provided for a kind of protection from children.It is necessary that the baby does not violate the mode selected for washing, does not make changes in temperature indicators and the quality of the spin.

Button designations on the Ardo

Many praise the Ardo washing machine. It costs much less than popular and popular brands, and it works just as well. For optimal interaction with the owner, the following icons and symbols are provided:

  • different washing modes;
  • mixed fabrics;
  • start delay;
  • prewash;
  • skin protection;
  • quick drying;
  • accelerated washing mode.

Special designations

Now it’s clear what these or those icons on the typewriter are talking about, but what they mean:

  • Prewash is convenient if the laundry is too dirty. At this stage, the spots soften and move away. But the main work of the washing machine itself consists precisely in removing these spots, so that other areas also look fresh, after preliminary washing, the ordinary one is turned on;
  • light ironing, of course, will not make things perfectly ironed. They just don’t remember much inside the drum. After washing, they can be removed and gently hung - then ironing probably will not be necessary;
  • skin protection is a regimen designed for allergy sufferers and babies. In the process, things are so well rinsed that they do not leave a trace of detergent. This means that linen becomes safe for infants and especially sensitive people;
  • start-up delay is needed when things inside are already loaded, but the time to wash has not yet come. For example, it is supposed to be done late in the evening or at that moment while the household will be absent. In any case, the function is incredibly useful and practical in operation;
  • quick drying - after it, things will not become perfectly dry, but the process of drying in air will be faster. This is achieved due to the higher quality and stronger, compared with others, the spin process;
  • water draining is useful if you need to urgently finish the wash or a dirty liquid gets inside. In some machines, after draining the water, the washing process stops, in some it continues. It all depends on the specific model;
  • night washing is very quiet - convenient because no one hears it. In the morning, the hostess will wake up, and the laundry has already been washed, and there will be no need to experience problems with the shower;
  • double rinsing is partly similar to the skin protection mode. As a result, the laundry is well cleaned of the remnants of powder or conditioner precisely due to the large amount of water;
  • stained things is a regimen that a mother of children from six months and older will definitely need. At this age, kids actively explore the world and splendidly dirty themselves with everything they reach. It is sometimes difficult to remove stains - here the special mode will come to the rescue stained things. It can be used twice and thrice if necessary. It is important that it does not spoil things, does not abrade the fibers of the fabric.

Overview of washing units with dryer - read on our website.

Life hack: how to remember all modes

The variety of modes and buttons, icons and symbols is so great that it hardly fits into the head. How to help yourself and organize your knowledge? Use the following tips:

  • take a piece of thick paper and write all the buttons with the notation in a column;
  • place the sheet in a transparent file or thin bag;
  • use as needed.

Pay attention to decorating your memo - turn this activity into a creative process. then it will be very pleasant for you to take out the sheet and recall the notation. By the way, the decoration process launches in the head enhanced memorization of the written - use this technique to simplify your work with the washing machine.

As practice shows, all the modes available for a particular unit are not needed for regular use. It is enough to remember and use the most basic ones.

Why is it important to choose modes

Not all users of washing machines pay due attention to the choice of washing mode.As a result, the laundry and the unit itself suffer.

  • if cotton is loaded inside, and the machine is set to work with silk, it will be washed gently and carefully, the spots will remain in their places;
  • it is forbidden to wash thin fabrics or wool with high temperature water - this will cause the thing to “sit down” - it will greatly decrease in size and lose its original appearance;
  • Prewash allows not only to remove complex stains, but also to clean the drum from contamination. To do this, put only a cleaner inside, all the linen should be removed;
  • jeans washing mode involves a fairly strong mechanical effect. Only with great friction can dirt be destroyed. If you wash your jeans on wool or silk, then the spots will not go anywhere.

What to choose: powder or gel

The choice of detergent does not apply to the icons on the washing machine. The operation of the unit does not depend on the fact that the user fell asleep inside.

But the question does not lose its relevance: which is better - gel or “solid” powder in granules. Some housewives claim that the use of a gel or liquid powder is much preferable. The composition quickly dissolves in water, does not leave white spots, rinses well.

Others fend off - bulk powders are cheaper than gels, their use is much more practical than in the case of the gel. A good machine and the right temperature will dissolve the powder to the last grain, so do not worry.

Obviously, the choice in this case is on the user's side. Does the price matter? Do not stop at too cheap products. Probably, not the most ideal raw material was used for production, the smell of such a powder will be too harsh, chemical.

But powders for thousands of rubles are not worth buying - they all work, in essence, the same way. No miracles in the washing process. "Do not produce."


Many icons and symbols on washing machines are typical. There is necessarily a choice of modes, temperature, revolutions. In addition, it is proposed to postpone the start and pause the wash - also nothing complicated. To work with the unit was easier - create a memo for yourself and put it in a conspicuous place. Be careful about the choice of modes, so as not to spoil things.

Comments (1)
  1. Olga:

    My husband and I gave an Indesit brand washing machine to the wedding, we thought that it was not very, but they were mistaken. It works quietly, it erases just fine. We were lucky with the gift.