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How and how to remove scale in a washing machine?

Limescale in the washing machine is one of the common causes of this equipment malfunction. The main factor in the development of such a problem is the use of poor-quality water with various impurities and chemicals for washing. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the problem and protect the washing machine, but there are available methods that allow you to independently solve the problem during operation of the electrical device.

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The scum has the form of a solid calcareous deposit formed on a heating device. In this case, it is the heater. In the operation of electrical engineering, limescale also covers the inside of the drum.

Clean the clogged washing machine it’s easiest to remove scale from storefronts. Well proven such means:

    1. Magic power. Made in Germany, one of the best care products for automatic washing machines. With its help, it is possible to remove even the thickest layer of pollution in all parts of household appliances, including in hard-to-reach places of the device. The product is packaged in a container of 250 ml or 500 g.
    2. Topper 3004. This anti-scale agent is recommended for use when caring for brands such as Miele and Bosch. This tool is effective for eliminating limescale and other types of contamination from machine elements, including heating elements.
    3. Luxus Professional. The product of Russian development and production, designed to dissolve plaque of lime in washing machines. In order to clean the scale and other contaminants of the washing machine, you will need 100 g of anti-lime agent Luxus Professional.

      Luxus Professional anti-scale in the washing machine

  1. Bork K8P. This limescale control product is produced in South Korea. Four packages are packaged in boxes, each of them is designed for one procedure.
  2. Top house. High-quality popular German-made product at an affordable price. Recommended for use with any descaling equipment. For one procedure, 100 g of substance will be sufficient.

    Top House Anti-scale

  3. The universal descaling agent. Russian-made products in a short time corrodes limescale in the washing machine. Descaling agent falls asleep into the washing machine into the powder tray. After that, you need to select the washing mode and turn on the electrical equipment. For quality care in order to remove all contaminants, it is necessary to use two packets of powder - 100 g each.

Anti-scale universal descaling agent

Such funds as Merloni, REDD-TVN, Bubble Ice, Filtero, Astonish are also considered effective, they can be used no more than once a year. When choosing such tools to combat limescale, before using them, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions. Substances such as Calgon and Alfagon are known, but they only soften water and do not remove limescale, therefore, it is recommended to use them only to prevent lime settling on the heating element.

Folk remedies for the fight against scum

The farm uses several safe methods, how you can deal with scale in a washing machine without store tools. Simple, but proven and effective methods and available tools come to the rescue.

To care for household appliances, housewives use such substances as:

  • table vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • citric acid with bleach;
  • vinegar and soda;
  • Coca Cola.

To clean electrical equipment from scale, any of these tools should be familiar with the features and rules for their use.

Vinegar cleaning

Using vinegar, it is possible to remove limescale and fungus. It is often formed during prolonged use of the washing machine without its regular cleaning. You can recognize it by the unpleasant smell from the drum.

To clean the machine with vinegar, follow these instructions:

  1. First you need to check the drum for things, then in the detergent drawer, pour 50 ml of vinegar.
  2. Set the washing machine to the longest mode at 90̊ C.
  3. When water gets into the car and the vinegar is diluted in it, press the pause and leave it for a while so that the heater remains in the water for a while.
  4. Then start the device and wait for the wash to finish.
  5. Open the door and clean the rubber seals with a cotton pad dipped in vinegar.
  6. For reliability, you can once again start the washing machine, setting it to fast mode at a temperature of 30 C. This time you do not need to add anything to the powder compartment, this washing is necessary in order to clean the machine of the remains of vinegar.
  7. After washing, leave the door open so that the drum dries well.

Do not forget about safety measures. Wear rubber gloves when working with vinegar.

Cleaning the washing machine with vinegar

Coca Cola

Coca-cola is a good cleaner for washing the machine. It is simple to use - it is enough to completely fill the powder tray with the drink and pour one and a half liters into the drum.

After that, you can already start the device by selecting the highest temperature. If you clean the equipment mechanically, place the heater at night in a Coca-cola drink.

