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How to remove and replace the pump in the washing machine?

All household appliances sooner or later fail, but if it is enough to replace a light bulb to repair an electric lamp, then to restore the operability of a complex device you will need

have enough free time and the minimum necessary level of knowledge. A washing machine is just such a product, so self-repair is fraught with many difficulties, especially in the case when this device must be disassembled for repair.

The washing machine pump often fails, and if this part cannot be repaired, it must be replaced. To perform such an operation need to disassemble the washing machine and remove the faulty drain device.

Washing machine drain

This operation must be carried out strictly in a certain sequence, so before proceeding with the removal of this part, you need to know exactly where the drain mechanism is and how its proper operation is carried out.

Drain pump: principle of operation

After the wash or rinse cycle, the electronic control unit sends a signal to the solenoid valve to activate the drain mechanism. Forced liquid removal is necessary to reduce the washing time, so the washing machine is equipped with a powerful pump that allows you to pump out the entire volume of liquid inside the machine’s tank for a short time.

To prevent small particles from entering the inside, the drain mechanism has a washing machine drain pump filter.

Washing machine drain filter

Thanks to reliable protection against the ingress of solid objects on the impeller, it is possible to achieve a long pump life, but if for some reason such a “fuse” does not work, then even a small plastic button that has fallen into the internal cavity can cause this part to fail.

If the draining of the machine stops working, it is necessary to check the pump for possible damage. How to check and replace, if necessary, the drain pump on the washing machine will be described later.

Symptoms of a washing machine pump malfunction

In order not to confuse other types of breakdowns of the washing machine with a pump malfunction, it is necessary to know the main signs by which it can be judged that the pump is out of order, or its life is coming to an end. Most often, such a malfunction manifests itself as follows:

  • The washing machine in the mode of draining dirty water is very noisy
  • The device is operating normally, but pumping fluid is too slow.
  • The pump is buzzing, but water does not leak at all.
  • The "drain" mode is turned on, but during the operation of the system, the water draining process is automatically turned off.

If at least one symptom of a malfunction is observed, its mandatory check is necessary. If the pump is clogged, then the cleaning carried out on time will allow you to fully restore the efficiency

of this detail. In order to make a diagnosis, you need to know where the pump is located at the washing machine.

Where is the pump located?

Finding the drain mechanism at the front wall of the machine

The drain mechanism can be located in various places of the household appliance. Its location depends on what brand of washing machine was purchased. The pump can be installed:

  1. In the back of the machine (Electrolux and Zanussi)
  2. Just behind the front cover (AEG, Bosch and Siemens)
  3. At the bottom of the machine (Whirpool, Samsung, Ariston, Beko, LG)

Having established the exact location of the drain unit, it is necessary to remove the part for inspection.

How to remove the pump?

To remove the pump, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Slotted and Phillips screwdrivers.
  • Set of wrenches.
  • Capacity for water.

Important! Before disassembling the housing of the washing machine, be sure to disconnect the device from the electrical network and turn on the water tap.

If you need to remove the device, which is located at the rear of the household appliance, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. In the lower part of the wall there is a special door, opening which you can get access to the filtering element of the drain device.

    The door behind which the filter is located

  2. Near the filtering elements is an emergency fluid drain hose. Even if the operation of the washing machine was completed in normal mode, you still need to carry out the removal of residual liquid, which is always present in the cavity of the pump and filter element.


  3. When water is drained into the prepared container, the drain filter cover is removed. To do this, it must be turned counterclockwise.
  4. Then, turning the pump also counterclockwise, it is pulled out from the side of the bottom cover. If the model is not equipped with a bottom cover, it is enough to tilt the washing machine and remove the drain device. When the cover is installed, it must first be removed by unscrewing the screws holding it.
  5. Branch pipes and electrical terminals are separated from the housing.

We remove the nozzles

When carrying out this operation, care must be taken not to damage the parts connected to the drain device. For easy and safe disconnection of the nozzles, the clamps are first loosened.

After removing the drain mechanism, you can begin to inspect and clean it. In washing machines with the pump in the front, the sequence of action is the same, but the drain mechanism, in this case, will be “hidden” under the powder tray.

Self repair pump

If the drain pump in the washing machine fails due to burnout of the electrical winding, then in this case, replacement of the part is necessary. In other cases, it is often possible to restore the complete operability of the device, for which, first of all, the impeller and filter should be cleaned. To clean the impeller, you will need to disassemble the device casing. Two halves of the working cavity of this part, as a rule, are fastened with 3 screws, so it is enough to unscrew the hardware fastening parts of the pump to gain access to the impeller.

We disassemble the drain device

The reason for the deterioration of the performance of the drainage mechanism, as well as the complete jamming of the working shaft, may be threads, hair or long hair. It is necessary to carefully inspect the impeller and shaft and, if such impurities are detected, clean them with a thin screwdriver. The inner part of the cochlea also needs to be wiped to remove soap deposits on its walls.

When the parts are cleaned, wash the two halves in water without dipping the engine. Then it is necessary to assemble the housing, connect the pipes and electrical terminals to it and install it in its original place.

When the installation process of the cleaned pump is completed, the machine is put into rinse mode and the drain mechanism is checked. If the device is operating normally, then no more

no measures are required; if it was not possible to repair the pump in this way, it is necessary to replace the electric drain pump in the washing machine.

How to replace a pump

It is not difficult to change the pump; it is enough to carry out the above steps to remove the device, then install a new part in its place. Installing a new device in compliance with

precautionary measures. All pipes and electrical terminals must be installed in the same way as they were located on the faulty device.

New replacement device

To replace it, it is best to use the original pump for a specific model, but if you can’t purchase a branded part, then install a universal model.

Such a pump is suitable for many washing machines, but it is sold without a cochlea, so if this part is damaged, then in the absence of a new model of a proprietary pump, it is necessary to find a faulty washing machine that will be used as a donor to remove a known-good drainage device.

When the new drain mechanism is put in place and connected to electricity and pipes, the test run of the machine in the “rinse” mode is performed. If there is no violation in the discharge of liquid, a household appliance can be used in normal mode.

How to prevent damage to the pump

Powder for automatic washing machines

A malfunction of the drain pump is easier to prevent than later repairing or replacing this part. The margin of safety of this device does not allow us to assume an early failure, but with

serious errors during operation, such a moment may occur during the first 3 years of using a household appliance.

Following a few simple rules will minimize the risk of such a breakdown. To extend the life of the drain device, you must:

  1. Use powder for automatic washing machines.
  2. Use filters for water purification, which will allow to pump liquid free of suspended particles.
  3. Clean the drain filter regularly.
  4. Wash clothes in a mesh bag, which will prevent thread-like parts from entering the fluid drain system.
  5. Wash dirt with adhering dirt in a basin.

Mesh bag for washing clothes

If you follow the above recommendations in practice, the amount of garbage falling into the drainage system of the washing machine will drop sharply and the pump will last much longer than in the case of irresponsible use of a household appliance.


How to remove and replace the pump from the washing machine is described in detail in this article, but if there is no experience in repairing such complex household appliances, then in order not to aggravate the complexity of the situation, it is better to use the services of official repair shops.

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