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Electric thread epilator: pros, cons and recommendations

The emergence of an electric filament epilator in the consumer market occurred relatively recently. But the use of the principle of its work has been observed since ancient times. And such a long-term use in itself speaks of high efficiency.

The thread has long been used for hair removal

Hair Removal Using Epilators

Removing hairs on the body using epilators is one of the most common ways to get rid of excess "vegetation" today. Its principle is to pull the hair with the root using tweezers, discs or strands of the device. Due to this, hair on the skin surface appears no earlier than two to four weeks after the procedure.

Find out, which epilator is better to choose - tweezers or disk.

The advantage of this method is the absence of the need to use additional cosmetics during the procedure. This not only helps to save significantly, but also ensures the impossibility of allergic reactions. But, like other methods of hair removal, the use of an epilator has its advantages, disadvantages and contraindications, which must be considered before performing the procedure.

Epilation allows the skin to remain smooth for two to four weeks.

Thread epilator

A filament epilator is a small-sized device consisting of a plastic case, a motor powered by a pair of ordinary galvanic batteries or through an adapter from an electric current network, and two metal antennas through which silk threads are stretched. Silk in this case was not chosen by chance: it is a natural environmentally friendly material with increased strength. In addition to the motor, a coil with a wound thread is located inside the device.

When the epilator is turned on, the metal antennas begin to move and begin to alternately approach and diverge. The thread is twisted and untwisted. The location relative to the skin of the device should be such that the hair on it falls into the lumen between the threads, which will ensure their capture with subsequent removal.

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The correct arrangement of threads during operation is the key to a quality result

Advantages, disadvantages and contraindications when using a thread epilator

Like other electrical appliances designed to remove hair, a filament epilator has several advantages, the main of which include:

  • fast hair removal due to the high speed of rotation of the threads. Compared to the manual method using tweezers, tens of times more hair is pulled out in one minute, and the procedure execution time is significantly reduced;
  • the ability to use for any area of ​​the body, including the eyebrow area;
  • maximum efficiency, as the threads capture and pull out hairs of any length and thickness. In particular, this can be felt during the procedure on the face, where in most cases the “vegetation” is a thin and soft fluff;
  • long-lasting effect, which is provided by pulling out the hairs with the root. Hair begins to grow no earlier than two to four weeks after the procedure;
  • there is no need to use additional products, such as wax, sugar or sugar foam, shaving gel, which, in turn, can cause an allergic reaction;
  • practicality, which, in addition to the hairs, the thread during operation also removes the upper keratinous layer of the skin, so that it becomes softer and more elastic, and the risk of hair ingrowth is significantly reduced.

Check out characteristics and choose the best epilator for the bikini area and legs.

The main disadvantages of using an electric filament epilator are:

  • the complexity of the process, which simultaneously requires a certain experience. If mistakes are made when performing hair removal, then the hair will not be pulled out, but broken off, which will lead to very quick regrowth. In addition, breaking off hair, as well as shaving it, will inevitably lead to the growth of stiffer and darker “vegetation”;
  • in the process of hair removal, a thread cannot be made errors in the technique of execution;
  • soreness of the procedure;
  • lower efficiency when pulling out very thick hair, which after interacting with the thread does not break out and does not break off, but remains in place;
  • possible skin irritation and the appearance of ingrown hairs in it.

The main contraindications for using a thread epilator are:

  • the presence on the treated area of ​​the skin of warts, papillomas and moles, which in the process of performing work can be injured;
  • the presence on the skin of inflammation, trauma, as well as manifestations of chronic skin diseases, which include psoriasis or eczema;
  • phlebeurysm;

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  • infectious or viral diseases;
  • heart disease and cardiovascular system.

With extreme caution, women who are in a position or who are breast-feeding a child should conduct the trading. This is primarily due to the fact that hair removal causes pain during use, which leads to stress, which can negatively affect the condition of the fetus, and also lead to loss of lactation or its reduction.

Helpful information: which is better - epilator or depilator?

During pregnancy, use a thread epilator with extreme caution

Possible consequences when using a thread epilator

If hair removal is performed according to all necessary rules and a person before using the epilator made sure that he does not have all contraindications, then the only possible consequences of the procedure can be skin irritation and hair ingrowth. In most cases, irritation is manifested by the appearance of small red spots on the surface of the skin, the number and duration of which depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Ingrown hair is a process that is characterized by the inability of a weakened hair to grow up. This occurs due to the fact that after pulling out the hair with the root, its structure changes, it becomes less thick and hard and cannot break through the most durable upper layers of the skin, on which keratinized particles are present. At the same time, its growth does not stop, but continues to the side, which leads to inflammation.

Read also: pros and cons of using a photoepilator.

Recommendations for proper use and care

Before epilation, you need to steam the skin

To reduce the risk of irritation and ingrown hair, it is necessary to properly care for the skin both before and after hair removal, as well as follow the basic recommendations during the procedure. Immediately before starting to use a filament epilator to remove hair, it is necessary to steam the skin well, wipe the treated area with alcohol or an antiseptic and, after drying, sprinkle a thin layer of talcum powder.The need for these processes is explained by the fact that steaming maximizes the pores, making it easier for hair to leave its follicle, antiseptic minimizes the possibility of infection, and talcum powder degreases the hairs.

Using talcum oil will degrade

After the procedure is completed, a moisturizing or soothing cream is applied to the treated skin area. If any injuries occur, it is necessary to treat the damaged area and apply a composition with a healing effect. In addition, in the interval between hair removal periodically you need to use means for peeling or a hard washcloth or brush. This will allow time to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, which subsequently ensures the absence of ingrown hair.

Periodically between treatments, it is advisable to use a scrub


The only current model of an electric filament epilator is the Bradex Intex device. Its cost is quite acceptable, but at the same time it allows you to eliminate all unwanted vegetation on the body in a matter of minutes. After using it, the skin becomes soft and smooth.

In addition to the main device, the Bradex Intex kit includes a silk spool and network adapter. For greater convenience, when using it, you can use the built-in backlight. Mostly it is used for the face, as well as other parts of the body with more sensitive skin.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with mechanical epilator for the face.

Bradex Intex

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