The use of citric acid

The use of citric acid allows many housewives to quickly clean the washing machine of limescale.

Using this tool to clean the machine, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Make sure that the drum is empty, there is no clothes and linen, and close the door.
  2. Pour 4 tablespoons of citric acid into the powder tray.
  3. Turn on household appliances, set the highest temperature and the longest washing mode.
  4. Do not use spin, you can set an additional rinse so that citric acid is washed from the drum.
  5. After a while, it is advisable to pause the machine so that the heater remains in the citric acid solution longer. However, this step is optional.

Powder compartment filling with citric acid

The method has an important drawback - using a large amount of citric acid can damage the rubber elements of an electrical device.

Citric Acid with Bleach

In order to obtain a more effective composition, citric acid and bleach can be mixed. To clean the drum of the washing machine and the heater from lime, follow this step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place 2 packs (25 g each) of citric acid in a powder container. Pour 200 ml of bleach into the empty drum of the washing machine.
  2. Set the wash to intensive at 90 температуреC.
  3. At the end of the wash, set an extra rinse.

The method has its drawbacks. This is a sharp and strong smell of bleach, which is not only unpleasant, but also very harmful. In order not to breathe it, during the procedure, open windows in the house.

Instead of bleach, you can use chlorine-containing products - "Duckling", "Comet", White. The smell of these products is not as concentrated as that of pure bleach. It is important not to exceed the recommended amount of chlorine, otherwise it can ruin the rubber seals.

How to clean the powder compartment?

The powder tray is quickly contaminated, and over time you can notice limescale on it. To clean this component of the electrical device, it is necessary to dilute one and a half cups of table vinegar in 5 liters of water.

The powder compartment is carefully removed from the washing machine and placed in a prepared vinegar solution. They stand it for a day, and then with the help of a soft sponge they gently wash off the residual dirt.

You can clean this part of household appliances. using soda and vinegar. For such care, it is necessary to take these two components in the same amount and prepare a pulp consistency remedy. With the prepared paste, rub the powder compartment, leave for a day, and then gently wipe with a sponge. At the end of the procedure, it is rinsed with running water.

Mechanical cleaning

The mechanical method of descaling a washing machine is not as popular as using special products. It requires analysis of technology into individual elements, so it is most often used by professionals.

Mechanical descaling

Removing the formation mechanically has its advantages:

  1. Each element of household appliances - a drum and a heater, is cleaned separately, all limescale does not remain inside the machine.
  2. By disassembling the device into individual parts, it is possible to assess its condition, notice a malfunction and carry out repairs.

For mechanical cleaning, do not use a knife, file, sandpaper, metal brush, treating them with the surface of the heater or drum.

Why is it important to fight the scum?

When water is heated, salts, trace elements, rust microparticles that fall from water pipes settle on the components of the washing machine. Timely descaling will protect the washing machine from damage. With the formation of limescale on the details of household appliances, the efficiency of the heater decreases, and the energy consumption increases.

Limescale layer on the heating element

In addition, the limescale that covered the heater slows the rotation of the drum. Such changes in the operation of the machine can lead to serious damage. Proper care of household appliances is not only the removal of the already formed layer of salt deposits, but also the prevention of the problem.

How to eliminate scale formation?

In order to prevent lime settling, it is important to observe the following preventative measures:

  1. Install a magnetic transducer on the hose through which water is supplied to the washing machine. It prevents the sedimentation of salts on the heating elements contained in the water.
  2. During washing, in addition to powder, it is necessary to add special products to the machine that soften the water and prevent the deposition of limescale. In many powders, such substances are already included in the composition of the manufacturers.
  3. It is necessary to keep clean not only the inside of the device, but also the outside. Regularly - at least once a week, experts recommend wiping the rubber seal using a dishwashing detergent. It should be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and wipe the part with a sponge.

The use of preventive agents against scale

Now, knowing by what means it is possible to remove scale in the washing machine or to prevent its formation, it is possible to extend the operational life of household appliances.

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