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Options for placing a washing machine in the bathroom

In the age of high technology, we are accustomed to technical home helpers, which include washing machines in full. But they create a number of problems and inconveniences for us at the installation stage.

We consider the usable area for installation, think about the design and decide how and where to place the washing machine. Many people think that a washing machine in the bathroom is the best option. Perhaps this is the right solution for modern, large-sized rooms.

Photo: design of a bathroom with a washing machine. In this case, the emphasis is not only on the placement of equipment, but also on the color scheme of walls and household items.

However, how to attach a home assistant in a small area, for example, in Khrushchev. After all, most of our people do not live in spacious apartments, but in houses built in the last century. Let’s deal with this issue together.

We are looking for "living space" for a home assistant

Modern equipment designed for washing is not a small thing. Ideally, a separate laundry room and a room for drying things should be allocated for washing. But for these purposes, most people simply do not have enough space.

You can mount the machine in the kitchen, but there should dominate household appliances designed for cooking. In addition, you can not put the washing machine next to the products, and washing powder next to the food, agree.

You can consider installing the unit in the corridor or on the balcony, loggia. However, this will entail a number of measures for the reconstruction of the premises and additional costs associated with the installation of the electric network.

Most people tend to install a washing machine in the bathroom and are ready for radical changes and reconstruction of individual non-residential areas in order to obtain additional free centimeters. These sacrifices are for the same purpose: installing and installing a washing machine in the bathroom.

Photo: one of the options for installing a washing machine.

Let us, we plunge into the world of the technological process, and fantasize, on this subject.

Replacing the bath with a shower stall for the extra free space for the washing machine

This step, without exaggeration, can be called cardinal. The process involves dismantling the bath, re-equipping the water supply system and everything connected with it. Here it is necessary to calculate everything correctly and soberly weigh. For example, how many times do you and your family take a bath.

If adults live in the apartment, a shower will be enough. The decision in favor of the shower will make it possible to place washing equipment of almost any size with front or top loading of laundry.

In addition, a laundry cabinet or an electric towel drying system can be installed on the vacated area.

But, these are radical measures. There are other options, which will be discussed below.

Installing a washing machine under the countertop is the best option for placing household appliances in cramped conditions

The location of the household appliance under the countertop seems most acceptable. If a countertop is used to install the sink, then the washing machine will ideally be under it.Although, in this case, some reconstruction of the water supply system will be required.

Important! when performing installation work, leave a small gap between the washing machine and the countertop. Remember that the unit vibrates during operation.

If the machine does not fit into the style of the bathroom, it can be hidden from the eyes behind a screen or other structure, for example, a partition. And one more nuance.

It is desirable that the dimensions of the countertops slightly exceed the dimensions of the machine.

Using the wardrobe

Many houses have a built-in cabinet, which is located under the sink. It is there that you can hide (determine) equipment designed for washing clothes.

To do this, it is advisable to order furniture with opening doors. The cost of manufacturing the product is large, but the technique will harmoniously fit into the interior of the bathroom.

At the same time, you can leave the bath and not radically change the location of the main household items.

Installation of washing equipment under the sink

Photo: bathtub in Khrushchev with a washing machine installed. This is a compact placement option under the sink. Save space on your face.

Under the sink, the placement of a household appliance is considered one of the most successful options. It is only necessary to find a custom sized sink.

Such designs are in retail. In this case, all communications and a drain siphon will be hidden behind the machine. Sinks must be selected larger than the dimensions of the washer.

This will prevent the frequent ingress of moisture on the surface of the machine. The width and height of the washing machine it is advisable to choose taking into account protruding elements with small dimensions.

The door of the boot assembly should open frontally. The upper loading hatch is not suitable in this case.

Photo: the option of placing a conventional washing machine in the bathroom.

We use a built-in closet or a deep niche

Yes, and such an option, in cramped conditions, may do. In the niche, you can provide a separate shelf on which to install the machine. Doors will hide her. Today you can find special cabinets for household machines, where you can place not only appliances, but also store linen intended for the next wash.

About custom solutions today

Photo: Custom solutions today. The question arises: what is the coming day preparing for us?

If all the options have been exhausted, and the long-awaited assistant is still not in the house, you can decide on the purchase of construction equipment. It's about a compact washing machine. Today there is a production of super / compact models with loading up to 3 kilograms of laundry. They use gravity drainage, in the absence of a pump. A solid surface is required for installation: a brick or concrete wall. After all securely fasten the device and to prevent strong vibration of the unit in the operating mode.

If this option cannot be used for any reason, you should consider installing the unit in the toilet room. The machine can be built into a niche above the toilet.

But in any case, there are certain rules for installing a washing machine, which you must not only know, but also adhere to.

Installation nuances or safety instructions

It is important in the installation process to strictly adhere to certain rules. Compliance with safety precautions will save you further trouble. This applies to the location of not only individual objects whose angles extend beyond the mounting line. This also applies to the washing unit in terms of connection:

  • to an electric network;
  • sewers;
  • water supply.

Experts recommend using sockets with moisture protection in the bathroom. It is necessary to pay due attention to the organization of grounding, which will protect the equipment from power surges. Installation of the electrical part can be done independently, but it is better to entrust the work to professionals, experienced craftsmen.

Note! There are two components to the safe operation of the washing machine: grounding and floor waterproofing. This must be remembered.

As for the water supply. It can be organized through a separate output or branch in the main pipe, which goes into the bathroom. It is important to properly position the drain of dirty water.

It is not recommended that the machine be mounted very close to the sink and / or sink. These elements may affect the operation of the unit.

Possible mechanical damage must be considered. Protect equipment from mechanical deformation.

It is not recommended to lay on the surface of the machine foreign objects, including heavy ones. The fact is that under the thin upper part of the machine is electronics, and deflection can adversely affect its operation.

The machine should not interfere with the free passage, and the design should harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, even a small one.


The issue of installing a washing unit is not idle on the correct location of the equipment, including your daily mood. After all, it is with a visit to the bathroom that our working and / or day off begins. Knowing that getting to the washbasin will not be easy can affect your mood.

In addition, many people choose the bathroom as a technical area for installing the washing machine because it is convenient. After removing dirty clothes, you can immediately put them in the unit.

It is the bathroom that is the most hydro / isolated room. Even with the flow of water, it will not immediately leak to the lower floors.

The machine installed in the bathroom saves time on the washing process.

If you are not tired of the placement option, then you can combine the working space of the toilet and the washbasin. But then another problem will pop up: the queue for morning procedures, you understand what is at stake.

In any case, the decision on the placement of washing equipment is made by you. You have a responsibility, you will be faced with the equipment and work with it every day.

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